Chapter 68
Es ist scheiße kalt draußen. Der nahende Frühling hat uns einen Streich gespielt und kurz vor Frühlingsbeginn die Temperaturen kräftig sinken lassen. Menschen frieren. Wer nicht noch einen vollen Öltank im Keller stehen hat, hat Pech gehabt. Heizöl wurde genau wie Erdgas streng rationiert. Die deutschen Erdgaslagerstätten sind fast leer und Nachschub kommt nur tröpfelnd. Die Nachrichten berichten darüber, dass die meisten russischen Erdgasförderstätten zwischenzeitlich überrannt wurden.
Der Nachschub aus anderen Ländern ist far from sufficient, and even if there are already efforts, to obtain natural gas from other sources, we will face at least another cold winter. We are lucky. Our heating oil tank was filled before the major crisis came. This year we are still sleeping in the warmth, but in the coming winter I will think better not. The rage these days are definitely electric furnaces and in many places already sold.
At least the electricity is still flowing from the sockets. We owe the nuclear energy. The strengthening of nuclear energy is one of the things that has been our interim government written large on the flags. Apparently you have it written on the flag to cover the Department of Defense with scorn and disgrace. The largest daily newspaper in the country then celebrated his resignation in accordance with the words "Today is a Good day.".
No one knows where did the mood change. After the transitional government was formed, the two ministries have not tired it, to praise each other in the sky until the mood pivoted around a few days ago. Reportedly, there were differences of opinion, members of soldiers reported that there had been gun battles between police and units of the Bundeswehr. An absurd Thought I did not pursue further.
I get up, close the window and go to the kitchen. My wife is there and brews just for a coffee. I agree with me and my broth to a strong coffee. The nightmares I can barely sleep through the night, and as the bags under my eyes. Almost every night I wake up sweating, sometimes screaming, on. I'm about to see a psychiatrist, but I fear an idiot.
With coffee in hand I shuffle into the living room. My son plays on the floor with his dinosaurs and I am always amazed that the little energy in applying the crack of dawn already. I shuffle on to the couch, put the cup on the table and sit down. My wife just sips her coffee. Outside, the wind whipped sleet against the window and the trees swaying in the wind.
I am glad that weekend, and I can now stay in the house. When the weather is chasing a dog out the door and I certainly will not. Those who are out there to be whipped by the wind and sometimes seem to have trouble staying on his feet. My wife asks me if I again had a nightmare that I affirm. Would actually meine Antwort überflüssig, bin ich doch wieder schreiend aufgewacht.
Meine Frau bittet mich, doch endlich Hilfe aufzusuchen. Bittet mich, mich in Behandlung zu geben, weil es so nicht weitergehen könne. Ich habe schreckliches gesehen und kann das nicht alleine verarbeiten. Ich würde nicht nur mich, sondern meine ganze Familie damit belasten. Ich könne so nicht weitermachen. Es ist dieselbe Ansprache, wie fast jeden Tag, seitdem ich von den Albträumen heimgesucht werde. Es ist wie ein Mantra, wie ein Morgenritual.
Das Brüllen meines Sohns reißt mich aus meinen Gedanken. Sein Tyrannosaurus attacks the Triceratops and on the floor of our living room a roaring battle breaks out for life and death. Even millions of years after they died out in these prehistoric creatures still fighting for survival, I think to myself laugh and based on the absurd thoughts about myself. Some time I watch my son and witnessed the triumph of Triceratops.
The weaker triumphed over the stronger. Whether the fight would have ended like millions of years ago? Whether the Triceratops would indeed by its horns the sharp fangs of the Tyrannosaurus Paroli could offer? Can we We offer people that stand up to those infected? What can align our weapons against beings that are already dead? What we use airplanes, helicopters, aircraft carriers and weapons of mass destruction now? Against whom should we use them?
We build great walls and a hedgehog us down dead while the world around us. We stash food and prepare as well as possible before the inevitable. Eventually, the disease will be at our door and eventually we will face the need. Eventually the time will come when the news programs the card around us recolor red or black. I get cold and I'm back alone with my thoughts.
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