Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Alima Pure Blushswatch

No more immunity for Jörg Tauss

Tauss? Who is Tauss? Exactly, the Bundestag pirate, whom you would like to have up because of child porn. Justified? Well, as discussed half the internet about it - the problem was the case Tauss but so far, that investigations to establish the truth on the immunity status of the person failed.

Tauss came in the spring for possession of child pornographic material under pressure.

Tauss said the AP that he had in child porn scene researched. "As a Member, I was entitled to do so." The prosecution had argued earlier, however, the politicians had no official business and could not therefore rely on it. source

No matter what comes out - with the lifting of his immunity status, the Justitz and the public is one step closer to the truth. The Pirate Party has been slow, there was no need for action, as long as a debt of Jörg Tauss has not been established.


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