Sunday, September 20, 2009

Diazepam For Migraines

The FDP shows backbone. To?

is so happy in the discussion of party joke of Guido and his troops. Fun party, falling over, Party of earners (the biggest own goal in the history of the party marketing). Nevertheless, in the sleep therapy group of the national party campaign gladiators, Guido is doing with his entourage emerged as the pleasant open formulated with clear announcements of participants and logical reasoning. I admit I belong to the yellow stem voters anyway, but this time I have for the first time also Westerwelle election method can approve. Argument is the party leader in top form. Today

now Congress and the decision to exclude the light. That should not have fallen especially hard to antagonistic positions are compared to, for example, the Greens. A coalition would be here, because they should theoretically be reached, either incapacitated or ratfatz dissolved. So the saying should have been, not as a majority buyer for red-green give away, not a difficult exercise.

The question remains, what happens then. Possibility A is the opposition in a red-green government. That would be convenient and it could be further formulated with sharpened tongue, which is more suitable for our country.

Option B is the opposition to the red and black collar. Well, we already know. Only one heckled the rulers not soo Dolle, one need finally.

option C is the participation in government. This is ultimately the point of an election. But even as FDP-trailer to me is here the anxious question: What is the liberal positions of the coalition contract for the victims. Junior partner is finally junior partner. Still sounds Mr. Westerwelle that he first time only to his own party und deren Programmatik geht - einverstanden - aber was nach der Wahl? Eine sozialdemokratisierte CDU von 2009 hat sicher ein paar grundlegend andere Ansichten, als der reinrassig schwarze Block seinerzeit unter Kohl. Das wird nicht leicht. Ganz bestimmt nicht. Und genau hier muß Westerwelle aufpassen, daß er den argumentativ glaubwürdigen Wahlkampf nicht durch den Willen zur Macht ad absurdum führt und sich und seine Partei um der Regierung willen beschädigt.

Im Moment sieht es so aus, als hätte er die notwendigen Eier in der Hose, einer möglichen Koalition einen gelben Anstrich zu geben, hoffen wir, daß es sich dabei nicht um billige Wasserfarbe handelt.

PS: Was passiert, wenn weder schwarz/gelb still black / red or red (red) / green 50% of the magic will come, certainly interesting. Gaze mer mal.

BTW: I do not care me what you choose - but choose!


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