Kapitel 60
The two men met before the department. When Paul came out of the building, Bruno was already at the door and enjoyed the rays of the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon. Paul Bruno went up to him and greeted him with a gesture.
"Have you left your phone at your place?"
"Yes, but I have no idea what to do that."
"Trust me."
"What is the here?
"Be still, and come with ."
via a Side street with Paul Bruno went in the direction of the nearest metro station. After 20 meters, he quickened his step and Paul meant to follow him. In the end both ran and fell down the stairs to the mezzanine. Once at the bottom and waited and watched Bruno concentrates the following people. imports as a subway, he called Paul quickly to follow him, fell down and jumped up with Paul in the last car, while the doors closed.
"What was that now?"
"Wait. I want to be alone with you. "
Paul stared at Bruno. His superior was it gradually creeps. After the call was made less than an hour, he was invited as an excuse for a coffee and was now playing James Bond in the Munich subway system. Two stations later, Bruno Paul moved out of the car while the doors closed. He quickly went ahead and Paul had trouble following the fast pace. After ten minutes, and several hooks they reached an open area where a wall was erected. Construction site noise penetrated across. Bruno had to speak up.
"So here we are in our midst."
"What should be the same?"
"We are not sure Paul. They monitor uns. Der militärische Geheimdienst wurde zur Inlandsüberwachung herangezogen und ein Schwerpunkt ist momentan die Überwachung der Polizei. Frag mich nicht, woher ich das weiß, ich darf es dir nicht sagen. Ich weiß auch, dass du weißt, dass die gestrige Tat in Verbindung mit der Bundeswehr steht, aber ich bin mir noch unsicher, ob die das wissen.“
„Verdammt. Aber was sollte das mit den Handys und der U-Bahn und warum sind wir hier?“
„Ich glaube, dass unsere Diensträume überwacht werden. Unsere Telefone werden es mit Sicherheit. Über die Mobiltelefone lässt sich unser Standort orten und ich habe keinen Bock, überraschend to have visitors. I do not know if they shade us already, but I wanted to play it safe. "
" Ok ... "
" Here we are safe. Even if they find us, the construction site noise will make the directional microphones useless. Paul ... I want you to listen to me. I do not know how much you know, I do not know what you've been rhyming together, but we're in the shit. The change of government was in fact a coup by the Home Office and the Foreign Ministry. Both ministries were now in the Clinch and responsibilities to the future management. "
"That's what I already thought."
"Ok, I know you have to Horst Mewes contact. Horst is monitored for some time, because he is suspected of spreading seditious ideas. As part of this, you have also monitored. "
" Yes, my phone is tapped. "
" Not just yours. As supervisor of Horst I stand under observation. I also was asked to keep an eye Horst, contacts share and pay attention to the statements he is in the service of itself. "
" Ok ... and how you stand it? Which side are you on? "
" I'm on the side of reason. Our current government came to power illegally, but we need a strong government at the moment. There comes a huge shit on us and we have no time to dwell on internal power struggles. "
" But what's going there right now ... "
" What's going on right now just sucks, no question. That's why I wanted to talk to you. I have no problem with it, if you shit the government takes over, but we have to stick together now. We must ensure that we are now be ousted. We must ensure that the Department of Defense, the country tear completely under the nail. "
" And how do we do that? They have an army, and we? "
" We have to play to our strengths. The Armed Forces have men, weapons and heavy equipment, but our people are on the streets. Our people occupying key positions and our people can quickly access. Paul. Are you on our side? "
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