love animal welfare and animal friends,
Animal welfare is important! Be a few years I am animal welfare and animal broker in Spain. Especially in the southern countries of the animal welfare is more important, than in Germany. Here in Spain are all completely social animal shelters overcrowded and animals run through the plants. Unfortunately, many are ill, or pregnancies, but the care the nursing staff enough. The. Main thing is that it will release their animals! Often, their cages are too small in there with too many dogs or cats. An inhuman smell a rise in the nose. Kod urine and can make the animals only in their cramped cages. Thus, these animals and try änglicher possible to the farthest corners of their cage to sit when people come too close. Usually they have previously experienced trauma. Then there are these so-called perreras, also called the killing station. There is it very bad. Much too narrow cages, disease, bad food, almost as in a "social animal shelter, except that there is still much narrower and dirtier. In addition, dogs and cats every 10 - 21 days either gassed or poisoned. In the "state" of the Costa Brava, Barcelona, Catalonia, where there is finally a new animal protection law. There must not be more animals in the perreras killed. I should hope so, that you can stand it holds, because I often wonder how they do it with the many animals? But I wish from the heart, that would be the law in Spain, but unfortunately all the other stations are killing the animals killed.
There is fortunately a lot of international Animal rights activists in Spain, working together with Germany, Austria, Switzerland and England. Animals that are reserved in these killing stations can not be killed, they will be collected and used in private organizations that are led by our animal welfare groups and funded by donations.
We take care of the animals 24 hours to go with them to the veterinarians, the animals, dogs or cats to get their vaccination against rabies and Mediterranean diseases. Then get our animals are neutered and a microchip. Then offer them to other PS sites (foster homes). And then they are taken and to communicate to the Internet or in Magazines inserted. If we found someone for the animals, we are looking for animal lovers, love the air as patrons with dogs or cats to D, or AT CH. to take. We also have English animal rights activists to work with German animal organizations. We regularly look
except flight sponsors and animal lovers who make the new pet owners and a pre-inspection. That is, a prewar, pre-audit is done so that we will see where the animal will bring all NK and a follow-up is made after a certain time with the new pet owners, to see how it goes our animals in their new owners. Oh, and a FP dog transport costs the flight sponsors nothing, all expenses werden von den privaten Tierorganisationen übernommen. Und am Ankunfsflughafen werden die Tierschutztiere bereits von unserem Tierschutzpersonal Vor Ort , abgeholt. Wer sich für eine Flugpatenschaft interessiert, sollte sich bei uns Tierschützern melden, denn Flugpaten werden immer gesucht, sowie PS Pflegepersonal in Deutschland, Österreich oder in der Schweiz oder auch in Spanien. Einfach mal im Internet unter Tierschutzvereine z.B. Spanien, nach schauen.
Ihr könnt Euch auch direkt mit mir in Verbindung setzen : Sylvia : privater Tierschutz, Tiervermittlung in Spanien, Costa Blanca : Email:
Ich beantworte Euch ale Fragen !
Sylvia :-)
International Home & Pet Animal Welfare Agencies Forum:
southern welfare and placement of dogs and cats and more. Forum
donation link for English & stray animals that sit in killing stations and penetrate need our help!
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