court scenes Part 3
friends advised us to hide our cars from the vengeance of the policeman. What was really ridiculous! The steering wheel of my car suddenly shook while driving. Nevertheless, I drove 500 km with it. In the workshop I was told I would have been lucky, survived this ride have to. Why does the steering wheel shook so intense, could not explain the mechanics. On my husband's car it was observed a brake damage that would have a fatal accident can cause. Although our cars no longer the latest models, even the experts were baffled. What had happened?
As the policeman threatened me that he would destroy me, I decided to get advice from the charity. A social worker, which I described the case, told me: "You can not make it in this country against a police officer you have to emigrate to another country that is the only opportunity you are in danger!."
I was speechless. Then I wrote to the Foreign Office, I would emigrate. The answer came promptly. Emigration is misguided, because I was not politically persecuted. Really? Eviction and displacement from home is no political persecution? The policeman but the support of the bay. Government and the bay. Diet! were expulsions from their homes in the history of the country!
On the advice of a parliamentary deputy who was horrible the incidents with the police, handed me one, contrary to my conviction petition with the Bavarian State Parliament, we should prohibit the activity to the police as a caretaker.
The paradox was that the police officers this illegal activity, as it were in black work - explained, because he had no business license.
Der Bayerische Landtag unterstuetzte dennoch die Hausverwaltertaetigkeit des Polizisten. Es sassen Vertreter aller Parteien im Sitzungssaal und man bestaetigte mir und meinem Mann, der Beamte duerfe weiterhin als Hausverwalter arbeiten. Man hoffe, dass die Gerichtsverhandlung fuer ihn positiv ausgehen werde!! Es war so ruhig in dem Saal, man haette eine Stecknadel fallen hoeren koennen.
Auch der bayerische Innenminister Dr. Beckstein schrieb mir nach Einreichung von zwei Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerden gegen den Polizisten, dieser bestreite alle Vorwuerfe! Herr H. habe eine Nebentaetigkeitsgenehmigung fuer die Hausverwaltertaetigkeit. Diese Genehmigung wurde jedoch trotz mehrmaliger Anfragen meinerseits nicht vorgelegt.
Ein Hilfegesuch an den bayerischen Ministerpraesidenten remained unanswered.
From the Bavarian Ministry of Justice, I received two letters, which supports the activities of police, the prosecutor dismissed all charges against Traunsteiner the man back. A preliminary investigation, the CID against the Traunstein police officers in the paths initiated remained unprocessed. The policeman continued to fraudulently obtained 120 000, retained - DM as the sole account holder! Even with his superior, the man was still support. The message of several burglaries in our apartment to the superior authorities was ignored. So we came back one day in the apartment and found the two toilets in an unhygienic condition before, nor had this been urinated in it! I take care of before leaving have been cleaning the apartment accessible toilets, so a stranger had in the apartment. How scary!
The superior of the police were not cooperative. A manager on the phone said: "Because we are afraid but very, if the Lord H. in court to sue or display it to the prosecutor."! Not to conceal the aforementioned Klingelstuerme the local police in our Wohnungstuere.
The matter was scary, and we decided to emigrate from Bavaria.
The day before the move I went to the balcony of the apartment and found horrified that anyone charging the balcony, which is made of wood, was destroyed. Now that we have repeated burglaries were so accepted, we called the criminal police. The officials refused, however, the collection of evidence, as we told him, a colleague of his work in the house as a caretaker. My ad for the prosecution Traunstein was not processed, although of course the name of the suspect in the advertisement had been mentioned by me-
one could not continue to edit the ad, only when we have a suspect, was called the succinct comment.
Since the biased court judge in the course of his friend the policeman continued, the foreign funds of the owners of 120 000, - DM was awarded and this was allowed to continue working as a steward put a my lawyers appeal the District Court of Traunstein. The hearing took place on 21.1. 2005.
three judges entered the courtroom, zwei Richterinnen und ein Richter.
Die Vorsitzende verlas eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Sachverhalts. Gekommen war der Polizist mit seiner Ehefrau, er war nicht auf Waffen untersucht worden, laut Aussage meiner Anwaelte durfte er nicht im Gerichtssaal als Beklagter sitzen, da seine Ehefrau die einzige Beklagte war. Er uebernahm aber frech das Wort und behauptete, die Eigentuemer wollten ihn als Verwalter haben, er wisse nicht, weshalb er hier sitze. Der Richter ruegte ihn mit deutlichen Worten:"Sie koennen doch nicht als Hausverwalter arbeiten, wenn Sie Polizist sind!" rief er.
Endlich Richter, die das Grundgesetz achten, das in Bayern nach dem Krieg abgelehnt wurde und bis zum heutigen Tage von der bayerischen Regierung nicht unterschrieben wurde.
Then came again to the tumult. The policeman wanted to be elected at the next Eigentuemerversammlung to the property manager after he realized at last that he never under the law this office has held, even though it claimed the politicians in Munich. Besides my husband, who sat in the courtroom as spectators, no one was the comment of the policemen came to my attention when he said: "Then I let myself do so when next Eigentuemerversammlung choose the caretaker." Now called the three judges, which is not allowed. The minutes of the District Court hearing was the following:.
"The manager verpflichet the same time, at the election of the administration not to run as administrator also acceded to the husband . Administrator committed itself not as an administrator for election to a candidate "Why did the police officer" was a party "can only be explained by the fact that he is the judge, the foreign funds of the owners of 120 000, -. Had awarded DM This probably served to protect us.
Furthermore, had the manager agree, no later than 04/30/2005 an extraordinary Eigentuemerversammlung to elect a new trustee convene and up to that date the annual total and individual accounts for the year 2004 and, if not already done so, submitted for the years 2001 to 2003.
The district court claimed the policeman, he had all the accounts of 2001 to 2004 show created, it had not, although it was the truth, and he could show the court evidence of this. The District Court of Traunstein
now turned from a so-called title, it was a debt, as I learn later that could be obtained through foreclosure.
dignity of the policeman, the 120 000, - DM to drop off his wife and would be an extraordinary Eigentuemerversammlung convene to elect a new manager?
I did not believe it.
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