With Zombies from Outer Space enters a tribute to the B-movie of the 50s, enriched with Items from the home movie, the stage. With aliens. And zombies. Alien zombies. Of course there are doing to me with a few questions that I answered Martin Hager patiently and willingly.
Hello Martin, hello and thank you for the first time that you are my questions have been unqualified. To my shame I must admit that I have just heard for the first time by the project. Who are the main initiators behind the film?
main initiators are writer-director Martin Falter Meier, Martin Hager, Barbara and Sebastian Schmidt.
because you knew you before, or did you get to know the project?
We knew each other before, but have taken regardless of any media-related careers and a wide circle of friends from the film industry professionals and film enthusiasts.
we use to have so we teamed up together in a project of this potential.
ZFOS is because your first film, or could you collect it in other projects experience?
Zombies from Outer Space is not the first film of the Fear4You crew, but we have made in this project, the highest professional demands on us. was
What projects are there for then before ZFOS?

Is the title of the film is a direct reference to the trash classic Plan 9 From Outer Space?
Absolutely! When Martin Falter Meier years before this cult film by Ed Wood - looked, he liked the idea to bring the dead back to non-human, but aliens - ie "Zombies from Outer Space ". have
Which films you for (still) influenced?
ZFOS based mainly on B-movies of the '50s like" The Day The Earth Stood Still "," Invaders from Mars "and of course" is what we feel is just an A-movie. But the influence of the Romero films from the 60s and 70s ("War of the Worlds Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead ") can not deny. As a counterpoint inspired our German home movies like" The King Edelweiss "or" Erin fish from Lake Constance "from the German cinema of the 50s.
latter is already strong stuff! The title itself sounds to me now strongly of beer, spirits, brandy or idea which was realized as a surprise. As can be imagined as onlookers in the brainstorming?

Yes, there will be CGI effects, yet no one has CGI aliens to fear trudge through CGI landscapes, we use in our film on a balanced mix handmade and computer-generated effects and set the latter a rather rare.
If it were not there been faithful template to work with models on thin cords?
We want these films have not ridicule or 1:1 copy. We're making a movie in the tradition of the B-Movie Maker in the 50s. That is the limited funds available to us, the maximum rauszuholen - is required today, the computer animation. But do not worry, the film is funny enough without nylon threads.

German film adheres so usually something "German" which often seem hüftsteif, tense and hard. Even the most successful of the "battering ram" has something about him that immediately distinguishes him as a German film, apart of it that he plays in Berlin. What do you think why is that, do you want to avoid this in your film, if so how and if not, why?
De Broduzendn san yes OISS bred Niedabayern Eiso's is' a really a Niederboarischer Fuim. Samma mia do 'a ned and aso scho a hama' a bor Hüft'n schwing'a lass'n.
(Translation: Yes, because we made Lower Bavaria.)
are foreign, ie non-Bavarian, offered viewers optional subtitles?
(Translation: In fact, we are aware and are for people who do not speak the Bavarian, offer appropriate subtitles)
Do you have the movie completely out of pocket and with investors financed, or after being the media supported by a fund?
Ja wir finanzieren uns ausschließlich über unsere eigene Tasche und Sponsoring. Wir sind eine Independent Produktion, das heißt minimales Budget und viel Arbeit. Dafür hat man aber alle Freiheiten, die man sonst nicht hätte. Es war uns einfach wichtig, unsere Geschichte möglichst unabhängig zu erzählen. Eine komplette Vorfinanzierung eines Filmes aus einer Hand ist natürlich toll, es kann aber auch ein Improvisationshemmer sein. Not macht bekanntlich ja erfinderisch.
Respekt, vor allem wenn man sieht, welcher Mist teilweise mit Medienfonds finanziert wird. Welchen Film würdet ihr want to do because if you had the necessary financial means to do so?
We're full of creative ideas, unfortunately we get in trouble with the Alien Board if we divulge any details.
pity, but understandable. Who wants trouble with the alien Council? Is there at least have a release date, or at least an approximate time period from which we can expect the film?
"Zombies from Outer Space" is this year various film festivals all over Europe presented. We want to show the movie then in selected cinemas. But even now there are some cinemas that have requested from us, and where the film will be shown then definitely. Then we plan next year is also a DVD release.
'm In interviews with the band I always end up asking for the three albums for the island. What would be your three films for a desert island?
Island of Terror - Death monsters are attacking,
This Island Earth,
Woodoo - Schreckensinsel der Zombies
This interview may be quoted with reference to its source.
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