Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Diaper Punishment For Bad Man

Chapter 69 Chapter 68

Chapter 69

The capitulation of the Defense Ministry came as a surprise. Paul's doubts were dispelled by the burgeoning good mood slightly to work. After the departure of Defense took over the Interior Minister die Ämter und setzte einen neuen, ihm direkt unterstellten Innenminister ein, der forthin die Geschicke des Amtes leiten sollte. Den Generälen wurde das Angebot unterbreitet, ihren Diensteid auf den neuen Verteidigungsminister zu schwören, oder unter militärischen Ehren und vollen Dienstbezügen abzutreten.

Über 90 % der obersten Dienstränge nahmen das Angebot wahr und beschlossen, dass sie dem Land auch unter neuer Führung dienlich sein mussten, dass sie es nicht leisten konnten, Deutschland und seine Bürger jetzt im Stich zu lassen und dass sie die einzigen waren, die Deutschland in der Krise beschützen könnten. So gesehen kehrte langsam back tranquility. His first measure, the employees of all security and counterintelligence were placed under the Interior Ministry.

For the new defense minister castrated but apparently his own power but was still under the Interior Ministry, and thus the total power in the country. There was talk even jokingly, that he would occupy in the short or long the post of defense minister also elsewhere and soar on the basis of new legislation on temporary sole ruler.

Paul found it funny and not even in the context of the possible, presented the defense minister but currently the highest official is to be clothed in Germany, with absolute power over all areas. Decisions did not have to be verified or approved, and new laws could be decided overnight. The governments of the provinces were only staffage and were used only for the sake of appearances. Who knows the military and police united behind him, can govern this country.

For the police the events were basically positive. The rosters were equalized, and many security tasks can be delegated to the Bundeswehr. Breaks were taken and overtime to be removed. Paul had das Glück, zwei Wochen Urlaub am Stück genießen zu können. Das heißt, er hätte sie genießen können, wenn das Wetter mitgespielt hätte. Stattdessen setzte nass kaltes Wetter mit gelegentlichem Frost über Nacht ein.

Paul wollte die nächsten Tage nicht weiter auffallen und teilte dies auch Horst mit. Dies und das, was er von Bruno erfahren hatte. Horst warnte Paul vor Bruno, erklärte ihm, dass der alles für seine Karriere machen würde und er sich vorsehen solle. Paul bedankte sich und verabschiedete sich auf dem Revier. Bei den meisten Kollegen kam wenig Neid auf. Sommer, Sonne, Party und Meer waren aufgrund der aktuellen Lage unmöglich and Germany ruled the bad weather.

Paul decided to use the time to visit his family and hold to three weeks, the feet still. Furthermore, he would use the time to cure his headache, but without the constant need to resort to painkillers. Perhaps he would also go to the police psychiatrist, to reappraise the events of recent weeks, or explain to a date with his colleague Martin.

When Paul left the station, he noticed that many colleagues had dropped by a dominant strain for weeks. Many Colleagues were standing around, chatting and laughter rang through the corridors. About the courses in which the last few weeks have been mostly muted conversations made or colleagues without a word to each other vorbeihuschten. The knot had burst, the atmosphere dissolved and a general positive attitude everywhere apparent.

Despite his reservations, Paul could not help but get carried away when the mood. When the leave of the district also tore open the sky and sun rays through the clouds found a way, Paul forgot for a moment all the shit the last few weeks. For a moment the world seemed all right be, for a moment everything was normal and good, for this one moment it was worth it to survive.

got to go Paul Still in his mobile phone from his pocket and turned it on, and even as he wondered who he could call, the unit vibrated to indicate incoming messages. One, two, three ... Paul heard counting on. At the end 11 missed calls and eight text messages were displayed. Paul thought for a moment, when he had turned his mobile phone for the last time and could not really remember.

He opened the inbox and found news of his mother and his cousin. He opened the first of his cousin and found the petition for recall. The second also, with the only indication that it was urgent. In the third, she begged Paul to formally to sign up and when he opened the news of his mother, he realized why. transformed from one moment to the next, of the still perceived as so normal day to something abysmally evil, a monster that seemed to devour Paul.

His eyes turned again and again at the display, as he would trust that the message would change. But the news remained the same. Paul please call back. your father was yesterday admitted to hospital is the night and died today. I love your mother "Paul fought back tears on so long it was, but then had to admit defeat and broke out on the street in tears.


Book 1 - Twilight - is now complete. For Volume 2, I've already prepared the next chapter.

Every end is a new beginning. Thanks to all readers, I hope you are also the next "book" with it. More on that tomorrow.


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