Chapter 67
The campaign was a complete success. Within half an hour, the police succeeded in a Germany-wide action as well as all generals or their families to get hold of. The prisoners were in secret locations scattered throughout the country and interned. The army was thus controlled. The enlisted men were hardly in a position to carry out a widespread operation, the armed forces so that a headless lion.
generals, which you could not get hold of, were blackmailed with their families. A perfidious plan, but needed to maintain the unity of the country. Course was you aware that it would take the generals later to coordinate the defense of the country. Nevertheless we saw in the leadership cadre of the Ministry of Interior no other way. Once the Defense Department was taken over, one would have to take care of it.
Now that the Bundeswehr was removed from power, it was to dismiss the defense minister of his duties. Still guarded heavily armed KSK troops specially created Ministry and still did not want to go to a direct confrontation. Instead they started to spread to previously undisclosed information about the Defense of the media. Like a toothless tiger was the defense minister, however powerless.
Gradually, information was scattered, the harm the reputation of the minister. At the same time tried to broke now horizontal command structure of the Bundeswehr with key personnel from the Federal Police to be filled, which was only partially successful, and the result was that the Bundeswehr split gradually into two camps, because it was a few generals, a temporary command structure set up with lower grades.
The situation in the country was confused and the atmosphere explosive. A spark could cause the barrel to explode and the country sink in the civil war. Nothing of all this penetrated to the population. Was sedated with bread and games. Food rations were increased temporarily, and created media distraction, have been discredited in the people and were executed more or less public media.
the Defense Ministry was clearly on the defensive. Without control over the media and without the widespread support of the armed forces in the medium term no large-scale action was possible. After just three days because of the first signals came from the Ministry that it was ready for talks to find a solution to the country together wieder in eine Spur zu bringen, um gemeinsam das große Ziel weiterzuverfolgen.
Das Innenministerium sah das anders. Das Verteidigungsministerium sollte ab sofort dem Innenministerium unterstellt werden, die Generäle dem Innenminister verpflichtet. Der Vorschlag wurde postwendend abgelehnt. Ein von den meisten Generälen in Gefangenschaft unterzeichneter, offener Brief an das Verteidigungsministerium, in dem darum gebeten wurde, die Zukunft des Landes und nicht die eigene Position im Auge zu behalten, wurde als Verrat am Lande abgetan, die Generäle ihres Amts enthoben und in Abwesenheit wegen Hochverrats eine lebenslange Haft gemäß Notstandsverordnung ausgesprochen.
Paul felt after the action is not good. He felt abused and condemned the actions of the police, his own approach, as criminal and unethical. Even if that was the only way to move back down to the Ministry of Defence, the police were wrong. Should this be the future of Germany? An even stronger turn towards the wrong state? Better suppression as a zombie? Paul shook himself as if he could thus shake off the guilt.
Intern spoke of self-defense, of self-defense. Similar to the self-defense had been extraordinary means taken to protect the country to protect harm to the Home Office and police to preserve as a whole from external interference. A travesty, given the fact that they performed the self-emptive strike against the military, and this has overthrown overnight.
Paul's boss, Bruno Herling was satisfied, however. Although the takeover still dragged on, the objectives were achieved and in some cases even exceeded. High-ranking generals were partially abducted from highly secured areas, thanks to the GSG9 units and helicopters, the entire defense system was shut down, before he could react. With around 90 dead and 245 injured on beiden Seiten, blieben die menschlichen Verluste auch noch im Rahmen des vertretbaren. Zumindest im vertretbaren dessen, was sich das Innenministerium zusammen mit den Landesinnenministerien als Ziel gesetzt hatte.
Gegenüber der Bevölkerung wurde der komplette Vorfall als Akt der Terrorbekämpfung verkauft. Als Akt zur Sicherung des Landes vor zerstörerischen Umtrieben und gegen die Schwächung der Verteidigungsbereitschaft, durchgeführt von Kräften der Polizei und der Landesverteidigung. Und die Menschen glaubten es bereitwillig, glaubten den Medien und ihren Vertretern und waren durch nichts in ihren Glauben an die oberste Landesführung zu erschüttern.
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