An elderly couple of 90 years, has 2 dogs, a Yorkshire terrier, male and light brown mixed breed female, both za. 8 years old
Please distribute this message. If urgent contact with Arancha Plaza on .
lives in a country house, an elderly couple to the 90 year old, they reside in Loranca de Tajuna, but for health reasons, they can not keep this finca. They move to Madrid. They have sold this country house and the new owners do not want the dog with you. You can not take the dogs along, do not leave on the street or continue to take care of them, as I said, they are no longer the youngest! And the dogs not used to city life. The man is sad and asked me to find a home for the two dogs. The trouble is, they have 31 be out in July from the finca. Until then, we urgently need a solution. It will not be easy to communicate them, because both are already za. 8 years old. The dog is a Yorkshire terrier and the other is a light-brown mixed breed dog "Canela".
Both are vaccinated and treated against parasites. The dog has a chip, not the female, they have not been neutered.
Both are loving it, only the male is a little anxious.
If one of you would like to help us, please take contact with me! Arancha
: 675.50.57.10.
deutscher Kontakt & Übersetzer: Sylvia priv. TS. sos4animales :
Reenvío este mensaje. Contactar urgentemente con ARANCHA PLAZA
Hay un matrimonio muy mayor de casi 90 años que viven en un chalet en Loranca de Tajuña pero ya no pueden mantener la finca por motivos de salud y porque ya son muy mayores y se van a vivir a Madrid, han vendido el chalet y los nuevos propietarios no quieren perro. No se los pueden llevar porque allí, en Madrid no los puede sacar a la calle ya que como he dicho son muy mayores y los perritos no están acostumbrados a la cuidad.
El señor está broken and asked me to please if I can find a good home. The worst thing is that I have only until 31 this month to fix. I'm
supogo way up and everyone is equal but do not know if there were a huequecito there. Since my children are older, have 8 years old.
The male is the intersection of Yorky and hembrita is cinnamon. Are vaccinated and dewormed. The male has a chip but the female does not. Are not sterile. They are very kind and loving, the male a little scary.
If someone please can offer help to this man that you and contact me:
Arancha: 675.50.57.10.
Thank you all. Un saludo
German translator Contact: Sylvia priv TS. sos4animales:
July 27, 2000 .00 Clock
ALREADY GREAT NEWS! Clear for TAN DOG CANELA!! It is no longer in the exchange! Saludos y buenas noches
, greetings and good night!
Sylvia :-)
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