Jaja, Nordafrika ist gefallen und trotzdem... die jüngsten Medienberichte über Gaddafi lassen sich nicht einfach ignorieren. Aus dem Grund gibt's heute das Libyen-Special und morgen geht's wieder weiter mit dem "normalen" Handlungsbogen.
Das traurige daran ist ja, dass man über den Mann lachen könnte, wär er nicht grad für den Tod von hunderten von Menschen verantwortlich. In meinem Universum gab es keine Unruhen. Nur Zombies. Danke an Lord Chaos aus dem Maniac-Forum für die Inspiration.
Die europäischen Truppen in Marokko wurden Ende Februar Zeuge einer seltsamen Fernsehübertragung aus dem von Zombies überrannten Libyen, bei der Revolutionsführer Gaddafi eine Rede an seine Nation hielt. It showed Gaddafi, speaking, standing on a balcony and crowds of zombies who stretched out their hands to such cheering him. The position of the balcony was difficult to identify, but could have been part of a fortified building.
Gaddafi had obviously lost his mind. In his speech, he implored his countrymen to "people's revolution" and stressed that the Libyan people were standing behind him. Blame for the carnage is only a small group of sick "outsiders," the insurgency "copy" did, he snapped.
The few Survivors, he called to come in the morning the following day from their homes to take over the streets.
He called on the population: "Fight for Libya."
"I will not leave Libya!" he said. No, he would rather "die a martyr" as.
Libya would now "cleaned house by house," announced the revolutionary leader. The zombies he insulted as "rats" and threatened with a bloody suppression of the undead "similar to the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. "I will fight to the last drop of my blood."
The peak of the surreal was reached when applause was recorded by the band, and Gaddafi before the zombie hordes Victory Poses performs. After the speech was repeated every hour. A surprising signal from Libya, but suspected that North Africa was completely destroyed. A surprising signal also because it is the first signal for two months, which was broadcast on the North African continent .
The French military then ordered for the following day monitoring of all major settlements Libyan and suspected of bunkers, to verify that the call to Gaddafi's episode was made. In fact, it came to fighting the next day with the living dead. In many places flooded members of the army, but also unarmed civilians, go outdoors to take up the battle with the undead.
were simultaneously collected a new transfer, the Gaddafi posing with an assault rifle praised the courageous efforts of his soldiers and Libyan countrymen, and promised that Libya was freed by the end of the week of zombies before re wild applause began Gaddafi and demonstratively put the rifle to his shoulder. After a cut scene of street fighting were shown, in which military organizations was really going on successfully against the undead and were about to clean a street.
What the camera did not show and knew the soldiers were not likely, the French generals monitoring data taken from the surveillance drones. During the stretch of road was cleared, zombies, thousands of houses, warehouses and other roads that have been attracted by the shot noise to the position of the soldiers. In other areas It looked very similar, except for occasional remote bunkers, the soldiers were so far out of danger that they could withdraw if they would do it then.
individuals were mostly civilians, were quickly overwhelmed by the hordes and would soon increase the ranks of the undead. After an hour, most of the fighting ended and 90% of the Libyan resistance Some were already dead resurrected and returned back to life as zombies. The transaction was canceled, as was predicted that the garrison was lost. A few civilians and troops could still bring in security, as contact with other survivors broke off and they realized that the fight was in vain.
A retransmission announced by the great victory of the glorious Libyan army would have reached that day. Gaddafi praised Allah and turned directly to European countries. Explained that just because of the fortress was overrun Libya, the continent yet by these patients. He explained that because of the brave Libyan population, Europeans could still undergo an eye at night and he would lead Gaddafi, Libya to victory.
In den Folgetagen wurden die Übertragungen häufiger. Es wurde Gaddafi gezeigt, der mit seinem Sturmgewehr auf Zombies schoss, ständig umringt von einer seiner Leibwächterinnen und in standesgemäßer Bekleidung mit seinen bekannten Phantasieuniformen. Nach vier Tagen änderte sich aber der Ton. Offen flehte Gaddafi die westlichen Regierungschefs um Unterstützung an, forderte sie auf, die Kinder Libyens nicht weiter hungern zu lassen. Er forderte die westlichen Machthaber auf, dass diejenigen, die den Sturm über Libyen gebracht hatten, den Sturm auch wieder von Libyen nehmen sollten.
Später verfluchte er die Amerikaner und sogleich diejenigen, deren Unterstützung er eben noch erbeten hatte. Er verfiel in einen Redefluss, keifte gegen die libyschen Schwächlinge, die den kranken Feiglingen nicht gewachsen waren. Er verfluchte den Islam, Allah und stoppte erst, als eine Kugel, abgefeuert aus dem Sturmgewehr einer seiner Leibwächterinnen, seinen Kopf durchschlug und Teile seines Gehirns im Raum verteilte. Niemand konnte jemals in Erfahrung bringen, wo Gaddafis letzter Aufenthaltsort lag. Mit Gaddafi verstummten auch die Signale. Libyen gilt weiter als schwarzer Fleck.
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