Monday, February 28, 2011

You Make Me Smilewhere Ever

between chapters - Libya Special

Jaja, Nordafrika ist gefallen und trotzdem... die jüngsten Medienberichte über Gaddafi lassen sich nicht einfach ignorieren. Aus dem Grund gibt's heute das Libyen-Special und morgen geht's wieder weiter mit dem "normalen" Handlungsbogen.

Das traurige daran ist ja, dass man über den Mann lachen könnte, wär er nicht grad für den Tod von hunderten von Menschen verantwortlich. In meinem Universum gab es keine Unruhen. Nur Zombies. Danke an Lord Chaos aus dem Maniac-Forum für die Inspiration.


Die europäischen Truppen in Marokko wurden Ende Februar Zeuge einer seltsamen Fernsehübertragung aus dem von Zombies überrannten Libyen, bei der Revolutionsführer Gaddafi eine Rede an seine Nation hielt. It showed Gaddafi, speaking, standing on a balcony and crowds of zombies who stretched out their hands to such cheering him. The position of the balcony was difficult to identify, but could have been part of a fortified building.

Gaddafi had obviously lost his mind. In his speech, he implored his countrymen to "people's revolution" and stressed that the Libyan people were standing behind him. Blame for the carnage is only a small group of sick "outsiders," the insurgency "copy" did, he snapped.

The few Survivors, he called to come in the morning the following day from their homes to take over the streets.

He called on the population: "Fight for Libya."

"I will not leave Libya!" he said. No, he would rather "die a martyr" as.

Libya would now "cleaned house by house," announced the revolutionary leader. The zombies he insulted as "rats" and threatened with a bloody suppression of the undead "similar to the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. "I will fight to the last drop of my blood."

The peak of the surreal was reached when applause was recorded by the band, and Gaddafi before the zombie hordes Victory Poses performs. After the speech was repeated every hour. A surprising signal from Libya, but suspected that North Africa was completely destroyed. A surprising signal also because it is the first signal for two months, which was broadcast on the North African continent .

The French military then ordered for the following day monitoring of all major settlements Libyan and suspected of bunkers, to verify that the call to Gaddafi's episode was made. In fact, it came to fighting the next day with the living dead. In many places flooded members of the army, but also unarmed civilians, go outdoors to take up the battle with the undead.

were simultaneously collected a new transfer, the Gaddafi posing with an assault rifle praised the courageous efforts of his soldiers and Libyan countrymen, and promised that Libya was freed by the end of the week of zombies before re wild applause began Gaddafi and demonstratively put the rifle to his shoulder. After a cut scene of street fighting were shown, in which military organizations was really going on successfully against the undead and were about to clean a street.

What the camera did not show and knew the soldiers were not likely, the French generals monitoring data taken from the surveillance drones. During the stretch of road was cleared, zombies, thousands of houses, warehouses and other roads that have been attracted by the shot noise to the position of the soldiers. In other areas It looked very similar, except for occasional remote bunkers, the soldiers were so far out of danger that they could withdraw if they would do it then.

individuals were mostly civilians, were quickly overwhelmed by the hordes and would soon increase the ranks of the undead. After an hour, most of the fighting ended and 90% of the Libyan resistance Some were already dead resurrected and returned back to life as zombies. The transaction was canceled, as was predicted that the garrison was lost. A few civilians and troops could still bring in security, as contact with other survivors broke off and they realized that the fight was in vain.

A retransmission announced by the great victory of the glorious Libyan army would have reached that day. Gaddafi praised Allah and turned directly to European countries. Explained that just because of the fortress was overrun Libya, the continent yet by these patients. He explained that because of the brave Libyan population, Europeans could still undergo an eye at night and he would lead Gaddafi, Libya to victory.

In den Folgetagen wurden die Übertragungen häufiger. Es wurde Gaddafi gezeigt, der mit seinem Sturmgewehr auf Zombies schoss, ständig umringt von einer seiner Leibwächterinnen und in standesgemäßer Bekleidung mit seinen bekannten Phantasieuniformen. Nach vier Tagen änderte sich aber der Ton. Offen flehte Gaddafi die westlichen Regierungschefs um Unterstützung an, forderte sie auf, die Kinder Libyens nicht weiter hungern zu lassen. Er forderte die westlichen Machthaber auf, dass diejenigen, die den Sturm über Libyen gebracht hatten, den Sturm auch wieder von Libyen nehmen sollten.

Später verfluchte er die Amerikaner und sogleich diejenigen, deren Unterstützung er eben noch erbeten hatte. Er verfiel in einen Redefluss, keifte gegen die libyschen Schwächlinge, die den kranken Feiglingen nicht gewachsen waren. Er verfluchte den Islam, Allah und stoppte erst, als eine Kugel, abgefeuert aus dem Sturmgewehr einer seiner Leibwächterinnen, seinen Kopf durchschlug und Teile seines Gehirns im Raum verteilte. Niemand konnte jemals in Erfahrung bringen, wo Gaddafis letzter Aufenthaltsort lag. Mit Gaddafi verstummten auch die Signale. Libyen gilt weiter als schwarzer Fleck.

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Chapter 59

Kapitel 59

Als Paul am nächsten Day in the department arrived, he was summoned to his superiors.

"Hi Bruno, you wanted to see me?"

"Hi Paul, yes, please close your door and sit down."

Paul closed the door behind him and sat down on a chair across from his boss Bruno Herling place.

"What's up?"

"I have here a Mail from the internal investigation. You were tuned to the case with the Erdlans?

"Yes, that was yesterday. I'm done with my report yet. In an hour I could get him past you. "

" No, you will not. You will delete the report. "

" What? Why was that? "

" This thing has been kicked up dust. I believe that you may already know more than I do. The internal investigation has informed me that you have rumgestöbert in the files of the two perpetrators. I have been asked, you put on a muzzle. My God Paul, what a shit you're here come clean? "

Paul was surprised. This was the first time that he was accused of a glimpse into a file.

"What you know about the case?"

"I do not know anything. I just know that you are on to something there yesterday. The fact that you people made nervous have and that this is about people involved are usually not easily flustered. "

" What people? "

" It does not matter. You will take the matter any more, that's never happened yesterday. Do you understand me? "

" Yes ... I think so. "

" Listen Paul, it's nothing personal. You've done your job and you have made him well. There is nothing ungewöhnliches, nach dem Einsatz die Akte der Täter zu untersuchen. Da macht dir auch keiner einen Vorwurf. Ich hab nur unmissverständliche Anweisungen erhalten und ich will nicht einen meiner besten Männer verlieren. Scheiße Paul, du hast Stuttgart überlebt, du hast als einer der ersten mit den Zs zu tun gehabt und du hast eine Explosion überlebt. Darüber hinaus bist du einfach nur ein verdammt guter Polizeibeamter. Also mach jetzt keinen Scheiß und lass die Sache ruhen.“

Paul war angesichts der lobenden Worte leicht beschämt, sah sich gleichzeitig aber auch in die Ecke gedrängt. Paul hatte von seinem Vorgesetzten mehr Rückendeckung erwartet.

"Was it that?"

"Yes. You can go. Make your door behind you. "

Paul stood up, said goodbye and left the room. As the door slammed shut behind him, Bruno took the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? Yes, it's me. I spoke with him and ... yes ... yes ... I think he knows something. I have known Paul for years and I am sure that he has already made it a rhyme. He is not stupid ... Yes ... but only if you ... No, I'm not sure. Yes ... I keep up to date. "

After the interview was over, Bruno buried his face in his hands, breathed deeply several times and considered his next move. Paul knew all because he was sure. Paul could not have overlooked the cross-links with the armed forces. Bruno had to know how much Paul knew, had to know which side he would want if he could trust him, whether he, if it matters, would be loyal. Whether he the right moment, make the right decision would be.

Bruno met a decision. He picked up the phone, dialed a number and waited for the dial tone.


" Hi Paul, Here is Bruno. I have to talk with you again. Let's go have a coffee, I invite you "

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Long Can A Brain Hemorrhage Last

alien zombies from Bayern

just discovered on the Zombie Blog and found to be interesting.

ZFOS combines home movie, zombies and aliens and acts at least at first glance like a nice homage to the sci-fi cinema of the 50s and 60s. The Homepage presents itself in that same look that promises pictures in color and offers information in German, English and Bavarian language. That the latter is not through consistently in all levels forgiven, either.

I pushed on to the whole so A little bit to the name "Ed Wood" and hope that the makers skillfully with the B-movie motifs play instead of having flat or involuntarily zu präsentieren.

Anhand des Trailers lässt sich da noch nicht so viel ableiten, aber interessant wirkt es allemal:

Hier noch der offizielle Pressetext:

Masskrug vs. Untertasse,

60 Jahre nachdem amerikanische Kinos unzähligen Invasionen Ausserirdischer ausgesetzt waren, versucht ein niederbayrisches Filmteam einen erneuten Angriff auf die Lichtspielhäuser. Nur diesmal bleiben Los Angeles und Washington DC erstmal verschont.

Zombies from Outer Space is the first science-fiction horror-home movie of all time. Mix the two strips of film genres, film and German native American science-fiction B-movie entertainment to an explosive cocktail. In the film aliens try using a bizarre plan to exterminate the human race to create new habitat and specifically in the American-occupied Bavaria in the 50s.

The idea for the film springs from the Landshut independent film company "Fear4You" which has set itself the goal of the charm of the movies this time to breathe new life. 2011 will celebrate the home-Shocker's premiere. Latest news and info:

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Books of the Dead - Eden


In Eden civilization is at the end. The survivors have returned to urban strongholds and try, in a world populated by zombies to survive. High walls offer protection to the survivors. In theory at least, because at the beginning of the book voracious zombies in the bedroom of the main character and force him to fight for his life.

Tony Monchinski, the author advances as the fictional Tommy Arlin know to grab the reader right at the beginning and again until it let go, when the last page of slips between your fingers.

The narrative structure is rather unusual. The chapters seem disjointed at first, and no specific time line they belong. Only gradually arise for the reader many aha moments and a solid story framework. The zombie rules aim for something actually on the classic Romero-specifications, but are expanded by a faster zombie type. But that is for purists like myself still definitely still in the frame.

same time, I must admit that Eden was essential for the development of my story and gave me the final push to tell a story.

The story does have a closed end, still leaves us the book back with a semi-open end. An ending which took place in the English-speaking world with Crusade already a sequel. Let us hope that Heyne's successor soon bring to Germany. Speaking Heyne: 15 € for Paperback are a proud price, who well-written novels like zombie should invest the money however.
from which deserves die Story fünf von fünf zerstückelten Zombies. Tony Monchinski sitzt nach eigener Aussage derzeit übrigens schon am dritten Band, bzw. hat diesen fertig gestellt.

Hinweis: Teile dieses Texts habe ich bereits als Kundenrezension auf Amazon veröffentlicht

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Use A Popcorn Maker

Kapitel 58

Für das Treffen mit Horst hatte Paul einen öffentlichen, busy location chosen. Of course, a movie was basically a bad place to exchange news, but a good place if you do not want to listen to others. Paul made two maps for the whole front left, the film did not matter, so the choice was the one who would go next. Since only appeared sporadically, new films were classics in many places returned to the cinema, often extended to include digital frippery for fans of the film to provide an incentive.

The choice fell on Dawn of the Dead, the original by George Romero - digitally remastered and with new digital special effects. In 3D. Paul could not wait to see how ein Schraubenzieher in 3D und mit tollen neuen Special Effects in das Auge eines Untoten gestoßen wird, nahm dann aber trotzdem die Karten, weil der Film als nächstes anlief und er ohnehin keine Zeit haben würde, sich auf den Film zu konzentrieren. Dazu gab es viel zu viel zu besprechen.

Als der Film startete, begann Paul Horst über die jüngsten Ereignisse in Kenntnis zu setzen. Paul hörte aufmerksam zu, stellte gelegentlich Fragen, hakte bei dem einen oder anderen Fakt nochmal nach und versuchte über den Lärm des Films hinweg Paul Erläuterungen zu folgen. Als die Überlebenden das erste Mal auf Erkundungstour durch das Einkaufszentrum gingen, war Paul now using his story through.

"Yes, I've heard that in the army something is not working properly. My contacts tell me that many do not agree with the current leadership that the military wants and wants more authority for limiting the powers of the police. It also appears that such actions are sometimes part of approved high up or at least tolerated. "

" Have you heard anything about this story? "

„Nein, zu der Geschichte jetzt noch gar nichts. Dass die Kommandos los schicken, war selbst mir neu.“

„Kommandos? Also für mich klangen die beiden eher wie zwei traumatisierte Häufchen Elend.“

„Ja, Kommandos ist vielleicht das falsche Wort. Aber die Waffen müssen sie ja irgendwoher haben, die werden normal jeden Abend einkassiert. Hast du was mitbekommen bezüglich der Seriennummer?“

„Ach, verdammt, das hab ich vergessen. Ist ja normalerweise Sache der Ermittler. The two perpetrators were armed, but each with a P8. Would not be surprised if the serial number has been etched, or the weapons are not registered. "

" will be doing the same. But for that you need someone with influence. That's why I say also, command '. Even if they are not sent explicitly, they do what they do, but with the approval of a higher rank, who supplied the men with weapons, ammunition and the necessary networking technology. "

" That would a great thing. But that would mean that Managerial staff of the army tolerates the killing of innocent civilians. That recognizes the death of innocents is acceptable. "

" That is perhaps even that will be rendered incorrectly in the Bundeswehr, the facts that makes innocent people groups for the catastrophe. "

"My God, this could cause a second Holocaust."

"Well, now just let the church in the village. As far as idiots can not even muster the military. "

„Was will man denn dann damit bezwecken?“

„Keine Ahnung. Die Moral der Truppe festigen, durch ein klares Feindbild? Unruhe stiften, um die Kompetenz der Polizei zu untergraben?“

Auf der Leinwand sind die Darsteller gerade dabei, das Einkaufszentrum zu säubern und sich darin häuslich einzurichten. Ein Kopf explodiert in 3D und digital nachbearbeitet. Paul schüttelte sich und wandte sich wieder Horst zu.

„Und dann? Military coup? "

" Oh come on Paul, the military coup, we have behind us. "

" How would you call that? "

"turf wars, perhaps? Oh, I know, no idea. The fact is that undergoes a crisis and we stuck in the middle. When it comes to confrontation, we are on the shorter lever. "

" You talk about civil war? "

"Yes, that would be more like it. But honestly: I do not give a shit who gives up there the commands. As long as it is an illegitimate government, it is an illegal government. Just because I'm a policeman, my heart beats not for the interior minister. I have my oath to the Constitution and the Bavarian Constitution and shit right now to our constitution. Oh, I do not know if you have it heard, but the Federal Constitutional Court, paused 'at the moment. In other words,. Was dissolved in effect, '

meant Paul Horst, to lower his voice. Came from behind already complaints from moviegoers, and one or two people looked at the two confused. The rest of the time they were silent and watched the movie over. In some places had to laugh at Paul. Anyone who has experienced the true horror can only laugh about movie zombies.

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Chapter 58 Books of the Dead - Pride and Prejudice and Dead

Pride and Prejudice and zombies

At this point I can not write so much, because I've read far. Therefore, I quote from the times Wikipedia - Article:

" great success in the U.S. and Great Britain a parody of the novel [Pride and Prejudice], the author Seth Grahame-Smith published in 2009 under the title Pride and Prejudice and zombies. The Mashup retains Austen's novel with broad, enriched him but modern with elements of zombie novels and accounts for the Bennet sisters Pentathlon strong sword fighters. The book reached number three the bestseller list of New York Times was and in England positive reviews "

This shows also the same, where I think is the problem. I can the writing style not get anything, it bores me, discussions of young women of the 19th century, marriageable men to follow, even if these are rare due to the zombie disease. In addition to marriageable men reflects more about families, their reputation and their influence and by the way always eaten a few people and zombies slaughtered.

Somehow it sounds now, of course interesting, but I was just nicht warm damit.

Dafür kann es verschiedene Ursachen geben. Begonnen hab ich das Buch letztes Jahr im Türkeiurlaub. Erhofft hab ich mir witzige, leicht lesbare Urlaubslektüre. Mit Zombies.

Bekommen hab ich ein Buch, das aufgrund der absurden Situation tatsächlich witzig sein könnte, nur leicht lesbar war es nicht. Neben der Story scheint nämlich auch der Schreibstil direkt aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zu stammen.

Eine Bewertung spar ich mir, weil ich möglicherweise der Genialität des Buchs nicht gerecht werde. Wer sich selber ein Urteil bilden will, gets the opportunity.

I hereby giving away my copy of the book.

To win, leave a comment under this entry. Once ten entries is reached, or double my exclusive, I will give away the book. So in roughly for ten years.

can buy the book, of course.

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Books of the Dead - Zombie Survival Guide

The Zombie Survival Guide

Max Brooks for the second. In addition to World War Z defines the ZSG me the genre, the rules and conditions. One could get the impression that Max Brooks is committed to the ZSG themselves the framework for the following WWZ, its rules in the form of a fictitious Advisor.

Max Brooks answered in the book of major importance. Issues such as which weapons should preferably be done with it, which means of transport in case of emergency at least attract attention to themselves and what to look at his choice of accommodation.

The Zombie Survival Guide so answered questions arising out of nerds like me so far No one has made and it manages to remain entertaining the reader and to elicit the odd smile. Rounding

the work through a collection of short stories that allegedly documented record attacks and make a nice transition to the sophomore WWZ.

disclosed Nevertheless, the book is not of course the readers who want to be entertained by a book only. For this, the topic is too specific, too theoretical and too dry for the average reader.
are from the base's only three of five eyes torn out apples. There

The documented attacks it also stated in comic form. Since there is little to read text, the English edition is also less expensive for people whose English is designed not so good.

on Youtube is found among many, the ZSG referencing guide videos, an English text to speech version:

Monıca Roccaforte Foto

Books of the Dead - World War Z

If you like zombie stories read has, in addition to this blog a wide range of successful and some less successful books on this subject.

It would also lied, I'd say that I do not have one or the other book can be influenced. That's why I would like to introduce gradually some works that I have read the last few months.

World War Z - Who lives longer, is later found dead

With World War Z, Max Brooks delivered the work, measured by the I and all writers are have to. World War Z is the ultimate book about zombie and without doubt my biggest influence.

In World War Z Max Brooks describes, incidentally, the son of Mel Brooks, on the basis of fictitious interviews the outbreak of a global zombie apocalypse. The interviews are gripping, the presentation of the circumstances vividly and realistically (of course in context) and worked up the spread shown in chronological order.

is legendary Battle of Yonkers, which is the climax and turning point of the war and many inspired artists has :

also establishes in the book Max Brooks the rules that I follow in my story too. Zombies are slow, zombies are dead and the zombie virus does not jump over to animals. Zombies are adamant that make no super mutants and zombies are stupid, which he something away from his great role model Romero, who has lost something in his idea that zombies are partly to remember her old life.

To read the book super exciting, super smooth and extremely gripping. Wish you could accuse the book to something and Korinthenkackerei operate, you may still complain that many things remain unsaid that some cut, but is not brought to an end.

A film version is unfortunately further in coming, at least in English but as the book's enthralling storyteller with among other things, Mark Hamilton, who has been his role as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, now hired as a sought-after speaker.

deserves as a reference the book of course f ive five severed zombie heads

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Chapter 57

Chapter 57
When the colleague and a doctor arrived, was already the situation under control. Subjects der mitgeführten Ausweise konnten Martina und Paul die beiden als Robert Sedelmeier und Fritz Wegner identifizieren. Fritz heulte noch immer wie ein Schlosshund, beteuerte mehrmals, dass er das nicht tun wollte, aber es halt sein musste, während Robert scheinbar in Agonie verfallen war und gar nichts mehr sprach.
Als die Ermittler eintrafen, wurden Martina und Paul verhört und gaben alles Gehörte zu Protokoll. Die Ermittler notierten sich von Zeit zu Zeit einen Teil der Aussagen, befragten anschließend die Familie und zogen sich dann mit den beiden Tätern zurück. Nachdem es für Martina und Paul auch nichts mehr zu tun gab, fuhren sie zurück zum Präsidium, um ihr Protokoll fertig zu machen. A chore, despite the increased powers and rights was still necessary.
"How knew that the family was sick?"
Martina said quasi Pauls thoughts.
"No idea. I also gave it some thought. I think, to exclude the doctor and the colleagues we are. The know what is going on with the infection and the Zs up. Perhaps the pharmacist? "
" Which pharmacist? "
" Well, will the man have yet concerned with safety drugs. Perhaps the what has passed? "
"Well, yes, may be so. Maybe someone also follows the doctors who perform the tests with the people. "
" No, I do not think so. The change it every day. "
" Yes, but the drive accessible by the Bureau with their colleagues. "
" So I'm already certain that our colleagues would be a strike on nearly empty streets of following vehicles . Do not you think? "
" Yes, well, true enough. But otherwise there's not so much, right? The rumlungern hardly be on the road to then pick up their victims. "
" No, I do not believe. I even believe that the right course of action organized. Anders is not yet declare that take place in several neighborhoods or even cities about the same time the murders. "
" That's right. "
Once in the service drive up both your computer. Paul wanted to check the personal data of the two men before they were blocked by the investigators. Both men served in the army right now and both were in Stuttgart. That said, at least where the two had their arms and where the infected people in Berührung gekommen sind. Paul stöberte weiter in Sedelmeiers Akte und fand dort auch den Verweis auf den Bruder.
Sein Bruder war in den Kämpfen um Stuttgart gefallen, war im inneren Verteidigungsring und fiel innerhalb der ersten Stunden. Seine Leiche konnte nur noch anhand der Erkennungsmarken identifiziert werden. Der Kopf wurde von einer Kugel zerfetzt, große Teile seiner Haut und das die Knochen bedeckende Fleisch und Sehnen fehlten, waren gefressen worden. Roberts Bruder musste einen grausamen Tod gestorben sein, bis er sich selber verwandelte und seinerseits Jagd auf die Lebenden machte.
Ein tragischer Vorfall, aber davon gab es in Stuttgart tausende. Langsam dämmerte es Paul. War this may be a conspiracy within the army? Revenge for fallen comrades, soldiers here? Therefore, the group was linked as well and therefore it is operated so organized? Paul Fritz opened 'file and search for more clues. Fritz was with Robert's brother, used in a company and also in the inner ring. Together with Robert's brother, they were divided for the defense of the main command post.
Fritz was able to save himself by escaped in an infantry fighting vehicle and three days of persevered. The first few minutes he heard the screams of his comrades, after calm returned, only ever briefly interrupted when one of the Zombies collided with the tank. In the armored equipment had several friends, from whom he took the food and water. After three days advanced on the outer ring and Fritz freed from his hiding place. wanted to check
Just as Paul further cross-connections, he had no access to the records. Apparently the files were classified as confidential and therefore only been made available to the investigators. Paul had now but read enough. He had to speak with absolutely Horst. Previously, he even informed Martin about what he found and his conclusions. Martin seemed in disbelief, but Paul knew that they would believe him.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Film Streaming Raven Riley

extract from the everyday life of the transfer of animal insurance

In the field of pet insurance not only farmers, but also insurance brokers stumble again and again about some of the other stumbling block. Sometimes you rub on them, but not only the painful foot but also by the aching belly laugh!

following case is really as expired:

The keeper of a dog contacted us with the intention of his four-legged dogs with a surgical securing insurance. Of course, the insurer must be notified in this regard, the medical history of the animal, for example, be excluded from insurance coverage complications. So far, so good. Nothing unusual. Everything perfect.

The keeper was then, that his dog before was "treated" four years for a wart on the ear. Said treatment was the fact that the wart was asked by the veterinarian of your dog free from Stücken zu trennen – nachgeholfen hat er, indem er sie mit einem Faden abgebunden hat. Die Warze ist der Empfehlung des Tierarztes schließlich nachgekommen und nach einer Weile spontan und ohne ein Wort des Abschieds abgefallen.

Nun stellt der Versicherer jedoch den Tierhalter, den Tierarzt und auch uns als Vermittler vor folgendes Problem: Da Warzen eine Gewebeveränderung darstellen wünscht die Versicherungsgesellschaft das Einsenden einer Gewebeprobe von besagter Warze. (Durch besagte Gewebeveränderung hätte eine Tumorerkrankung entstehen können. Diese wurde daher als Folgeerkrankung aus dem Versicherungsumfang ausgeschlossen. Um dem Ausschluss entgegenzuwirken, muss der Tierhalter nun die Gewebeprobe als Beweis Submit it.)

As performed the wart separation four years ago but so abruptly, never stated their new home and even on Facebook does not have its own account, no one knows some advice We are hopeful that we are now the insurer can give valuable tips on how to proceed in this particular case!

Perhaps you can help us on our Facebook page - we look forward to your funny comments :)

courtesy of

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lump In Throat In Toddlers

also fish, get rid of the irresponsible owners want

find a good home Dogs in kindergarten

A friend of animal rights activists and aquarists prevented the "disposal" of this wonderful, magnificent animals by his neighbors and brought them to us.

good measures 28 cm long each of the fascinating fish species honeycomb plates catfish. It's a couple. They were kept in a 60 cm aquarium!

These exceptional freshwater fish will rest with between 40 and 50 cm long, are absolutely peaceful and really should only be purchased if one is willing to maintain an appropriately sized aquarium.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Price For Lakme Cosmetics

When one sees on the streets

noch mehr solcher LKWs fahren?

Dieser ist im Raum Frankfurt unterwegs.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Taint Izle Demi Moore

The Dream Team on the dog sofa

oder Morgens um 11 h in Deutschland... Max, Paul (der ein gutes eigenes Zuhause sucht), Fennek

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Touring All Season Vs Performance All Season

can be beautiful life:)

Paul genießt sein Nickerchen auf dem Hundesofa und fühlt sich sichtlich wohl dabei

Sogar im Halbschlaf versprüht der Hübsche noch seinen Charme ;)