Placement vouchers from the first day?
Granted, the ratio of job seekers for placement voucher was ever a better one. However, because there are very effective in the core of this labor market policy instrument, but because a large, a very large proportion of the unemployed by the state receives for absolutely no access to the paper. From a design flaw in the early days of 2002, which admittedly represented for dishonest contemporaries a license to print money, was on a regimented process that excludes a significant number of job seekers from the outset by the intervention of private employment agencies.
addition to all other associations of private employment agencies did in the past und Gegenwart insbesondere der mitgliederstärkste Verband " Ring der Arbeitsvermittler e.V ," darin hervor, bei Politik und Bundesagentur gegen die ständige Verschärfung der Zugangsregeln (von denen kreative Agenturen und ARGEN auch gern mal schnell eigene erfinden) zu intervenieren.
Nun, die Arbeit scheint Früchte zu tragen, denn wie der Bundesvorstand des RdA veröffentlichte, ist eine Erleichterung des Zuganges zum VGS im neuen Koalitionsvertrag festgeschrieben:
Zitat: "Die Koalition wird deshalb Voraussetzungen dafür schaffen, dass neue Lösungsansätze wie z. B. die „Bürgerarbeit“ oder marktgerecht ausgestaltete Vermittlungsgutscheine ab Beginn unemployment can be tested. "
This eliminates the pointless waiting periods, also had to submit to a job seeker in order of unemployment ever to come into the enjoyment of a voucher. Originally, the waiting period (currently 2 months) introduced to the to provide federal agency in providing a competitive advantage by exclusive access to the so-called market customers, who get easy-to-place short-term unemployed.
only hope that the new scheme will be implemented soon, in times of huge bankruptcies ala source is an instant access of those concerned for private employment with security more effective than the installation von Arbeitslosigkeitverwaltungsaußenstellen in vewaisten Lagerhallen.
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