Thursday, April 13, 2006

Turbocraft Thunderball Memorabilia

Report by Karin Jäckel - from children as human capital

Report by Karin Jäckel - from children as human capital
report Karin Jäckel - Excerpt from 18th 3. 2006 press conference with panel discussion on

"the German Youth Office a Kinderklaubehörde it?" On 10 March 2006 in Bolzano / South Tyrol

to my book. "Not Without My Children A mother's fight against the youth welfare office," Luebbe Verlag with Joumana Gebara, 2 / 2006

The Justizia by the sculptor and father of Marco Piono Prior to arrival in SchneeAls I am Thursday 9 March 2006 set out to Bolzano, the streets of the Black Forest to the burners are covered in snow. Most tunnel crossings can only be made unilaterally. Long drag down the earnings front. As the second hour is lost in waiting, it is foreseeable that I will not be in before midnight Bolzano. Too late to meet me that evening with Joumana Gebara and the first participants already arrived at our press event at their home. Schade.Immer my phone rings again. In all there nervous optimism. Everyone hopes and wants to help to manage the event, the media will report about as many stories and not just for Joumana Gebara, but for all a positive bottom line kommt.Erst night out at half past one the car is finally in the garage near the "City Hotels Città". I try to sleep, but the long journey to acts and also holds the unusual warmth of spring in South Tyrol me awake. A hall for 200 people - but whether they come from nine to 13 we were able to clock the ballroom at City Hall for the 10th March reserve book. Over two hundred people fit. When I thought about my experience with similar events in Germany, I was queasy. Although these were always welcomed by many, but was visited rather poor. This was not due to lack of interest. But to the lack of Geld.Aber who knows? We have international advertising drum beat so loud and so many commitments from interested parties and get personally affected that the hall could actually be full. So we would rather risk a few empty chairs indoors and a few invited guests because of overcrowding there. Lack of money - or why the chartered bus from Berlin ausfälltAls accommodation for half of Europe from the arriving parents and grandparents, we usually recommend the hostel. Many marginalized mothers and fathers can afford of what is left after deductions for child and struggle, barely a cheap studio and live from hand to mouth, even though they are full-time job and a good income I erzielen.Wie in 1997 in my non-fiction "The man, used, loved and ripped off. fathers after the separation pointed out, "there is a lack parents who can no longer see their children, usually of money lawyers, expert opinions, second opinion, court costs, and often translation costs, travel and much more, -. the struggle for a child it will hit, often entire financial lives . But the money it is not alone. This battle worn, is sapping the moral and physical Gesundheit.Auch for Bolzano we have this experience. The fall of Berlin, chartered bus, which should include cross by travelers from Germany, because the tour operator its cheap package tour price calculated on 25 people, but has received only six applications. Only two of these six people make it, but to Bolzano to kommen.1997 and the exclusion of fathers from the lives of their children in 1997 I wrote deliberately biased about the suffering of marginalized and abandoned fathers. I did not report gender-neutral. No, my book should fill a gap because of mothers who suffer the consequences of separation, divorce, wrote and spoke it all the time. That fathers cry when their children are no longer allowed to see, no one wanted to really have true "The new men suffering", the "Howl of the nation," the "whiners", the press railed as a comment on my book. Most of them were journalists. Others said, slightly incredulous of special "Mega-beasts" die ich für meine "Kampfschrift" ausgewählt habe.Doch allmählich setzte ein Umdenken ein. Die Berichterstattung über Väter, die um ihre Kinder kämpfen, nahm zu. Die noch jungen Väterselbsthilfegruppen erstarkten. Offizielle Studien wurden erstellt. Sogar Kinofilm und Fernsehkrimi entdeckten das Drama der Vaterentbehrung.Heute, nur knapp zehn Jahre später, beginnt man in Politik und Gesellschaft gegen die Ausgrenzung von Vätern zu agieren. Vor allem das Ergebnis einer Studie (Amendt) über die bessere Unterhaltszahlungsmoral von Vätern, die aktiv am Leben ihrer Kinder teilhaben, blieb nicht ohne Folgen. Ab 2007 soll es nach der Geburt eines Kindes nur mehr dann ein staatliches Elterngeld geben, wenn auch die Väter take at least two months, a sabbatical in order for the child as to sein.2006 and the exclusion of more and more mothers and parents, couples from the lives of their children that more and more mothers are excluded wrongly from the lives of their children is still not live in public awareness arrived. The first reaction in such cases is almost always: "There must be something else happened, take away a mother but no children.." But the reality is different. Terrible anders.Wie 1997 I want to contribute in 2006 to ensure that this injustice is known and there is a change in thinking. My book "Not without my children. A mother fighting against the youth welfare office" to shake. It is intended to show how fast es passieren kann, dass auch einer völlig unbescholtenen Mutter ihre Kinder weg genommen werden. Dass Denunziation genügt, um unschuldige Eltern zu kriminalisieren und die Maschinerie eines Staatsapparates in Bewegung zu setzen, die schon vor zehn Jahren als "Kinderklaubehörde" in Verruf geraten war. (Bad Boll)Dass es dazu keines Gerichtsbeschlusses bedarf, weil dieser Wochen später noch nachgereicht werden kann. Dass Kinder ohne Wissen ihrer Eltern in Kindergarten, Schule, wo immer sie gerade sind, selbst im Kindbett, von ihnen wildfremden Personen abgeholt und mitgenommen und vor ihren Eltern versteckt werden. Monate lang, sogar Jahre lang. Dass den Eltern nicht einmal gleich gesagt wird, warum. Dass sie ihre Kinder weder anrufen, noch besuchen, may get as much back home. That is forbidden them judicially to speak publicly about their suffering and turn on the press. How unspeakably cruel methods in the official name of the "best interest" to be against children. And how helpless parents sind.Widerstand to authorities "Kinderklau" does NotJoumana Gebara is not resigned to the fainting. She fights for her children. Also with the help of my book that tells their story. Despite the judicially imposed muzzle. The Italian press writes later, after our press conference and book launch in Bolzano, lead them as their mother a "crusade" against German Behörden.Es losLetzte preparatory work At ten in the hall clock, it is on 10 March in the ballroom of the Town Council of Bolzano go. In the hour before we inspect the microphones on the podium. In the background of the ballroom potter sound technician. One of them kindly includes my tape recorder with. The two of us ordered synchronous translators arrive. Take in the translation booth space and will make sure that there are no communication problems. The technicians share in the accompanying headphones. Once more, the chairs are moved, tested the wireless microphone. It is those in the plenary are available who want to contribute to the discussion. Thought of everything to make the event a success want to be lassen.Die media will soon take the first press representative is a regional newspapers and media organizations that speak with Joumana Gebara and interviews with her as the heroine of her make-I in the form of written novel experience. She is the star of the day, and master the unfamiliar role still sovereign. The television crew from ARTE France builds up his camera and the boom microphone in the hall. On Thursday, Jean-Yves Cauchard has highly emotional scenes of the reunion with Olivier Karrer Gebara family gedreht.Am would love the Bolzano journalists conduct their interviews before the panel discussion. But fortunately it is possible to move most of the dates on it. This is good because we have our event nicht als familiäres Insidertreffen konzipiert haben, sondern um der Journaille den Blick über den Rand des brisanten Einzelschicksals hinaus zu ermöglichen und einen gesellschaftsrelevanten Missstand aufzudecken, in dem der "Fall Gebara" einer unter vielen ist.Die Podiumsgäste
Auch die Podiumsgäste betreten allmählich den Saal. Bisher kennen fast alle sich nur schriftlich und telefonisch. Leider lässt die Anzahl der Mikrophone nicht zu, dass alle vorgesehenen Sprecher auf dem Podium Platz nehmen können. Ich bitte diejenigen, die im Plenum bleiben müssen, in der ersten Reihe Platz zu nehmen und von dort aus mitzudiskutieren. Beata PokrzeptowiczVom Zuschauerraum aus rechts gesehen, nimmt zuerst Beata Pokrzeptowicz auf dem Podium. She is from Poland but lives in Bielefeld. Although it is only because of her son in Germany, they may see the boy she has in the first five years alone brought up, not more. The father falsely claimed she wanted to kidnap the child away from Germany to Poland. The Youth Office is supporting the child's withdrawal. Beata has founded a support group for parents who have lost Polish-German children. One of their current mission is to promote support for those MEPs who wish to protest against the EU Commission against the cultural uprooting of Polish children and discrimination against foreign parents in Germany. Outraged reports her that her Polish parents binational children demonstrated, for example see the only reason no longer be allowed because they want to speak Polish to each other. Olivier Karrer addition Beata sits Olivier Karrer of Paris, acting as a founding member and Vice Chairman of the National Parents Association "CEED". He is the father of a French-born German-French boy, the mother withdrew to Germany. With the help of youth ministry and family court, it prohibits any contact between father and son. Alleged danger of abduction by the father. Olivier should try to see his son, he faces a quarter of a million-Strafe.Doch Olivier is not only in their own right and in the interest of his parents' association Panel guest. He is an adviser since 2001 excluded to become parents and their children fighting parents. Increasingly, his club to the point of despair. Joumana Gebara was also one of them. Therefore Olivier and CEED play in the book "Not Without My Children" is an important Rolle.Carsten carsten Rummel Rummel, a lawyer from Munich, the third in the league. He was for many years in the German Youth Institute, Munich, active. Therefore, he has a rare insider knowledge of the workings of the youth ministry, he brings effective court for his clients. He currently represents such Haase family of Münster in North Rhine Westphalia to the European Court of Human Rights, of the youth office seven children withdrew from the smallest child to the bed away. Dr. Karin JäckelIn the middle of the group, I myself am a writer and expert. I accept the presentation of the event, do a subject and to try to keep track of all the speeches. Since we have not devised a name tag at the individual panel members, it is difficult for asker to address specific people directly. Joumana GebaraRechts of me sitting Joumana Gebara, main person of the day and especially popular interviewee media of all kinds. Besides Rai3 ORF and since March the eighth send all private radio and television interviews and documentaries in South Tyrol. Unfortunately, we hear the broadcasts of the day or not see. We are involved in our own program. The newspapers publish quickly. The " Dolomites " brings the morning after the event, a half-page interview with photos. The "daily" presents a full page. Even "Corriere Della Sera" and "Alto Adige", the prestigious Italian newspapers reported the region, although our book is now unfortunately only in German trade. Other radio stations such as Radio Meran "sign up for future events to the book. A great TV show is in preparation. The newspapers want to continue berichten.Diane BurgyKurz ten meets Diane Burgy of the Foundation " ( ) from Fribourg in Switzerland in the ballroom and on the Podium. As local residents has chosen pilot for a lot of money from someone by Bolzano, the path does not know and could not find the city hall almost. We are glad she has it just in time. Brought from their wooden treasure chest and spreads all sorts of information for people seeking help. " was founded ten years ago to international at the discovery of missing children and to participate in intensive use for preventive measures. As an effective search method, the service is offered, photos of wanted children according to age to change. Mike Anacker AnackerMike from Germany continues the series on the panel guests. He is the father of a daughter he can not see through the action of the Youth Office. His contribution to the panel discussion consists of including a separate study conducted in 2001, based on a nationwide survey of figures and statistics on child abduction and related costs. If you were to create such a study for several years, the enormous economic damage would be borne by the taxpayer's child abduction no longer cover up. Probably, but would then also be seen that the flourishing business with the removal of the child not just a bad rumor istFlavio Moccia and Chiara BombardelliDas End of the round form Joumana Gebaras lawyers Mr. and Mrs. Moccia Bombardelli from Bolzano, arriving a little late, but occur more vehement for her client, leaving no doubt that they, at "our friend Joumana" position. Since Mr. Moccia speaks Italian and the translators of the legal Fachausjargon have some trouble, it falls some listeners hard verstehen.Absagen it properly invited guests were unfortunately not measured by the number of our available microphones on the podium, we are complete. Nevertheless, several important figures are missing from the series. Mathieu had to cancel last minute CarriereIm Mathieu Carriere, who as a father affected by removal of the child and therefore as often as possible raises his media profile as an actor in the mix in order to fight for the right of all children to both parents. Deep snow and early snow melt and changing theater events forced him to stay in Munich, where he stood with the musical "Robin Hood" on stage. The gap in the Bolzano podium, he joined a personal letter that I read on his behalf, as well as permission to give his phone number to continue to journalists who wanted to interview him. RAI3 immediately makes use davon.Maureen DabbaghAuch Maureen Dabbagh from the United States stayed away unfortunately. The founder of the Parents Support Group Parent internationally had "also cancel at the last second. Her husband put in the end still the all-important veto. He was afraid for the safety of his wife. September 11, unfortunately, many children verändert.Vermisste eVGänzlich unexpectedly hit me on Thursday, shortly before my departure, the news that would break Mr. Bruhns of the German association "Missing Children Association ( ) its firm commitment and not come. When I brought him my invitation, Monika Bruhns was the founder of the Initiative Group, had just died. Yet Mr. Bruhns said spontaneously to his coming. It is important for him to lead the task of his late wife on. Maybe He will also bring his son, who is currently still a law student, to continue the work of the mother but one day will. Now I found out Mr. Bruhns was prevented senior and Mr. Bruhns junior had to write important exams fell müsse.Berlin 2001 and the hunger strike of abandoned children of binational parents to me. At that time, announced a well-known lawyer and founding members of the association in the press, although they represent clients with a bi-national children, support the protest action on the Alexanderplatz by hunger strike against child kidnapping protesters are not. In these, it is merely nerds, of which no one knew who was behind them. One of them was then Olivier Karrer. I himself was in the campaign through public relations and discussions involved in the Federal Ministry of Justice. Could this be the real reason for the surprising cancellation of the two men are Bruhns, whose organization is sponsored by the federal government? If you wanted it does not spoil with the government? Cornelia Haase also remained at home Cornelia Haase, whose "case" again and again by the German media is because it took away the youth office seven children, the youngest of the baby bed. Two little girls were the Youth Office to the parents back now. However, without any parental rights. This keeps the front office continues. Since Mr. Haase take a vacation, could not dare the parents, the Kinder einer fremden Betreuungsperson anzuvertrauen, damit Conny nach Bozen reisen könne. Beide haben es bedauert. Ihre Kinder aber freuten sich. Sie konnten sie mit ihren Eltern eine Katzenschau besuchen, auf die sie sich schon lange gefreut hatten.Großelternintiative BIGEBedauerlicherweise musste auch die deutsche "Großelterninitiative" aus Nordrheinwestfalen absagen. Die beiden für die Reise nach Bozen motivierten Damen wurden anderweitig gebraucht. Eine von ihnen sollte soeben nochmals Oma werden. Die andere war zum Babysitterdienst eingeteilt. Nadim und Solange Gemayel Last but not least konnte auch Nadim Gemayel, der seine Landsfrau Joumana Gebara als Vertreter des demokratischen Libanon unterstützen wollte, nicht kommen. Seine ebenfalls politically active mother Solana Gemayel, who wanted to accompany him, was in Beirut for professional reasons stated worden.Das audience coasts einTrotz these cancellations, the ballroom fills the Bolzano city hall with an audience gradually. Known and unknown faces darunter.Die acquaintances among mothers and fathers from France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy. Some know their self-help groups and their communication rounds as the "foreign List" ( ) exchange in which many parents of bi-national children, or from the association "Fathers' Initiative for Children" ( ), der sich als Anlaufstelle für ausgegrenzte Väter versteht, aber auch die eine oder andere Mutter integriert.Auch Großeltern, die um ihre Enkel kämpfen, und so genante Zweitfrauen mit Patchworkfamilien, die um eine unkomplizierte Zusammenführung "deiner, meiner, unserer Kinder" ringen, mischen sich unters Publikum. Nicht nur Christine aus Würzburg, die eine Selbsthilfegruppe gegen PAS, das bekannte Elternentfremdungssyndrom, gründen will, stammt aus einer Familie, die seit Generationen Geschiedene hervorbringt. Alle diese Menschen haben eines gemeinsam: Das Leid um ihre Kinder, die sie nicht oder viel zu selten sehen dürfen, und den Kampf gegen die Windmühlenflügel des Jugendamts und der ihm angeschlossenen Familiengerichtsbarkeit.Man welcomed to hug you, presents itself. At last I see who's behind the nickname "RitterderKNuss. His arrival is a pleasant surprise, especially for Joumana Gebara. In hand baggage he has the first chapter of his novel process of the inspired him her story. When I start to read it later, I read a hold of me. It is exciting, written in many scenes impressive proof. Hopefully you will find a publisher, they print is a wird.Zusätzlich the interested population that has already been informed days earlier with the help of posters, leaflets, newspaper advertisements, radio broadcasts and countless phone calls. Members of various women's organizations, Women's self help groups and women's associations are involved. Some of them had recently, on the eighth of March, the "Day of the Woman", which was held in Bolzano with a great woman an exhibition at the Women's Museum, expressed interest and promised support. Mostly mothers, whose public commitment to women, children and family is known. They all have forwarded the information to their own mailing list. In the end, an estimated seventy people are there. Invited dignitaries from BozenDie list of invited guests is long. Many of them Joumana Gebara is personally made representations with a copy of the book. In phone calls and emails we share each and every potential And invited guest in Bolzano - unlike Germany - erhalten.Jugendbehörde not only disinterested rejection and police send representatives. A member of parliament expressly apologized with great regret. She could not attend because she attended a meeting at the just had to participate in Italy adopted laws establishing new rules on parental authority. For the first time orders of this law in Italy, the principle joint custody and replaces the previous scheme under which mothers automatically receive the right with the children in the family home to bleiben.Geladene dignitaries from GermanyThe German Federal Family Minister von der Leyen, however, no time for citizens' concerns to spend. She is too busy with her new office and their own children, they can be aligned by a spokesman. The German President Horst Koehler refers to the responsibility of the jurisdiction. The interior minister of North Rhine Westphalia, the region where the Joumana Gebara lived with their children respond, not even on the invitation. Also, Alice Schwarzer, the great feminist who nevertheless uses so vehemently for the right of all mothers and women to work and career in spite of children responding, not on our invitation. Personal friends, not least spin a personal friend of the family Gebara. Valeria, the daughter comes with her best friends. The little brothers to stay their protection in safe hands. We are a short time before the event through the grapevine that one of the fathers have joined forces with a former police officer from an organized German fathers club to grab the little boys in our events and to return to Germany to holen.Ich myself will of my husband as well as my son Dominic and Daniele Aprile accompanied. "Jazz Fizz" from mannheim music, we wanted to, should in a so important for us, both joyful and exciting day as the 10th March is not missing. Canned music was not an option. Vibrant, strong, original music, it should be. Symbol of our own new beginning. Music, like that of "Jazz Fizz". What was more natural than to book Mannheim acoustic duo? "Jazz Fizz" consists of Daniele Aprile, a young guitarist from Mannheim with Sicilian ancestors, and Dominik Jackel, singers from Oberkirch and second-born of my three Söhne.Daniele Aprile has a degree in music from the guitar and guitar teacher. Dominik is a trained jazz singer and voice teacher, studied Germanistik and Anglistik and worked for several years as a journalist at SWR station "The Thing" ( ). With a singular blend of American and British jazz & soul songs, they present an emulsion of two different genres that influence each other, without its own tensions to verlieren.Ihr charity concert in Bolzano all abducted children is dedicated. The debate on the panel and its ThemenfelderDas youth office, "Kinderklaubehörde?" When we sit with almost half an hour late on stage, I begin our event with a brief introduction of the panelists and an introduction to the topic. For two hours we try to present tasks and actions of the German Youth Office, to describe the suffering of parents and children by treatment refusal and parental exclusion and to make clear that the power of a youth welfare office, the tears without warning and in secret children from their families, although no criminal determined to Ground and no court order is to be limited muss.Fassungslosigkeit, doubt, suffering EmpörungJoumana Gebaras report, supplemented by other experiences of a parent and grandparent, replaced with stunned, disbelief and profound indignation in the audience. Nobody understands how it is possible that employees of this agency children secretly and without court order from nursery and school pick up and nowhere to hide from their own parents may not. In Italy, it is the unanimous opinion, there would be because of such arbitrary acts of a popular uprising. South Tyrolean counter-experience a journalist for seven long years in a law firm did, and said she had experienced in those years one child being removed from the family. An employee of the Youth Authority added that there should be no child abduction in Italy without a court order. Those who own authority as employees of this agency constitutes doing, personally liable to prosecution. Also behind the backs of parents done anything. On the contrary, to pick up a child from his family, can the parents must first of all the judicial decision submitted. This promulgated but only if there is no other way. And even then it was not cleared for unlimited time, but the most rapid return of children uppermost goal. Of deference to authority and FachlichkeitswahnRechtsanwalt Carsten Rummel tried to create an understanding of the cause of official abuse of power. Reason in his opinion, the typical German culture and mentality of authority and obedience Fachlichkeitswahn. Behind humanity fall by the wayside. Were the typical German, deference to authority the Individual Youth Office is not voluntary, and from false authority obedience so much power, would not the youth office that power. By law it was open to him that is not out to Mr. Rummel zu.Als example the behavior of fathers in the case Gebara. Would this be the interference of the Youth Office tolerate that in their private lives, rather than deference to authority the payment of the employees of this agency to follow and to avoid the mother's parental rights would have had the youth office no power to take the kids mother away and the fathers to geben.Die emotions go hochBei the parents in the audience, where the juvenile office also took her children away, excite these words fierce resentment. At times it seems as if a lawyer can hype that is undoubtedly on the side of the disenfranchised parents, undergo anger all over him, of so many of his colleagues is intended. One has experienced at first hand, that resistance against the youth welfare office only a result of moves to be, namely, the immediate loss of the children and often personal vindictiveness of the responsible employees of this agency. Not infrequently, is added in such cases, judicial wrath. This becomes especially boomerang should the excluded parents dare to go with its application to the public. As in the case Gebara judges react usually by removal of the child, because they do not put up with that exerted by press reports of public pressure on them and their judicial independence is hampered. Often the lay judges going to the public or her parents to a kind of muzzle, by prohibiting them with the threat of child abduction and use denial of speech and freedom of expression. Parents allegedly injurious to public complaints against unjust judges and employees of this agency perceived the Kindeswohl.Der quite empty space of the JugendamtsMan is agreement in the discussion board that act certainly not all employees of this agency against parents or parents. But if they do, it happens without personal consequences, although some officers make tragic mistakes. As a lawyer stressed Rummel, the Youth Bureau works in the so-called "right empty space." He also admits that is against the abuse of power of the youth department has grown less today than ever an herb. Since October 2005, considered a new law that children must be already suspected immediately removed from the parental family. Even without a court order. Employees of this agency, who do not adhere henceforth persönlich.Wie lawyer Rummel notes, employees of this agency will continue because of this new law even more children from their families to tear than before. The fear of personal liability is going around. If a child but withdrawn only once, there is at least for a long time, usually no going back after HauseNatasha birthday letter to her missing TochterMit Natasha's birthday letter to her twelve year old daughter she has for four years, not seen or spoken to, I call forth the dead silence. Natasha, who lost both legs in a tragic accident with train wheels, struggles to maintain composure. You will never get over how their children were kidnapped by the fathers, while she lay in hospital. Against Fathers and Child Protection Services, she had no chance. An amputee mother was not a good mother, Sabine es.Auch was suffering for her daughter Maëliss weeps silently. She had sent her child to the father, trusting to a holiday from the USA to Germany. It never returned home. The new wife of the father gets no children. And the Youth Office is the best interests of the small bi girl in Germany is maintained better than in the U.S., Switzerland or Belgium, where his mother now lives and shines in many eyes it arbeitet.Auch feucht.Diane Burgy and prevention gedankees acts like a cold shower, as Diane Burgy of "FREDI. org", explains the love would last proven only three years, was announced after hard work, a pair of long-term relationship to design durable. Who wants to rule out child custody and boycott must think and act preventively. This included advice to the right of family planning on the modalities of a parent relationship and is not involved in a pregnancy if you do not exactly know how the other parents think about it. Such educational work was one of the obligations of parents towards their adolescent children, but also in the classroom. It expresses a biology teacher, as this knowledge to their students and hope that this alarming study everywhere handled werde.Eine Mike Anacker, der für das Jahr 2001 eine hochinteressante bundesländerübergreifende Studie zur Arbeit des Jugendamts erstellt hat, trägt einige Ergebnisse vor. Leider ist sein Vortrag zu umfangreich für unsere knappe Diskussionszeit, so dass er nur einige wenige Zahlen benennen kann. Es erschüttert sichtlich, dass Deutschland auf jährlich 170 000 Kinder, die ihren Eltern entzogen werden, rund 70 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr aufwendet, von denen etwa ein Drittel eingespart werden könnte, würde das Jugendamt nicht alljährlich 70 000 Kinder fälschlich ihren Eltern entziehen. Unglaublich auch, wie viel Geld Pflegeeltern für ihre Pflegedienste erhalten bzw. wie viel Geld Eltern für die ihnen entrissenen Kinder an Unterhaltsleistungen should apply. In the case of the parental couple Haase there were seven children in 2700 € per child per month. A sum that could raise the breadwinner and therefore never Haase fließt.Ausgrenzung from the public coffers and the pockets of the general taxpayers of parents by the authorities "Kinderklau" because the Germans die and only the children guaranteed in the country, they stay in Germany of professional caregivers in the general pool of "industrial family," according to Friedrich Engels model are raised? Joumana Gebara has brought their children on their own to back home and to South Tyrol, Italy. Before the German judiciary is therefore a child Sent leader. Darauf steht eine Haftstrafe. Ihre Helfer werden sich vielleicht gerichtlich verantworten müssen. Und die Kinder sollen zurück. Schließlich sind sie Deutsche, Mitglieder einer aussterbenden Rasse. Schon in wenigen Jahren werden Regionen, in denen bereits jetzt nur wenige Kinder aufwachsen, wirtschaftlich in die Knie gehen.Der größte Verliererkreis in Westdeutschland steht 2006 bereits fest. Es ist der Kreis Gelsenkirchen. Genau der Kreis, in dem Joumana Gebara mit ihren Kindern lebte.Klar, dass ihre Kinder nicht nach Italien umziehen sollten und jetzt nach Deutschland zurück geholt werden sollen. Sie sind Wirtschaftsfaktoren und Rentenzahler. Mehr noch, sie sind Kinder einer Akademikerin. Kinder einer Frauengruppe, die immer seltener Kinder bekommt. Children who one day will probably also study and then captured by the economy with the butterfly net, because they lack product falls on sind.Als strange that North Rhine Westphalia, the state, from the Joumana Gebaras are children, the highest adoption rate in Germany has. Furthermore result, both the first analysis of my own online survey on experiences of the population with the Youth Office and Mike Anacker statistical surveys, an unusually high number of children removed from their parents in NRW through youth ministry and family courts and placed in foster homes or orphanages wurden.Der context is clear. Often parents take care to foster care solely because no child can be transferred to them for adoption, but to them assures a Dauerpflegschaft or when a subsequent adoption of the foster child in view. This system seems successful for adoption placement. Outstanding issue is still unclear whether there are direct links between child abduction and child care needs in children's homes. Again and again I am with my research came across people who claimed that settled with targeted children procurement and cash in on parents and / or public funds of a lucrative deal between individual youth office employees and individual home managers to werde.Legt basis here sums as they result from the payment obligation as the parents Haase result, namely 7 x 2 700 euros per month, you can not suspect such a spontaneous show of hands. Here, the future of the facts of the officially sponsored foster family weisen.Von world journalists and other interested people from the audience after hook. Mike's vote results, it would be no surprise that working with such a rich pay most men and women as foster parents and are giving up any other employment. In court, the "ideal family" of the foster parents as one of the good reasons to be evaluated children for their single biological parents away to nehmen.Endlich the first time, it was said in the case of children Gebara, will the children be to offer an intact family, the them to child well brauchten.Ein rogue who evil thinks that many foster families come from the ranks of the employees of social services or fall after a day-care parents rate from the unemployment statistics or adopt foster children, because they have just built. Entire web pages promote the lucrative activity and in children lacking even nicht.Joumana Gebaras older son had with his new foster parents, even to Russia, flying to undermine one of the Youth office thither fled young mother, her German-Russian child away, she said could not support themselves. "No doubt our friend Joumana Gebara" Joumana Gebaras legal team Flavio Moccia and Chiara Bombardelli is not able to Italian-speaking audience is difficult to understand. The synchronous translation are a little inexperienced in legal vocabulary. However, it is clear that both lawyer Moccia and lawyer Bombardelli care and are all behind her client and the actions of the German Youth Office together with the associated family court system as human rights violations and human trafficking verurteilen.Ende the PodiumsdiskussionAls the discussion starts to turn around 12 clock in the circle, No press questions are more personal involvement of individuals and the central theme to the edge shifts, it is time to lift the panel and against the background of Jazz & Soul of the acoustic duo "Jazz Fizz" at a Gläschen Prosecco und frischen Brezeln zum ungezwungenen Gedankenaustausch im Foyer zusammen zu finden. Abspann bei Musik und gutem GesprächDie Presse verlangt ihr RechtJoumana Gebara gibt indessen letzte Interviews für die Presse. Das Filmteam von ARTE France holt sich Elterngruppen zusammen, um möglichst viele O-Töne Betroffener zu sammeln. Die Musik löst die Anspannung der letzten Stunden aufMit Argusaugen bewacht, kommen die Gebara- Kinder. Sie haben sich auf das Fest im Saal und besonders die Musik gefreut, wollten unbedingt dabei sein. Ernsthaft geben sie den vielen Leuten die Hand, lassen sich geduldig streicheln und umarmen, als ahnten sie, dass es stellvertretend für andere, nicht anwesende Kinder geschieht.Die Musik zieht sie an, vertreibt den Ernst. Valeria und ihre Freundinnen wünschen sich ein Autogramm von "Jazz Fizz". Natasha bestellt ein besonderes Lied, kramt Texte aus ihrer Tasche hervor. Erinnerungen an glücklichere Zeiten brechen durch. Lachen kommt auf. Die Anspannung der letzten beiden Stunden löst sich auf.Ende der PressekonferenzFast eine Stunde später als geplant, ist die Pressekonferenz gegen 14 Uhr vorbei. Joumana Gebara und ihre Familie gehen mit einigen persönlichen Gästen zum Mittagessen nach Hause. Wir anderen suchen zusammen eine nette Trattoria auf.Ein Interview von ARTE-France und mirFür Olivier Karrer, das ARTE-France-Team und mich steht nach dem Essen ein Interview auf dem Plan. In unserem Hotel stellt uns der Empfangschef das große Frühstückszimmer available. No one is inside. Weakly penetrating noise across from the kitchen. The light is a bit difficult. But with the back half diagonally to the window wall is es.Gescheite yet controversial questions he asks me, the blond-ARTE filmmaker from Normandy. Respect. Jean-Yves Cauchard in the weeks in which he had to deal with the issue, researched context and see through, facing the men and women in the highest political echelons head translated stecken.Olivier in the sand all that I do not spontaneously understand, to German and vice versa my answers into French. His perfect bilingualism, the son of a German father and a French Mother, who grew up in France and studied in Germany shows in an impressive manner, which lost its own bi-national child through the selfishness of the mother arrived geht.Die book launch pan-European bookstore bolzano shortly before 17 clock in the Europa bookstore wife Waible, awaiting the an audience impatient for us. Originally we had at "Athesia," demanded the largest bookstore Bolzano for a book launch. Joumana Gebara had auditioned in person. I had the phone. My publisher had spoken to the boss. However, we were rebuffed. The effort is not worthwhile for readings, it said. The South Tyrol were uninterested in such offers. For a Handvoll Leute bemühe man sich nicht.Im Gegensatz dazu liefen wir bei Frau Waibl offene Türen ein. Spontan sagte sie zu, für uns eine Buchpräsentation zu veranstalten und das Buch schon vorab zu bewerben, sobald es vom Verlag an sie ausgeliefert werde.Die Auslieferung des druckfrischen Buches begann ab dem sechsten Februar 2006. Bis spätestens zum 28. sollte der Buchhandel komplett beliefert sein. Tatsächlich erhielt Frau Waibl ihre bestellten Bücher express schon Mitte Februar zugestellt. Gleich gestaltete sie ihr Schaufenster zur Präsentationsbühne um.Wenig später entwarf und druckte das Verlagshaus Lübbe Plakate, die zur Verteilung an Frau Gebara geschickt werden. Auch Frau Waibl erbat sich einige davon und hängte sie ins Shop window. An image file of the poster they used also for advertising and invitations to their own Webseite.Ich even received Lübbe new author card with enough space for an autograph and the commitment for a small grant for the expenses for the event Kosten.Eine reading as FestaktAls I enter the bookstore, I grasp at first glance how nice Mrs Waibl all set for a small reception with delicious canapés. The bookstore is proppevoll with expectant guests. They sit on the stairs and platforms jostling, in addition to the bookshelves to look and listen from the upper gallery. As Joumana Gebara after their Buch greift und es aufblättert, breitet sich Schweigen aus.Das dunkle Auge der ARTE-Kamera verfolgt jede Regung mit, als sie zu lesen beginnt. Sie wählt Seiten über ihre Kindheit und Jugend aus. Wie begeistert sie und ihre Landsleute im Libanon von Deutschland waren. Eine stolze, starke Frau wie die Nachkriegstrümmerfrauen wollte sie werden, nahm sie sich vor. Nach Deutschland zu kommen, war wie eine Eintrittskarte ins Gelobte Land.Die Zuhörer lauschen, denken mit, fragen. Im Gespräch werden Zusammenhänge klar, obwohl diese nur angerissen werden können.Bald löse ich Joumana Gebara im Lesen ab. Ich wähle ein Kapitel aus, wie der Mutter bei ihrem ersten Auftritt vor Gericht begegnet wurde und was ihr älterer Sohn in den Experienced foster care, in which he kept hidden wurde.Zwei me sitting opposite women who attracted attention by initially skeptical questions, paling visibly shaking, only the head. Joumana is sitting crooked. Her face is naked before the camera again approaching. As I read, I think briefly about how much suffering the ARTE-film has already been saved. But take whether to take this responsibility in politics and government it at all, seriously? Is not the discussion after the LesungVon children as HumankapitalDas modern Germany, the post-war Germany, of which Joumana Gebara raved in Lebanon, we are in the discussion day after the reading. At that time, despite the emergency and reconstruction work, the family is something else. So few children as in Germany today were born in the last war in 1945. Thereafter, the numbers have risen rapidly. All hands are needed. At that time, things are looking up. Today is going downhill. How much gets Joumana Gebara to feel as if they are unemployed after completing their studies and has no chance of finding a job, which she and her three children ernährt.Obwohl they dominated several languages \u200b\u200band has a business administration degree in his pocket, it will be in Germany not needed. The country she spits out almost, sends them looking for jobs abroad. In order to be cost intensive unemployed going to be funded not only to her job search, but also to find accommodation and a temporary power service for their children. Employment Office and Youth operate hand in hand. Even as the move is bezahlt.Doch Joumana Gebara manages the improbable and wants to leave with a valid work contract in Italy, Germany, sets suddenly the hand of the youth department on its "human capital" and continue to have children zurück.Offiziell founded the Youth Office with the measure of claim that the mother had neglected her children for years because they go in work outside the home, although it is not required to, but was entitled to welfare benefits. They have neglected the children by their work and would rather make money than his mother. An almost absurd claim in a country the political will of the foreign employment to care for children of mothers sake almost erzwingt.Der suspicion is that in fact something else is behind it. Namely, cold economic calculation and accounting policy with the German "human capital", which is threatened with extinction, and therefore already a mass exodus of business enterprises abroad causes, where the species still in the capital is plentiful. From upside-down tree population children and families in living memory were the most important, therefore sheltered nucleus of the group and later the state. Today they are scarce goods in Germany. The population tree is turned upside down. The aging rises inexorably. Children need the land. The population scientists propose long alarm. will do in a few years now, the economy in Germany because of this lack of children and general talent shortage is no longer in its current quality keep lassen.Dennoch and having fewer children German. Especially educated parents are more rare. "The wrong people" would get children as deploring the policy and gives the professional the day care and foster parents by government incentives boost to motivate academics and other educated women, despite career ambition to become a mother. "Shrink-Germanic" Without the influx per year over a hundred thousand well-trained young people will die sooner or later Germany, demographers announced some years ago. During a discussion on family policy and population questions to which I was invited at the CEBIT in Hannover showed, the experts point out that the current abortion rate every year for over three decades, just the children deficit making up what the extinction prevent könne.Kindermangel as an educational outcome and FolgenWie I have often thought about the instructions that were given to us young people during school and student years. As the first post-war generation grew up, we were teachers at school and later from the day the country ruling "68" revolt students said unequivocally that we do not as a German because of the global over-population on their own children and black children prefer to adopt sollten.Mit the big adoption numbers, it has not worked. But with the abandonment of their own children better. Just a few years ago announced the participants of the International Women's Day in Beijing, that the word "mother" constituted defamation of women. Women's magazines, proclaiming the praise of the "Business Lady" scoffed about mothers as "The Mummy". Radical feminists fought housewives and non-working mothers in public as "internal parasites. More and more studies have led young people frightening just how priceless and relations had troublesome children. Parents' failure was brought to everyday topic of talk shows and the false appearance that the mass of young people is stupid, brutal, alcopops decay and unreformable. And on large campaign posters of those who "is a family out, lone parents is in" proclaimed or fathers in the lump as "perpetrators" tossing, was in Berlin to read widely and red: "false rum is right around." Thirty, forty years among children in Germany to take for granted. Meanwhile, studies show that German parents feel stressed most strongly by world standards by children. And 78 percent of all German mothers and 66 percent all fathers have such great fear for their children, more and more people prefer not to children, as they so dangerous in a world seemingly in to give birth, and require more and more minor psychological or therapeutic help. Even with three children might be frowned upon suspected either of being anti-social or filthy rich. And who is denounced to the youth office and excluded from the life of their own children, is all too often there, and suddenly without pay for a Phantomfamilie.Selten is publicly announced that the economy is already responding to such bad news. While prevailing in Germany at the same mass unemployment and shortages of skilled labor, because the education crisis is broken, as the school Pisa-studies, and therefore fewer people successfully complete a qualifying education, jobs abroad, German companies sometimes relocated in a single day, and shortly thereafter a thousand or more new workers. Only in this way, they tell, let prevented the economic collapse in Germany. "Kinderklau" instead of increasing birth? So have foreign parents, who may never see their missing children to Germany, with its presumption of law? Allowing poor children in times like these float out of political calculation or no German bi-national children abroad? Are children of political and economic point of view only "Human capital and economic factors? How do you calculate its value? By offsetting expected to taxes and other compulsory charges on adult? The "raising" a child under the age of majority is the investment of the public in the child against the average cost a luxurious house, carry out various studies. There are also benefits for parents of public money on maintenance payments, care, education, training grants, fellowships and more. A nursery place for example consume months of 2000 € per child, they say. More and more children live with their parents at risk of poverty, social services and out of the soup kitchen social Brennpunkte.Ist das der wahre Grund dafür, dass Joumana Gebaras Kinder in Deutschland bleiben sollten, obwohl sie selbst quasi ins Ausland abgeschoben wurde? Wenn sie als Arbeitslose ging, bedeutete das für Deutschland eine erhebliche Kostenersparnis. Wenn ihre Kinder gingen, würde es hingehen Verluste bedeuten. Immerhin hatte Deutschland nicht nur per Unterhaltsvorschuss und andere Leistungen in diese Kinder investiert. Es würde durch ihre Auswanderung auch um die zu erwartenden Einnahmen aus künftigen Abgabenleistungen der Kinder geprellt.Der genormte Bürger als global einsetzbarer Arbeitnehmer?"Gilt diese Rechnung auch für alle die anderen binationalen Kinder?", fragen die Zuhörer in der Europa-Buchhandlung beklommen. "Verlieren deshalb immer more foreign parents parental rights of each and every parents treat their children held back in Germany? These can only be without their foreign parent, as it says in a recent Family Court decision problems and complete "Germanization" and used as a full German human capital? "" And does this bill perhaps even for those German-German children, the youth welfare office their biological parents snatches because these parents do not in any particular way of ordinary German parent-standard? Therefore preferably be vulnerable and many children, too stupid, or even allegedly disabled parents withdrawing their children? "Family Kutzner ( # Kutzner) was supposedly too stupid to be able to raise her two children themselves. Haase family was allegedly unable to put their seven children limits. Sabrina Meier ( was allegedly unable to cope with their house alone. Joumana Gebara was supposed to work cool to be a mother. Sabine Vander Elst lost her child to the German fatherland because they had allegedly left it down. Natasha Chudoba has no rights over her two children because she's on both legs amputated and special boots for walking needs. Supposedly they can provide their children with disabilities as inadequate. The small Melly, the Jugendamt ihren Eltern entrissen, weil der Vater blind und die Mutter sehbehindert ist und auch sie das Kind angeblich nicht richtig versorgen können.Die Reihe der "irgendwie" nicht ins Bild der Familie Mustermann passenden Eltern, denen amtlicher Kindesentzug widerfuhr, ließe sich seitenlang fortsetzen. Warum? Stecken Jugendamt und Familiengerichte diese Kinder in amtlich ausgewählte, behördlich kontrollierte und bezahlte Bereitschaftsfamilien und Pflegefamilien, Kinderheime und betreute Wohngemeinschaften, damit sie in staatskonformen "heilen" Familien erzogen werden und eines Tages passgenaues staatliches Humankapital darstellen?"Kinderklau" verheilt nieAusländische Eltern behaupten auch, Deutschland "klaue" ihnen ihre binationalen Children to take maintenance payments into the empty state coffers. "Human Capital", which is taken away and taken abroad in Germany is, both foreign and German loss of profit. They all expect, before they make a fortune, often lost all their economic livelihood and health because of the legal dispute over their children, and collected from Germany alimony payments she would have ruined. Money that supported the German economy, because it flows from abroad and at the same time weakening the international economy, because she did not benefit raises kommt.Schon anywhere abroad, the unforgettable, never-healing memory of the people despising Himmler's idea of \u200b\u200bthe Lebensborn association Nazi times her Medusa's head. At the time Himmler shouted that he would rob children of the bleeding by war and abortion Germany, where he could always get it. weaken the enemy by child loss, hot, Germany by children gain stärken.Wenn present Polish parents who live in Germany, their bi-national children therefore do not see only because they want to speak Polish with them to break old unhealed wounds auf.Menschen that once so German friendly, were that they had a child with a German partner to be with child abduction and refusal to use most implacable enemies. Her message from the new German official Kinderklau enough in the Internet age often daily around the world certainly my conclusion Bolzano Bozen in all we could not detect any problem areas. Without doubt, there are considerations that we were not to mind. And unfortunately we could not develop workable solutions guaranteed to help. However, we have something to sit up all together bewegt.Wir many people in South-Italy and let him think. We have initiated a major press and media says. Requests from other parts of South Tyrol to readings are already available. Other media reports are to be followed to reach other parents who their politicians just


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