Kapitel 58
Für das Treffen mit Horst hatte Paul einen öffentlichen, busy location chosen. Of course, a movie was basically a bad place to exchange news, but a good place if you do not want to listen to others. Paul made two maps for the whole front left, the film did not matter, so the choice was the one who would go next. Since only appeared sporadically, new films were classics in many places returned to the cinema, often extended to include digital frippery for fans of the film to provide an incentive.
The choice fell on Dawn of the Dead, the original by George Romero - digitally remastered and with new digital special effects. In 3D. Paul could not wait to see how ein Schraubenzieher in 3D und mit tollen neuen Special Effects in das Auge eines Untoten gestoßen wird, nahm dann aber trotzdem die Karten, weil der Film als nächstes anlief und er ohnehin keine Zeit haben würde, sich auf den Film zu konzentrieren. Dazu gab es viel zu viel zu besprechen.
Als der Film startete, begann Paul Horst über die jüngsten Ereignisse in Kenntnis zu setzen. Paul hörte aufmerksam zu, stellte gelegentlich Fragen, hakte bei dem einen oder anderen Fakt nochmal nach und versuchte über den Lärm des Films hinweg Paul Erläuterungen zu folgen. Als die Überlebenden das erste Mal auf Erkundungstour durch das Einkaufszentrum gingen, war Paul now using his story through.
"Yes, I've heard that in the army something is not working properly. My contacts tell me that many do not agree with the current leadership that the military wants and wants more authority for limiting the powers of the police. It also appears that such actions are sometimes part of approved high up or at least tolerated. "
" Have you heard anything about this story? "
„Nein, zu der Geschichte jetzt noch gar nichts. Dass die Kommandos los schicken, war selbst mir neu.“
„Kommandos? Also für mich klangen die beiden eher wie zwei traumatisierte Häufchen Elend.“
„Ja, Kommandos ist vielleicht das falsche Wort. Aber die Waffen müssen sie ja irgendwoher haben, die werden normal jeden Abend einkassiert. Hast du was mitbekommen bezüglich der Seriennummer?“
„Ach, verdammt, das hab ich vergessen. Ist ja normalerweise Sache der Ermittler. The two perpetrators were armed, but each with a P8. Would not be surprised if the serial number has been etched, or the weapons are not registered. "
" will be doing the same. But for that you need someone with influence. That's why I say also, command '. Even if they are not sent explicitly, they do what they do, but with the approval of a higher rank, who supplied the men with weapons, ammunition and the necessary networking technology. "
" That would a great thing. But that would mean that Managerial staff of the army tolerates the killing of innocent civilians. That recognizes the death of innocents is acceptable. "
" That is perhaps even that will be rendered incorrectly in the Bundeswehr, the facts that makes innocent people groups for the catastrophe. "
"My God, this could cause a second Holocaust."
"Well, now just let the church in the village. As far as idiots can not even muster the military. "
„Was will man denn dann damit bezwecken?“
„Keine Ahnung. Die Moral der Truppe festigen, durch ein klares Feindbild? Unruhe stiften, um die Kompetenz der Polizei zu untergraben?“
Auf der Leinwand sind die Darsteller gerade dabei, das Einkaufszentrum zu säubern und sich darin häuslich einzurichten. Ein Kopf explodiert in 3D und digital nachbearbeitet. Paul schüttelte sich und wandte sich wieder Horst zu.
„Und dann? Military coup? "
" Oh come on Paul, the military coup, we have behind us. "
" How would you call that? "
"turf wars, perhaps? Oh, I know, no idea. The fact is that undergoes a crisis and we stuck in the middle. When it comes to confrontation, we are on the shorter lever. "
" You talk about civil war? "
"Yes, that would be more like it. But honestly: I do not give a shit who gives up there the commands. As long as it is an illegitimate government, it is an illegal government. Just because I'm a policeman, my heart beats not for the interior minister. I have my oath to the Constitution and the Bavarian Constitution and shit right now to our constitution. Oh, I do not know if you have it heard, but the Federal Constitutional Court, paused 'at the moment. In other words,. Was dissolved in effect, '
meant Paul Horst, to lower his voice. Came from behind already complaints from moviegoers, and one or two people looked at the two confused. The rest of the time they were silent and watched the movie over. In some places had to laugh at Paul. Anyone who has experienced the true horror can only laugh about movie zombies.
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