court scenes Part 4
On September 11, 2001 by 15 clock commit I left the office of the lawyer, who later betrayed clients should. On the radio I heard of the planes that destroyed the towers in New York and could not believe it. On television I saw the horrible pictures on CNN.
in early summer 2002, I said a lawyer, "You will find in this matter no lawyer will represent you." This should prove to be correct. The second lawyer, who wrote many letters to the district court running, all of which went unanswered, threatened the wife of the police with enforcement. It remained at the threat. The lawyer refused ultimately to put this threat. Had he himself been threatened? By whom he had been threatened? Why are all afraid and why are lawyers, police officers - disguised as a property manager - sent in private homes? Why are these police officers entered the houses and watch those people with impunity about their savings accounts and have their own construction contracts awarded? What is going on in this country?
I asked the second lawyer repeatedly Zwangsvollsteckung launch, which meant that he refused to further share conversations with me. Now, suddenly came running from the district court to a charge of a further court hearing. No lawyer could explain why the district court convened a hearing again.
The district court hatte durch den Vergleich - einen Schuldtitel- alles bereits geklaert. Ich sagte meinem Anwalt, ich wuerde zu der Verhandlung nicht kommen, da ich vom Amtsgericht keine Ladung erhalten hatte, auch wolle ich keinen Anwalt dorthin entsenden. Der Anwalt riet mir dringend, einen Anwalt seiner Kanzlei zu entsenden, obwohl er nicht wusste, weshalb diese Verhandlung stattfand.
Auch nach Akteneinsicht fanden die Anwaelte keine Erklaerung fuer dieses Verfahren.
Letztendlich wurde eine Anwaeltin fuer die Verhandlung am 17.5.2005 benannt, der ich einschaerfte, dass der Polizist kein Recht haette vor Gericht zu erscheinen und Sie - sollte dieser Fall eintreten -nicht an der Verhandlung teilnehmen duerfe. Meine Befuerchtungen trafen ein. Der Polizist erschien mit einer Volmacht his wife, which I have not survived to this day, the Rechtsanwaeltin did not protest had been agreed. In the courtroom sat three owners, one and a half hours, the hearing by heckling - annoying especially the offensive nature of my person-
allowed. The judges would tolerate and support this inhumane comments. The policeman claimed boldly that it had provided the accounts of the years 2001 to 2004, which is a lie. The man is still illegal in the possession of a part of the Community funds. This is clearly fraud, but refuse his colleagues at the CID Traunstein Traunstein and the prosecutor to investigate their colleagues. Last stole the pseudo manager, which I believe to Doctors would have to, because he does not know that he is a police officer, the court costs from the Eigentuemergemeinschaftskasse. By my lawyers with the district court filed a protest died away unheard. Also extorted this official, who has made an oath to the Constitution, of me money, with the reason that he would otherwise file an action against me. But that the lawyers are intimidated by this man remains a mystery to me.
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