Kapitel 65
The team went back to the van in which three colleagues kept the equipment in view, and outlined the results of the exploration on a plan. Besides the vans were no hot spots are identified in addition to the target course. There was still disagreement about how to proceed. The clock showed 20 minutes before 22.00 clock. The access was imminent.
"I think we should go behind your back over the gardens and ignore the van for now." Suggested Paul. Eva vehemently disagreed, however.
"no. I stand by my opinion. Only the van, then the target object. We know nothing about the truck. We are not sure if and how many possible guards are on site and can not afford, during the action to be surprised. A gun battle would be inevitable, and thus a loss of the target. We can not depend on this! "
" But just because we know nothing about the van, we should ignore him. Over the garden, we come to the house silently, and can use the gardens as silently disappear, without firing a shot. Mehmet, what do you mean? "
Mehmet was torn. He had watched the house and the van a long time through his telescope.
"The van is not large. Some pieces with a maximum stay two to three people. More would have to be stacked. The doors are almost certainly, any attempt to open it would be noticed and alerted the people in it. It will not be so easy to increase the high. On the other hand, I am fully in Eva. We can not afford to ignore the car completely. "
"If we had another 20 men would, no problem."
"We have to do with what we have here. I already have an idea. We are to share. We need to strike quickly, we must strike hard and we must be gone before the shit is steaming on. "
When Mehmet explained in detail his plan, he received general support and urged to leave. The teams split up. Eva and Alexander rushed into position to go, while Mehmet led the rest of the squad. As of Paul proposed that suggested they continue towards the parallel street to possess the object over the garden. When they arrived at the house, it was ten minutes before 22.00 clock.
The men checked their equipment again. In addition to the weapons and bulletproof vests have been created in black, the thick jackets stowed in the car. Instead, they wore the equipment visible on the body. The risk was discovered to be calculated at the time to be hampered by the risk of camouflage, many times higher. The men took the balaclava over his face. It was five minutes before 22.00 clock.
Mehmet ging in den offenen Garten und schlich am Haus entlang. Der Garten war leer, ein von Blattwerk befreiter Baum stand darin und ein paar kahle Büsche standen am Zaun. Aus dem Haus kam kein Licht, die Rollläden waren geschlossen und das Haus still. Mehmet ging weiter bis zum Zaun und sah in den Garten des Zielobjekts. Durch die Terrassentür war ein schwaches Licht erkennbar und im oberen Stockwerk brannte in einem dem Garten zugewandten Zimmer ebenfalls Licht. Schwere Vorhänge ließen aber keine Blicke nach innen zu.
Mehmet signalisierte Paul und Manfred aufzuschließen. Die beiden liefen geduckt durch den Garten und standen versetzt am Zaun. Nachdem sie aufgeschlossen hatten, observierte Mehmet den Garten, konnte darin aber nichts Auffälliges bemerken. Das schwache, durch die Terrassentür scheinende, Licht, musste aus einem der nach vorne zugewandten Zimmer kommen. Ein leichtes Flackern deutete darauf hin, dass es sich um das Wohnzimmer handeln könnte. Mehmet sah auf die Uhr. Es war eine Minute vor 22.00 Uhr.
Auf sein Signal hin, sprangen die Männer über die Mauer und bewegten sich schnell, aber geduckt, auf das Haus zu. Mehmet bezog Stellung vor der Terrassentür, spähte nach innen, während Paul und Manfred das gleiche an den Fenstern taten. Die Zimmer waren dunkel und menschenleer. Die Ausstattung bestand aus schweren, etwas altmodischen Solid wood furniture in the style of the 80s. It was 22.00 clock. Access.
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