customers sends the employment office ....
Berlin (dpa) - Employers and job seekers should find from now on easier and faster to each other, thus hampering the growth of unemployment in the crisis. This will help the redesigned Internet job board of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), which was presented on Wednesday in Berlin.
If the official report, found at Weather .
Well, it is not the first time that was made to the software. It should be noted that I act at the other end of the line, because I'm working agents and use the job board to my open positions zu propagieren. Das ist schon schwierig genug, denn das Online-Team der BA sperrt auch schonmal den Zugang, wenn man Stelle A in X für Y ausschreibt und eine ähnliche Stelle in Z für einen anderen Lohn. Da wird bis zum bitteren Ende behauptet, es wäre dafür nur eine einzige zusammenfassende Stellenanzeige erlaubt. Willkür, der erst nach Beschwerde in Nürnberg ein Ende gesetzt wurde. Aber egal.
Nun wurde also wieder an der Software geschraubt und jetzt zitiere ich weiter aus obiger Quelle:
Der BA-Chef wies darauf hin, dass mit der überarbeiteten Version auch ein neuer Ansatz in Beratung und Vermittlung verbunden sei. Es werde nun nicht mehr allein nach Berufsbildern, sondern auch nach Kompetenzen taught. '. Anyone looking for a caretaker, also a fitter will be offered "
That which at first sounds of the job seekers not too bad, an old problem brings to light again: do not give the agency wants an exact fit. When we discuss a recruitment agency unserern industry success with employers, comes over and over again: when private agents I get offered only the people that go to my place. One, if not THE reason for the success of the PAV and the obvious fact that the job market of the BA (and more) is flooded by private employment agencies vacancies normal. In the hope of accurately fitting Agencies require from the company by the intermediary, rather than directly.
Rather than exploit this knowledge now and make their own brokerage operations more efficient, the agency now falls in old ways, and offers online, offline was for years the river Ganges, and meaningless is that it offers vague qualified candidate profiles on specific job requests.
As a private mediator, I say this: Keep it up, which strengthens my position. But of course I am aware that the PAV sector labor market can not master alone, and the candidate is of course dependent on the support of the BA in job placement. And here the shoots in BA of credibility their mediation proposals a second time himself in the foot and that can not be good for the job seekers.
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