Friday, February 25, 2011

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Chapter 57

Chapter 57
When the colleague and a doctor arrived, was already the situation under control. Subjects der mitgeführten Ausweise konnten Martina und Paul die beiden als Robert Sedelmeier und Fritz Wegner identifizieren. Fritz heulte noch immer wie ein Schlosshund, beteuerte mehrmals, dass er das nicht tun wollte, aber es halt sein musste, während Robert scheinbar in Agonie verfallen war und gar nichts mehr sprach.
Als die Ermittler eintrafen, wurden Martina und Paul verhört und gaben alles Gehörte zu Protokoll. Die Ermittler notierten sich von Zeit zu Zeit einen Teil der Aussagen, befragten anschließend die Familie und zogen sich dann mit den beiden Tätern zurück. Nachdem es für Martina und Paul auch nichts mehr zu tun gab, fuhren sie zurück zum Präsidium, um ihr Protokoll fertig zu machen. A chore, despite the increased powers and rights was still necessary.
"How knew that the family was sick?"
Martina said quasi Pauls thoughts.
"No idea. I also gave it some thought. I think, to exclude the doctor and the colleagues we are. The know what is going on with the infection and the Zs up. Perhaps the pharmacist? "
" Which pharmacist? "
" Well, will the man have yet concerned with safety drugs. Perhaps the what has passed? "
"Well, yes, may be so. Maybe someone also follows the doctors who perform the tests with the people. "
" No, I do not think so. The change it every day. "
" Yes, but the drive accessible by the Bureau with their colleagues. "
" So I'm already certain that our colleagues would be a strike on nearly empty streets of following vehicles . Do not you think? "
" Yes, well, true enough. But otherwise there's not so much, right? The rumlungern hardly be on the road to then pick up their victims. "
" No, I do not believe. I even believe that the right course of action organized. Anders is not yet declare that take place in several neighborhoods or even cities about the same time the murders. "
" That's right. "
Once in the service drive up both your computer. Paul wanted to check the personal data of the two men before they were blocked by the investigators. Both men served in the army right now and both were in Stuttgart. That said, at least where the two had their arms and where the infected people in Berührung gekommen sind. Paul stöberte weiter in Sedelmeiers Akte und fand dort auch den Verweis auf den Bruder.
Sein Bruder war in den Kämpfen um Stuttgart gefallen, war im inneren Verteidigungsring und fiel innerhalb der ersten Stunden. Seine Leiche konnte nur noch anhand der Erkennungsmarken identifiziert werden. Der Kopf wurde von einer Kugel zerfetzt, große Teile seiner Haut und das die Knochen bedeckende Fleisch und Sehnen fehlten, waren gefressen worden. Roberts Bruder musste einen grausamen Tod gestorben sein, bis er sich selber verwandelte und seinerseits Jagd auf die Lebenden machte.
Ein tragischer Vorfall, aber davon gab es in Stuttgart tausende. Langsam dämmerte es Paul. War this may be a conspiracy within the army? Revenge for fallen comrades, soldiers here? Therefore, the group was linked as well and therefore it is operated so organized? Paul Fritz opened 'file and search for more clues. Fritz was with Robert's brother, used in a company and also in the inner ring. Together with Robert's brother, they were divided for the defense of the main command post.
Fritz was able to save himself by escaped in an infantry fighting vehicle and three days of persevered. The first few minutes he heard the screams of his comrades, after calm returned, only ever briefly interrupted when one of the Zombies collided with the tank. In the armored equipment had several friends, from whom he took the food and water. After three days advanced on the outer ring and Fritz freed from his hiding place. wanted to check
Just as Paul further cross-connections, he had no access to the records. Apparently the files were classified as confidential and therefore only been made available to the investigators. Paul had now but read enough. He had to speak with absolutely Horst. Previously, he even informed Martin about what he found and his conclusions. Martin seemed in disbelief, but Paul knew that they would believe him.


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