Friday, September 11, 2009

When Was My Iver Johnson M1 Carbine Made

ALG 2 for cons

Am Freitag veröffentlichte das Bundessozialgericht ein Urteil vom 7. Mai 2009, nachdem auch Häftlinge ALG 2 can beat rising, if they have at least 15 hours per week outside of the prison. It is crucial, so the 14th Senate that the prisoners' objective is able to pursue an occupation from the asylum out. had filed a complaint

a prisoner from the city of Konstanz, the relaxations in the course of law enforcement to find and take up work was allowed outside the prison. The prisoner turned out application for ALG 2, which the competent job center refused on the grounds that the applicant is for over 6 months in an inpatient facility and, therefore, by law no ALG-2 reference would be applicable.

The Federal Social Court in turn, decided otherwise. With the onset of the execution easing the inmate had the chance to work at least 3 hours a day. Prior to that he was not able to play no role.

Az B 14 AS 16/08 R


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