Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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Granted, the ratio of job seekers for placement voucher was ever a better one. However, because there are very effective in the core of this labor market policy instrument, but because a large, a very large proportion of the unemployed by the state receives for absolutely no access to the paper. From a design flaw in the early days of 2002, which admittedly represented for dishonest contemporaries a license to print money, was on a regimented process that excludes a significant number of job seekers from the outset by the intervention of private employment agencies.
addition to all other associations of private employment agencies did in the past und Gegenwart insbesondere der mitgliederstärkste Verband " Ring der Arbeitsvermittler e.V ," darin hervor, bei Politik und Bundesagentur gegen die ständige Verschärfung der Zugangsregeln (von denen kreative Agenturen und ARGEN auch gern mal schnell eigene erfinden) zu intervenieren.
Nun, die Arbeit scheint Früchte zu tragen, denn wie der Bundesvorstand des RdA veröffentlichte, ist eine Erleichterung des Zuganges zum VGS im neuen Koalitionsvertrag festgeschrieben:
Zitat: "Die Koalition wird deshalb Voraussetzungen dafür schaffen, dass neue Lösungsansätze wie z. B. die „Bürgerarbeit“ oder marktgerecht ausgestaltete Vermittlungsgutscheine ab Beginn unemployment can be tested. "
This eliminates the pointless waiting periods, also had to submit to a job seeker in order of unemployment ever to come into the enjoyment of a voucher. Originally, the waiting period (currently 2 months) introduced to the to provide federal agency in providing a competitive advantage by exclusive access to the so-called market customers, who get easy-to-place short-term unemployed.
only hope that the new scheme will be implemented soon, in times of huge bankruptcies ala source is an instant access of those concerned for private employment with security more effective than the installation von Arbeitslosigkeitverwaltungsaußenstellen in vewaisten Lagerhallen.
Friday, October 2, 2009
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Das ist ja mal eine völlig unerwartete Nachricht - nach Auslaufen der Abwrackprämie bricht der Umsatz mit kleinen Autos zusammen. So meldet es die Zeitung mit den vier großen Buchstaben heute morgen und ausnahmsweise mache ich mir über die Glaubwürdigkeit dieser Meldung trotz des Herausgebers keinerlei Sorgen. Das war doch logischer, als das Amen in der Kirche und wer sich jetzt erschrocken hinstellt und vielleicht sogar weitere Hilfen anfordert, sollte vielleicht mal auf seinem Konto nachschauen, ob die Gewinne aus dem Zusatzgeschäft "Abwrackprämie" nicht noch irgendwo herumoxydieren zum Zwecke des Überdauerns absehbarer bad times. And who has not seen before coming sales peak periods, who has missed his calling as an entrepreneur.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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It is another nail in the coffin for the SPD in Germany. The Thuringian Social Democrats favor a grand coalition - a coalition that at least more than half the voters did not want to just Thuringia. And to be the only, assuming the voters of the CDU and FDP, a CDU / SPD government, which should surely be more than utopian. So we can assume that the majority of voters in Thüringen * no * grand coalition wants.
Hatred Matschie on the left rival, which it in der Wählergunst uralt aussehen ließ, scheint tief zu sitzen. Der Wählerwille in Thüringen besagt, daß die konsvervatien Parteien künftig in die Opposition gehören sollen - aber einem Matschie ist das wohl egal - wenn er nicht regieren kann, soll es auch kein Linker tun, eine andere Intention, als der Trotz eines Dreikäsehochs ist bei der Entscheidung, eine Koalition mit der CDU zu förden, nicht erkennbar.
Und da wundert sich die SPD, wenn ihr die Wähler fernbleiben? Warum soll ein Thüringer noch SPD wählen, wenn seine Wahlerwartungen im Appendix einer CDU-dominierten Koalition sowieso hinten runter fallen werden? Matschies Dickkopf wird der ohnehin sinkenden Popularität der Sozialdemokraten well prove a further disservice.
Source and further information here.
Monday, September 28, 2009
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Sun now so it's officially the big cuddle and Scharchveranstaltung is over, the SPD falls through the floor and shows its current political superfluity now officially while collecting Trittin, Westerwelle and Lafontaine gratefully behind reflected voters . As far as the overall picture - but as opposition stinks (especially the former ruling parties, hehe), we look forward, what we are as given: Black-Yellow: This is reminiscent of the long-forgotten time of the Genscherwitze (Meet two aircraft, both sits Genscher, ha, ha) but also to the energetic failure of the Kohl government, which has us finally to the Schrödinger (Get me a bottle of beer brewed once).
Well, then again, a black-yellow coalition, and even on election night, the first Fall-Downs by Guido. Asked if he would keep his campaign promises, not with the CDU / CSU to form a coalition, if the health fund will not be abolished, wall and bent it like an eel to keep the answer ultimately guilty. That reminds me of a smooth now abgewatschte Münte, it was unfair at the time to be measured after the election the truth of his campaign promises. Yes, no, clearly is. Perhaps even now he gets a new job as a PR consultant for Guido ...
Ich bin, gerade als FDP-Wähler, jedenfalls sehr gespannt, was eine "starke FDP" nach den Koalitionsverhandlungen noch übrig behält vom hehren Wahlprogramm. Schaun mer mal.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
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Nein, hier folgt jetzt kein hochintelligenter und journalistisch wertvoller Beitrag über die Wahl und Ihre Mechanismen. Nur eine kurze Erinnerung an alle, die mit Argumentationshilfen, wie
'die da oben machen eh was sie wollen'
'die wollen nur unser Geld'
'wenn Wahlen was ändern würden, wären sie verboten'
und ähnlichen Stammtischgejammer Ihre eigene Faulheit kaschieren wollen. Die Faulheit, sich Gedanken um die politische Zukunft des Landes zu machen or move to the laziness, the ass from the Furzmulle - that's all the same. But remember:
will select only those who may afterwards complain too!
And now made out of bed and crosses. Half a day is still time.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
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is so happy in the discussion of party joke of Guido and his troops. Fun party, falling over, Party of earners (the biggest own goal in the history of the party marketing). Nevertheless, in the sleep therapy group of the national party campaign gladiators, Guido is doing with his entourage emerged as the pleasant open formulated with clear announcements of participants and logical reasoning. I admit I belong to the yellow stem voters anyway, but this time I have for the first time also Westerwelle election method can approve. Argument is the party leader in top form. Today
now Congress and the decision to exclude the light. That should not have fallen especially hard to antagonistic positions are compared to, for example, the Greens. A coalition would be here, because they should theoretically be reached, either incapacitated or ratfatz dissolved. So the saying should have been, not as a majority buyer for red-green give away, not a difficult exercise.
The question remains, what happens then. Possibility A is the opposition in a red-green government. That would be convenient and it could be further formulated with sharpened tongue, which is more suitable for our country.
Option B is the opposition to the red and black collar. Well, we already know. Only one heckled the rulers not soo Dolle, one need finally.
option C is the participation in government. This is ultimately the point of an election. But even as FDP-trailer to me is here the anxious question: What is the liberal positions of the coalition contract for the victims. Junior partner is finally junior partner. Still sounds Mr. Westerwelle that he first time only to his own party und deren Programmatik geht - einverstanden - aber was nach der Wahl? Eine sozialdemokratisierte CDU von 2009 hat sicher ein paar grundlegend andere Ansichten, als der reinrassig schwarze Block seinerzeit unter Kohl. Das wird nicht leicht. Ganz bestimmt nicht. Und genau hier muß Westerwelle aufpassen, daß er den argumentativ glaubwürdigen Wahlkampf nicht durch den Willen zur Macht ad absurdum führt und sich und seine Partei um der Regierung willen beschädigt.
Im Moment sieht es so aus, als hätte er die notwendigen Eier in der Hose, einer möglichen Koalition einen gelben Anstrich zu geben, hoffen wir, daß es sich dabei nicht um billige Wasserfarbe handelt.
PS: Was passiert, wenn weder schwarz/gelb still black / red or red (red) / green 50% of the magic will come, certainly interesting. Gaze mer mal.
BTW: I do not care me what you choose - but choose!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
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Another one from the category of network findings: was the Pagerank of all of our search engine in early years is an important factor for determining the location of its own page in the search results in just this search engine. Google has long been recognized that such measurement variables can be easily manipulated if you know even in broad terms about how they are calculated. Pagerank When it was simplified down so that the Pagerank of your site calculates, wieviele fremde Seiten mit welchem Pagerank auf einen verlinken und wieviele andere Links zu anderen Seiten diese sonst noch gesetzt haben (kapische?).
Die Einfachheit des PR ist Geschichte, Google macht sich seit langer Zeit schon einen Höllenspaß daraus, mittels willkürlicher Eingriffe in die PR-Vergabe die Webmasterwelt am Nasenring durch die Arena zu schleifen. Fachforen sind voll von Gejammer ala "mein schöner PR 6 ist weg". Das Problem ist, daß sich zwar der Einfluß des Pagerank auf die (viel wichtigere) Position in den Suchergebnisse marginalisiert hat und er als Meßgröße für die Qualität einer Seite absolut obsolet ist, die Menschheit jedoch eine gewisse Brain-Elastizität hat und das nicht wahrhaben will. Der PR ist nach wie vor Tauschwährung für Links, will heißen, wenn ich einen Link von einer Webseite auf meine eigene haben möchte, bekomme ich den nicht, wie früher, aus Freundschaft oder Sympathie, sondern nur für eine Gegenleistung. Die heißt Bargeld und zwar expotenziell an die Höhe des PR gekoppelt oder Gegenlink. Und dann auch nur von einer Seite, die mindestens den selben Pagerank hat.
Auch wenn jeder SEO (=Suchmaschinenoptimierer), der sich heuer nicht lächerlich machen will, stets laut und öffentlich betont, wie obsolet und sch...egal der PR ist, so wird Dir niemand einen Link mit hohem PR5+ geben, wenn Du nur PR0 als Gegenlink geben kannst. Das erinnert mich ein little to those who emphasize the whole life and let their atheism on his deathbed, but rather once again call for the priest. Then yes you can still be something in his ...
Long story short: is the mystical basis of calculation has now been discovered at last and was at published. Basic knowledge of programming languages \u200b\u200bare an advantage, but the essential factors are also opening up to the laity.
(And who now bitterly angry with the SEO Inside Blog back to complain, I would say, that he has not understood the gag.'s Contribution in the next blog is of course a knotless satire. In the age of joke-telling, having to schreib ich das lieber mal dazu...)
Monday, September 14, 2009
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Hier kommt was unpolitisches. Es gibt in den Weiten des WWW bekanntlich nichts, was es nicht gibt. Heute lief mir in der Linktausch-Rubrik eines SEO-Forums ein Entsafter-Blog über den Weg. Das ist ja zu spannend - ein ganzes Blog (mit Inhalt!) über das apparategestützte Dehydrieren von Früchten. Ehrlich gesagt hab ich zuerst an irgend eine Schweinskramseite gedacht, aber da ging beim Wort 'entsaften' wohl wieder die Hormonphantasie mit mir durch. Trotzdem: Zu schön, um es zu verschweigen. Hier der Link .
Friday, September 11, 2009
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Am Freitag veröffentlichte das Bundessozialgericht ein Urteil vom 7. Mai 2009, nachdem auch Häftlinge ALG 2 can beat rising, if they have at least 15 hours per week outside of the prison. It is crucial, so the 14th Senate that the prisoners' objective is able to pursue an occupation from the asylum out. had filed a complaint
a prisoner from the city of Konstanz, the relaxations in the course of law enforcement to find and take up work was allowed outside the prison. The prisoner turned out application for ALG 2, which the competent job center refused on the grounds that the applicant is for over 6 months in an inpatient facility and, therefore, by law no ALG-2 reference would be applicable.
The Federal Social Court in turn, decided otherwise. With the onset of the execution easing the inmate had the chance to work at least 3 hours a day. Prior to that he was not able to play no role.
Az B 14 AS 16/08 R
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
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Tauss? Who is Tauss? Exactly, the Bundestag pirate, whom you would like to have up because of child porn. Justified? Well, as discussed half the internet about it - the problem was the case Tauss but so far, that investigations to establish the truth on the immunity status of the person failed.
Tauss came in the spring for possession of child pornographic material under pressure.
Tauss said the AP that he had in child porn scene researched. "As a Member, I was entitled to do so." The prosecution had argued earlier, however, the politicians had no official business and could not therefore rely on it. source
No matter what comes out - with the lifting of his immunity status, the Justitz and the public is one step closer to the truth. The Pirate Party has been slow, there was no need for action, as long as a debt of Jörg Tauss has not been established.
Monday, September 7, 2009
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The message is as contradictory as overdue: More than a hundred deaths by a initiated by the army attack on two tankers in Afghanistan. Of course, all Taliban say one thing, of course, not the other.
Granted, if the insurgents in Afghanistan two petrol bombs rolling stealing urgency to do something about it. Even with an air strike. However, one should not entrust to military force, which has in the past have often been unpopular with imprecise objectives. So be it - against stolen tanker truck I've also not a solution at hand - so I would not condemn the use of their own, not least because I (and not only me) the whole background is unknown.
The action moved me all the conditions to another question:
Bombed vice, position battles, missile strikes, dead fighters on all sides.
Mr. Young, Mr. Steinmeier, Merkel: We are not at war? What must it happen that our government can be tempted to adapt their terminology to the truth?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
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source of the following message: Weather .
Celle (ddp.djn). A Hartz-IV-need community with an underage child is also entitled to reimbursement of the full housing costs if an adult family member of the unemployment benefit II (ALG II) complete for repeated breach of duty gestrichen wurde. Das entschied das Landessozialgericht Niedersachsen-Bremen in einem Eilverfahren (Beschluss vom 8. Juli 2009, AZ: L 6 AS 335/09 B ER).
Damit war der Antrag einer alleinerziehenden Mutter mit zwei Söhnen erfolgreich. Die von der zuständigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft gegen ihren älteren Sohn verhängte Sanktion hatte zur Folge, dass sie nur noch zwei Drittel der Unterkunftskosten erhielt. Während das Sozialgericht den Antrag auf Zahlung der vollen Unterkunftskosten noch abgelehnt hatte, gab das Landessozialgericht der Beschwerde der Antragsteller statt.
Zwar dürften Leistungen für Unterkunft und Heizung grundsätzlich pro Kopf der Bedarfsgemeinschaft bewilligt werden. Im entschiedenen Fall run but adherence to this principle to a "clan liability" beyond that mother and young son for the misconduct of the adult son would be punished. The mother got the behavior of her older child's influence, either in law or fact, can the judges. (End quote)
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The discussion about the meaningfulness of the nofollow-labeling of comment links in blogs will continue kicking. Meanwhile, the setting, the survivors are left to the commentators for search engines and insbesondrere here for Google to devalue, even here at blogspot set by default and there is also officially no button to change that. On the Internet I found some englischprachige instructions that make it also a blogspot blog on follow switch. Since I can not find an appropriate tutorial in German, could I simply own a put on the web to facilitate the follow-blogger-in-law, the conversion of its templates based on screenshots: . info
I wish every success.
Friday, September 4, 2009
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surfs Since clueless from blogroll to blogroll and will then give it a cracker in Amiland. The * German blog from * * *. Gay man In his blog gay man brings his American compatriots Germany and its practices in greater detail. The is soo cool that I want you not two sample entries withhold:
eat German sausage, potato and Saurkraut. They eat other foods but mostly sausage and potatoes Saurkraut. German drinking beer with all meals. East Germany food is influenced by Russian cooking. Since the First World War German eats more than sausage, and potato Saurkraut. Maybe all ate German food. (50)
or this one:
Nazis called Burger socialism. The Third Reich is a mixture between communism and capitalism. Nazis began to Hitler, but Hitler made it very harmful. Hitler from the Reichstag, the Gevwinn Feuer genommen, und er hat der Dritten Reich gestürzt. Die Nazis haben spatter uber meist aus Europa. Doch haben abgabe zu schlecht Strategien Nazis waren besiegt. (59)
Schlimm, daß so ein kruder Kram auf einer .edu-Domain lagert. Aber Hauptsache das Blog begrüßt einen mit einer überdimensionalen Hakenkreuzfahne.
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Entgegen ihrem Wahlplakatslogan ist der derzeitige sogenannte Wahlkampf der CDU ein Garant für verschenkte Stimmen. Wenn nicht die der Stammwähler, so doch zumindest die potentiellen Stimmen der Nichtwähler. Denn jene werden durch die Schnarchnasen der CDU mit ihrem Antiwahlkampf mit Sicherheit nicht hinterm Ofen hervorgelockt. Das können andere Parteien besser. Saxony has been shown in the past and in the subsequent Legislaturperionde. And not necessarily to the advantage of democracy in Germany ...
A readable analysis found in the blog by Nicolai shock: the lame duck Merkel .
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as benighted Blog beginners I left it to commit to use a popular blogging platform a mistake. Unfortunately, now opened up to me, that have blogs on no trackback feature. Thus missing an essential medium to network with each other bloggers. In the search for a workaround I've found several references to an account at Unfortunately, this service does not appear to New Registration counter. What now? Delete everything and start over?
In my research I came across a form with which I blog to which I refer, however, can give a trackback, the Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. What a name!
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Erfurt (AP) Before the beginning of the first exploratory talks, the Left Party in Thuringia further approached the SPD . Bodo Ramelow, top candidate of the left hinted that he would not stand in the case of a red-red coalition in the Office of the Prime Minister. Source: Yahoo! News
pity, auch wenn ich kein Freund der Linken bin, gönne ich es doch der thüringer SPD und ihrem Alleinunterhalter Christoph Matschie , für ihren dummfrechen Anspruch auf das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten ordentlich eine Watschen zu kassieren. Leider scheint mal wieder der klügere nachzugeben:
«Warum nicht eine Frau, warum nicht eine Dritte, warum nicht eine Überlegung, die auch außerhalb aller bisher denkbaren Varianten liegt», sagte Ramelow
Egal, wer nun am Ende mit wem kopuliert, zumindest im Osten hat Matschie mit seiner Dickköpfigkeit der Linken ordentlich in die Segel gepustet. Die Bundestagswahl wird es ans Licht bringen. ich beantrage schon mal die Rechte an der Redewendung Matschie factor.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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Berlin (dpa) - Employers and job seekers should find from now on easier and faster to each other, thus hampering the growth of unemployment in the crisis. This will help the redesigned Internet job board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), which was presented on Wednesday in Berlin.
If the official report, found at Weather .
Well, it is not the first time that was made to the software. It should be noted that I act at the other end of the line, because I'm working agents and use the job board to my open positions zu propagieren. Das ist schon schwierig genug, denn das Online-Team der BA sperrt auch schonmal den Zugang, wenn man Stelle A in X für Y ausschreibt und eine ähnliche Stelle in Z für einen anderen Lohn. Da wird bis zum bitteren Ende behauptet, es wäre dafür nur eine einzige zusammenfassende Stellenanzeige erlaubt. Willkür, der erst nach Beschwerde in Nürnberg ein Ende gesetzt wurde. Aber egal.
Nun wurde also wieder an der Software geschraubt und jetzt zitiere ich weiter aus obiger Quelle:
Der BA-Chef wies darauf hin, dass mit der überarbeiteten Version auch ein neuer Ansatz in Beratung und Vermittlung verbunden sei. Es werde nun nicht mehr allein nach Berufsbildern, sondern auch nach Kompetenzen taught. '. Anyone looking for a caretaker, also a fitter will be offered "
That which at first sounds of the job seekers not too bad, an old problem brings to light again: do not give the agency wants an exact fit. When we discuss a recruitment agency unserern industry success with employers, comes over and over again: when private agents I get offered only the people that go to my place. One, if not THE reason for the success of the PAV and the obvious fact that the job market of the BA (and more) is flooded by private employment agencies vacancies normal. In the hope of accurately fitting Agencies require from the company by the intermediary, rather than directly.
Rather than exploit this knowledge now and make their own brokerage operations more efficient, the agency now falls in old ways, and offers online, offline was for years the river Ganges, and meaningless is that it offers vague qualified candidate profiles on specific job requests.
As a private mediator, I say this: Keep it up, which strengthens my position. But of course I am aware that the PAV sector labor market can not master alone, and the candidate is of course dependent on the support of the BA in job placement. And here the shoots in BA of credibility their mediation proposals a second time himself in the foot and that can not be good for the job seekers.
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meteorological Yesterday was the beginning of autumn. With 30 degrees in the shade exactly the right time, Triumphs forever young retro trail burrowers once to check for compatibility with my butt. The event was held in the Leipzig office triumph.
am I actually even with my number four, together with its 98 hp as trendy everyday machine quite satisfied, but as I had years ago at the Leipzig motorcycle show initial contact with the New Bonneville and its derivatives, Scrambler and Thruxton, it was purely the optics due to happen to me . Now would be the FZ6 but also ready to pay only that is, the triumph was long repressed. Until a few weeks due to a sale ad shot back in my memory. Flight near Berlin, I've made an appointment to try out a 2005 Bonneville with honest intention to purchase. But the date turned out differently than expected - the machine was still a carburetor model 2005 - this engine was toothless. Came across anything. drove the moped and that's it. I was disappointed.
is the background to say that I have taken the Bonnie to the eye, around curves so my short-legged wife with it. But after this test ...? Nope. Now I had read
that the model Scrambler Although nominally has less power than the limp Bonniemotor anyway, but untenrum a differently designed crankshaft, everything Bums. So I have my short-legged woman displaced and agreed on a test drive appointment with the dealer.
What can I say - after 45 minutes I was machine with an extra big smile on his face again. This is how Moppedfahren fun, even during the rush of Leipzig. Not only that, the motor firing interval thanks to other adult reasonably sound, no, he behaves well, as I expect it from a Twin - he pushes from below and goes smoothly and evenly with steam into the limiter. Super. The nominal loss of output relative to the Bonnie is not felt. Well, at 160 km / h, the Scrambler was tough and fidgety, but honestly, this is no feel-good speed more when you felt behind a giant arm hangs in the wind ...
The seating position is for my Einszweiundsiebzig a little high, but for stability, no problem. Is disturbing as even the raised exhaust, the elbow and his right leg properly einheizen him constantly in the way and somehow jammed its heat shield for a man of seventy feet ergonomically inefficient body. Here would be to elicit in purchase intent redevelopment potential. However, the high set Riot bags and the visual highlight of the whole load and it takes you any inconvenience in purchasing.
By Bonnie compared to base longer suspension fork legs and the extended total, the Scrambler is a bit higher. In conjunction with the asphalt blades results in an agility and maneuverability, which I tired of my 180 FZ6 do not know. The Scrambler feels much easier than it is.
What has been bothering me actually, is the Killer wide handlebar horns, but there is a lack of steering rods on the market, fortunately, not really.
seem Overall, the Scrambler and next summer I will be friends.
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So now isser empty the pot. On today's second September at 10.14 clock was handled the last request. One of the most controversial measures to support the economy is over? Hardly, the scrapping will probably long be everywhere, because it is an open secret that the cars, which have now been purchased with state aid to a jerk, just in the next few years will NOT be purchased. And since the rabbit is in the crazy pan. No matter which workshop manager, car dealership owner, or car salesman buzz - all give the same prediction: Next year right Kracht. Whether it's good for the customer? Subjectively, beginning this time, yes. Who needs a car next year, has all the trump cards, the dealer at a price haggling überzubraten. It is too often forgotten, however, that even the dealer has to live. He has to make profit by selling a car and there we go, the misery in their consequence presumably many existences, which are indirectly and directly to the car, down the river are. I am very curious to see what measures it is taking our state to this existence, that scrapping next year threatens to support. and yet I am curious, who all then paid. Although - in fact the latter is already clear, right? The state gets its reward again. Either way.
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Es ist gelinde gesagt unglaublich, was sich unsere Sozialdemokraten in Thüringen einbilden. Da verkacken sie die Landtagswahl, werden gerade mal drittstärkste Kraft und setzen dann den propagierten Politikwechsel aufs Spiel, weil sie sich dem Wählerwillen, der eine deutliche Stimmenüberzahl für die Linke zeigt, nicht beugen wollen. Keine Stimmen generieren, aber den Chef spielen wollen. Seit wann stellt denn ein Wahlverlierer den Ministerpräsidenten? Es ist ein unschönes Paradoxon im deutschen Wahlrecht, daß unter Umständen eine kleine Partei (und das ist die SPD in diesem Fall) die Klappe am größen aufreißen kann, wenn die Großen keine absolute Mehrheit erringen.
Um an die Regierungsmacht come, the Socialists will probably once more remembered for what the voters gave them the vote and negotiate a deal with the CDU. Of course they are there only a junior partner and will hardly get a chance to put one of her campaign promises, but no matter. Another nail in the coffin of the SPD - my opinion.
Monday, August 31, 2009
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Sun I sit here now as a proud blog owner. And I'm not long until the whole lot yet as "Bee-log" pronounced. Um, or was it perhaps ... Oh, forget it. Well, we'll see which fills up the virtual diary on the passage of time. I'm probably more relaxed, as her ...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
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(further questions, links and info on my contact form available)
ist die RTL-Reportage von der besagten Agentur bearbeitet,
für ihre eigenen (Werbung) Zwecke und entspricht nicht dem Original -
Zwischen Prostitution und Menschenhandel besteht dabei ein enger Zusammenhang. Frauenhandel beginnt oft mit der unseriösen Heiratsvermittlung ausländischer Frauen. Dr. Lea Ackermann, Mitautorin der Studie "Umfeld und Ausmaß des Menschenhandels mit ausländischen Girls and women described as held by numerous individual stories, as in Germany women mediated speechless with addiction, be abused sexually and then often forced into prostitution. Is so out of the marriage trade in human beings.
What causes women to the high risk of an arranged marriage to a take foreign country to itself, is often economic hardship and hopelessness. For the same reason, the numbers of women to rise in many Third World countries, prostitutes. Often they have left as a girl to school because their parents can not pay the school fees could. In many cases they have been abandoned by their husbands. This is sich die Frage, ob Frauen freiwillig Prostituierte werden, in den meisten Fällen als Scheinfrage heraus. Sie ignoriert die Tatsache, dass es unter Bedingungen extremer Armut, von denen Frauen in besonderem Maße betroffen sind, keine wirkliche Freiwilligkeit geben kann, weil der stumme Zwang der Armut Frauen in die Prostitution treibt.
Dr. Lea AckermannProstitutionstourismus und organisierter Frauenhandel mit Frauen aus Ländern der dritten Welt: Ausmaß und Hintergründe
Die Dominikanische Republik hat sich bei den Pauschalanbietern zum absoluten 'Renner' developed. Only in recent years German tourists to the Caribbean island is offered, but in 1990 were 100,000 German visitors are counted. 1991 is expected with 130,000 Germans, corresponding 'top value' to that. Other Caribbean islands recorded growth rates of 30% to 100%.
The Dominican Republic is one of 30 000 unemployed and 20% to 40% under-employed workers. Here are 500,000 workers "exports", especially in the United States. With the new visa restrictions in the U.S. this source of foreign exchange will be further limited so that this Caribbean island is now completely relies on tourism. The unemployment of women in the cities is twice as high as that of men. Employment as servants are paid so poorly that nobody can eat it. Therefore no surprise to the high number of women engaged in prostitution must.
The women commute between the Caribbean islands or are hired by the capital city of tugs and taken abroad. It was in 1987 a tragic accident: 28 of 60 prostitutes who were shipped from St. Martin to St. Thomas packed in containers must be nipped in it.
According to official estimates are expected to work at least 6,000 in Haiti and Dominican women in European cities. Against trafficking in women is being done by the state out of nothing. Foreign exchange earnings by the funds to send the Dominican exile home, already exceeds the revenue that is derived from sugar exports.
International marriage agency is a modern form of trafficking, even if the Koblenz district court ruled in 1990 apparently in a different verdict. It says: "matchmaking is no human trafficking". It related to the mediation marriageable willing Filipinas. The verdict is classified correctly only when you know that the term trafficking is a fixed legal term which is a crime of forced prostitution to feed in a foreign country punishable.
The marriage trade in Asian, South American women oder Frauen aus dem Ostblock ist nicht per se Menschenhandel, wohl aber häufig ein nicht legaler Handel mit Frauen. Diese Tätigkeit verstößt gegen § 92 des Ausländergesetzes, wenn die Ausländerin als Touristin einreist und kein Visum zum Zweck der Heirat, also für einen Aufenthalt für über drei Monate erworben hat. In diesen Fällen betreibt der Heiratsmakler eine illegale Einschleusung ausländischer Frauen, die er gegen Vergütung Heiratswilligen vermittelt. Dieses Delikt wird mit bis zu drei Jahren Freiheitsentzug oder mit einer Geldstrafe geahndet .
VORSICHTIG !!! - vor diesen Partner- und Heirats- Agenturen aus der Karibik.
Die meisten zweifelhaften und kostenpflichtigen Agenturen sind mit Vorsicht zu behandeln.
Note from me: For years
has changed in these placement agencies not much
the contrary, there have been only partly the Namen und Inhaber gewechselt
und die Machenschaften sind die gleichen geblieben.
Die Machenschaften einer unseriös arbeitenden Partnervermittlung im Ausland
sind eigentlich immer irgendwie ähnlich.
Es geht ja nur darum schnell ans Geld der Millionen Singles ranzukommen.
Dazu muss man die Singles auf drei sehr menschlichen Ebenen bearbeiten:
Verlangen, Gier und Vertrauen.
Die Heiratsvermittlung weckt das Verlangen
und bietet die schönsten Traumpartner aus dem Ausland an.
Die Gier schlägt zu bei den verlockenden Argumenten zum vermeintlichen Vorteil
des Firmensitzes im Ausland für den Partnersuchenden.
Wenn Sie merken, dass Sie von einer Ehevermittlung
aus dem Ausland been ripped off really are
then do you like many before you your hard-saved money back.
you forget it, you will never again ran your money.
Search on your own woman, before embarking on the adventure of a dating service from abroad.
Who Sang On Suite Life On Deck
(specifically Dominican Republic)
I reach this tolerable theme again because I got to the bottom of my blog entry
some comments and threats of operators and intermediaries.
" who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind"
What is a critical speech?
Everyone can read information on the Internet today and as well as themselves form an opinion about it, and give an opinion.
I criticize the so-called partners and marriage agencies, against the high Entgeld, foremost - trade in women and provide, for the purpose of an alleged marriage.
who deals with this issue is, will soon find it in most cases about money and nothing else.
are made dubious promises that can not be met and the women are told about what the rich white man I can only
any rate, the intention is to get to know a woman / man, to seek the spot was. Who has had the experience, knows where I'm talking about.
I can reputable and rogue "businesses" keep well apart, although this kind of questionable "business" morally to think of a cause.
I'm some agents probably a thorn in the eye, because of alleged financial injury, if at all this can be described as a business.
called for such negotiations, it always requires two, one gives the '
pays one of the. It will decide each for himself, whether embarking on something.
Since the machinations of these agencies are almost always the same, geometry would be interesting to know who has been harmed, or whether it was successful.
for critical / positive comments and experiences, and experiences and links-Referrals, also like a>>> PN <<<