about sending Please
The shelter in Caceres is again hopelessly overcrowded, every day, new dogs.
So now you have decided reluctantly to euthanasia.
is high on the list also Viejeto:
Viejeto is a small, quiet dog. It weighs about 8-10 kg. With female dogs he gets along well.
With males have not tried. Definitely not with cats. And also to children, he should come no better.
Viejetos owner died about 1 year. Viejeto was sent to the street where he was seen only at night, searching for food. Finally, one could catch him. However, he limps now, maybe he was hit on his nightly excursions. This is now clarified by the TA.
Viejeto is suspicious because of his experience and shy. However, it was previously used to living in the house we would certainly be glad to get back a warm, soft cookies.
Who are the sweet for a few good years?
contact with
or 01717128912
Trusky lose his home! Poor Trusky, he has to deal away from home. The farmer gave him one more week ... would not think of what will happen to him! PLEASE SAVE TRUSKY!
28th July 2008: Today Marc was a very sad phone call. Trusky MUST IMMEDIATELY WAY. It gives him enough time before the end of the week. A farmer has an interest in him, but there he will eke out the rest of his life on a chain. It gives him the owner but no further delay. It is rather as if Trusky lives with her. We suchen für Husky Trusky dringend Hilfe. Der junge Siberian Husky Rüde TRUSKY verliert sein Zuhause und es eilt sehr. Er ist am 24.06.2007 geboren und ein freundlicher, lieber, verspielter Junghund. Seine Besitzerin, eine junge Frau in Santpedor bei Sallent hatte Trusky einst für ihre zehnjährige Tochter "angeschafft", die sich aber nicht um ihn kümmert, wie sie es versprochen hatte. Die Besitzerin aber ist gelähmt und sitzt im Rollstuhl und kann Trusky nicht ausführen. Trusky ist völlig unterfordert und so hat sie sich entschieden Trusky abzugeben. Kontakt in Deutschland: Ute Arns Phone: (0049) 0 62 32-85 01 00 email: ute.arns @ www.streunerhilfe
Tana is za. 12 years old and lives are 10 years in a Spanish Th kennel Jul 31, 2008
Poor Tana is now za. 12 years old and lived almost 10 years ago are dying in a English shelter Twinger, please let's not there, they did not deserve
Such sad things Wuffi pain in my heart!
Good evening folks
Who knew a suitable location for this lovely dog? Please log in
Elfie Ratz, thank you Thanks!!
Please let it not die there!
The shelter in which we help is in Villena, Alicante near where there is an airport. Approximately three and a half hours away from Almeria.
Mar, where the soul from place to Tana writes:
Tana is about 12 years old, for 10 years, she sits in a kennel. It is about 60 cm. She is very calm, social and gets along with all dogs, cats and humans. Never in the 10 years she has prepared a single problem. By a hormonal imbalance, it has a terribly swollen udder, it is still sore from the hard ground and put it to the flies in the wounds and torture the dog.
added at the top, they often Wounds, because they steal it ladies kennel.
Please do not let them die.
If Tana since wegkönnte - that would be a dream. She needs something at ground level, something soft zm beds and much, much love. No Rumoperiererei but a companion on their way, no matter how long it will take time.
Contact: Heike Schmidt or
Elfie Ratz ratz.elfie @
Super news, hard to believe but true, Tana has found a home! 10 years she sat in the English kennel, but now she was allowed out and coming soon to their new home, I AM SO HAPPY! July 31, 2008
emergencies, Ringo and Pacho from Madrid Ringo and Pacho
Endplätze We are looking urgently for these two dogs. Of course werdensie given separately. Please have a listen and spread this emergency!
These two dogs have kept all her life in a Madrid school
Because they do not love dogs and guard dogs, they would be replaced by a
alarm system. The means for these two killing
station from September.
He is the younger of the two, almost three years old, very sweet, cuddly
full of vitality, Joy and very playful. It comes with people of all ages
, with males, with female dogs and cats with wonderful.
Two years ago, he takes a seizure, and since then every day
3 / 4 tablet and from time to time he makes an inspection visit to the vet.
DerAnfall has not been repeated, bursting with health and a
out completely normal life. He is a really nice guy!
is for nine years, the favorite here, everyone likes him and cuddle with him.
Despite his nine years he has fully know joy and pleasure to play,
very well behaved and is just like his buddy, with large
and little people, very well with other males and females and also with cats from
Chris Brink Schroeder Heller
two dogs from the vicinity of Madrid looking for a home urgently to 31/07/2008 An elderly couple of 90 years, has 2 dogs, a Yorkshire terrier, male and light brown mixed breed female, both za. 8 years old
Please distribute this message. If urgent contact with Arancha Plaza on .
lives in a country house, an elderly couple to the 90 year old, they reside in Loranca de Tajuna, but for health reasons, they can not keep this finca. They move to Madrid. They have sold this country house and the new owners do not want the dog with you. You can not take the dogs along, do not leave on the street or continue to take care of them, as I said, they are no longer the youngest! And the dogs not used to city life. The man is sad and asked me to find a home for the two dogs. The trouble is, they have 31 be out in July from the finca. Until then, we urgently need a solution. It will not be easy to communicate them, because both are already za. 8 years old. The dog is a Yorkshire terrier and the other is a light-brown mixed breed dog "Canela".
Both are vaccinated and treated against parasites. The dog has a chip, not the female, they have not been neutered.
Both are loving it, only the male is a little anxious.
If one of you would like to help us, please take contact with me! Arancha
: 675.50.57.10.
deutscher Kontakt & Übersetzer: Sylvia priv. TS. sos4animales :
Reenvío este mensaje. Contactar urgentemente con ARANCHA PLAZA
Hay un matrimonio muy mayor de casi 90 años que viven en un chalet en Loranca de Tajuña pero ya no pueden mantener la finca por motivos de salud y porque ya son muy mayores y se van a vivir a Madrid, han vendido el chalet y los nuevos propietarios no quieren perro. No se los pueden llevar porque allí, en Madrid no los puede sacar a la calle ya que como he dicho son muy mayores y los perritos no están acostumbrados a la cuidad.
El señor está broken and asked me to please if I can find a good home. The worst thing is that I have only until 31 this month to fix. I'm
supogo way up and everyone is equal but do not know if there were a huequecito there. Since my children are older, have 8 years old.
The male is the intersection of Yorky and hembrita is cinnamon. Are vaccinated and dewormed. The male has a chip but the female does not. Are not sterile. They are very kind and loving, the male a little scary.
If someone please can offer help to this man that you and contact me:
Arancha: 675.50.57.10.
Thank you all. Un saludo
German translator Contact: Sylvia priv TS. sos4animales:
July 27, 2000 .00 Clock
ALREADY GREAT NEWS! Clear for TAN DOG CANELA!! It is no longer in the exchange! Saludos y buenas noches
, greetings and good night!
Sylvia :-)
Belgian Schäfi mix in Guadalajara found The English animal protection organization AAA SOL Today was a female Belgian beautiful Belgian shepherd mix.
Guadalajara, 26 Juli.08 Saturday
Man Siese beautiful dog, a mix of Belgian shepherd dog, female, in the residential area BBV de Calpanilla del Campo, Guadalajara discovered. This weekend, you can stay in this house, from people who found them, but on Monday it is certain that in the killing station, Shelter is brought. Unfortunately, we no more room. We already pay the accommodation of the mother and her eight puppies that we found last Saturday, also four puppies that have been thrown from a car out in a different place from Guadalajara. If you want to know the beautiful friendly dog, or they want to adopt, or want more information about the puppy, then please contact us. add
English and English
You can also contact me Sylvia "sos4animales"
We are sorry that your redemption fee us . not reached by phone, our phone is still turned off until August 3, forgive!
------------------- Sábado 26 de Guadalajara
Julio de 2008
Se ha encontrado esta preciosa dog, Belgian shepherd's cross ... BBV Urbanization in Cabanillas del Campo, Guadalajara.
This weekend you can stay in a shelter, but surely on Monday we will have to take her to the kennel, as we have no shelter and little land or funds. (Since we are paying the accommodation of the mother and 8 puppies found abandoned on Saturday - but another 4 puppies that were pulled from a van in another town of Guadalajara.)
If you know this beautiful and loving black dog or want to adopt, or if you want to know more about the puppies and their mother, please contact AAA SOL in this email: Thanks. (The phone number is AAA SOL inoperativo hasta el 3 de agosto - perdonad las molestias)
Guadalajara Saturday 26th July 2008
This beautiful dog (a Belgian Shepherd cross) has been found today in the BBV Housing Estate in Cabanillas del Campo, Guadalajara.
This weekend the dog can stay with a foster family, but it is almost certain that she will have to be taken to the municipal dog pound on Monday, because we don't have an animal shelter, nor a plot of land, nor funds to put her in kennels. (We are already paying for an abandoned mother and her eight puppies - found last Saturday, and another four puppies, thrown from a van .. to be kept in kennels)
If you know the owner of this dog or you want to adopt her, or wish to know more Their about the puppies and mother, please write to this e mail address: Thank you. (AAA SOL's telephone Will Not Be in use Until August 3rd.)
----------------------- AAA SOL (SOL Help for Abandoned Animals. .. Guadalajara, Spain) Phone
AAA SUN: 09.30 - 16.30 to 1:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m.
649 943 674 0034 website: / protectorasol / protectorasoldos
bank account for donations: La Caixa
2100 5647 87 0100052224 IBAN ES59 2100 5647 8701 0005 2224
Thank you, Thank you, Merci beaucoup, Thank you!
Saludos, all geatings, many regards, Sylvia
"sos4animales" Penny & AAA SOL
SOS ! 27 puppies and some adult dogs from Guadalajara Za. 27 puppies, and za. 10 adult dogs and some dogs from the killing station in Guadalajara look very much either a place in a TSV, an animal organizations or private persons
My Animal Welfare friend Penny from the English animal protection organization AAA SOL, PENNY URGENTLY NEEDS OUR HELP!
Here comes the translation:
25-07-2008 AAA SOL Help for streunernde Animals-Stray - Sun (Sol Abandonados) Guadalajara, near Madrid.
Z. Zt, we have za. 27 puppies and about 10 dogs, the older ones among them are still in the killing station. I am looking for them a good home. Look at the photos. If you belong to an organization or a collaboration, and we take the dogs mom with some puppies could (photos with the name Santos), please write us quickly to this email: (PENNY) espanol and English.
at the photos you can read the names of the dogs, or study their Geschchte on our website:
If you're a private person and you want to learn more about the puppies or Andeen the dogs out (the Größere), ebenfalls eine Email schreiben Uns: Penny Kontaktperson
spanisch, englisch:
Leider funktioniert unser Telefon vom 26 Juli bis zum 02 August nicht, dieses zu bitten wir entschuldigen, vielen Dank! --------------
July 25 of 2008 AAA SOL (SOL Help Abandoned Animals, Guadalajara, near Madrid)
We currently have about 27 puppies and dogs ten (highest are in the kennel) looking for good homes. (See Photos) If you belong to a protective and can help us by being a mother and cub (photos SANTOS name), please contact us urgently to this mail: (mentioning the name of the photo) or read your story on our website: / protectorasol
or if you are an individual and want to know more about the puppies and / or larger dogs, writes to
(sorry to say that your AAA SOL will not be operational from 26 July to 2 August. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
---- THANKS -----------------
25th July 2008. AAA SOL (SOL Help for Abandoned Animals, Guadalajara, near Madrid)
At the moment we Have about 27 puppies and 10 old older dogs looking for good homes. (See the attached photos). If you belong to a rescue society and you can help us by talking the mother and one or two puppies (the photos have the code name SANTOS), please write urgently to this e mail address: (mentioning the code name of the photos) or read their story on our web page at:
Or, if you are a private person and you would like to know more about the puppies and/or older dogs, please write to or see our web page (address above)
(We are sorry to say that the AAA SOL phone will be out of use from 26th July to 2nd August. ) THANK YOU
Asociación AAA SOL (Ayuda a Animales Abandonados SOL ... Guadalajara, Spain) Phone
AAA SUN: 09.30 - 16.30 to 1:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. 649 943 674
websites: / protectorasol / protectorasoldos
bank account for donations: La Caixa
2100 5647 87 0100052224 IBAN ES59 2100 5647 8701 0005 2224
Thank you, Thank you, Merci beaucoup, Danke Schön! PHOTOS
Tayson 3
04-07 - 08, good-natured 2
POLCA-hembra "female"
NERON - MACHO JULIO 1 Neron, male July 1
Rusti 1p
MACHOPON 2p - male
PINHEMBRA 2p - Female &
German translation Contact: Sylvia
The little dogs of Linares STRONGLY OF THE SMALL doggies LINARES
hello from Spain
at in LINARES the point has arrived, feared by all, instead of the 35 animals they have now 88 and must reject any new member which then sending you the result is that these dogs then by the owners eingeschläftert (in the best fall) or killed, or drowned, or exposed on the highway fitted or they end up in the dog pound comarcal (regional killing station). This Shelter is one of the cruelest in Andalusia and PUERTO REAL to vergleichen.ARCONATURA LINARES has about 25kleine doggies, all under 8kg, super social, the dogs are neutered, vaccinated and tour finished, the bitches are ready to travel but does not sterilize all. There really are kind, fun and friendly animals are the perfect little family dogs. searched
is a German association that provides animals for ARCONATURA or emergency care could take in spain but ask for transparency and to help with the expenses. The TH have been cut and they need the subsidies to the adoption fee to take care of the remaining animals
who can help?
to contact in English: to ALICE DRAVEN
contact in German: MO Swatek
woof with frustrated from Spain
Mon Swatek
Ozono, macho de 2 a 3 años de edad. ...
OZONO, male, 2-4 years old
Ozono, macho de 2 años y medio approx. It is a small dog and very affectionate with people usually only attack other dogs are more submissive to him. I left near the road and almost is killed. She loves to sleep in his bed and loves to be pampered. Weighs 6 Kilos. This gelding and his last worming was in March 1908.
OZONE, Rude, za. 2 Jahre ist ein kleiner Hund alt.Er sehr lieb und zu Menschen, er sich nicht so gut verträgt mit anderen Hunden, die größer sind. Man fand an der Autobahn herumstreunern ihn, er worden wäre beinahr überfahren. Er liebt is in Bett zu seinen schlafen.Ihm is gefällt, wenn man ihn anschaut. Ozone wiegt 6 Kg, er ist und gegen Parasieten kastriert geimpft
Miky, male aged 2 years old ... ..
Miky, beautiful male 2 years old approx. He is very affectionate a little sweet, is playful but also a little submissive to dogs, was found in the street, you notice that they have stuck cojes that if wrong, often mourn that you will feel hurt , urgently looking for a family since being submissive other dogs want to attack him. Weighs 7 Kilos approx. This gelding and his last worming was in March 1908.
Milky toller ist ein Hund, männlich, za. 2 Jahre. Er ist sehr lieb, fand man ihn auf der Strasse. You can tell that he was beaten when he is solid touches, he cries very much, he then thinks you want him something bad, we are urgently looking for a good family for him because he is afraid the other dogs, they go up to him . Milky weighs around 7 kg, he is neutered and vaccinated against parasites.
Chispa, mestiza de 9 meses de edad ...
Chispa, con una edad es de 9 meses muy hembra mestiza juguetona y activa, le gusta mucho correr y jugar con los demas perros no Suel pelearse con ninguno a menos que la provoquen, con la gente es muy cariñosa y busca una familia que la Saque a pasear para correr mucho. Esta
vacunada, desparasitada de Marzo 08th Pesa 10 kilos.
Chispa at 9 months is a female mixed breed, very playful and active. She likes it too much with the other dogs run and play. She argues with a dog and not when provoked. She is very sweet with people and is looking for a family who go with her a lot outside to race. Chispa is vaccinated against rabies and parasites. It weighs za. 10 Kg
Flipy, 1 año de edad macho precioso ...
Flipy, es un macho menos de 1 año approx age. It is very funny and loving, has a very fine walk, he was found wandering confused in the street, does not usually fight with any dog \u200b\u200bjust play, no mark and is already neutered, looking for a family to give you a second chance. It weighs between 5 and 7 kilos is neutered, vaccinated and were treated for the last time in March 1908.
Flipy ist ein Rude, weniger als ein Jahr alt, 1 Jahr. Er ist sehr lieb und grace. Man fand ihn herum auf der Strasse irrend. Flipy mag kein Streit mit den anderen Hunden, er spielt mit Ihnen. Er hat keine Marke, aber ist bereits kastriert. Er sucht eine Familie, die ihm geben eine zweite Schance. Wiegt Flipy zwischen 5 -7 kg kastriert, geimpft und gegen Parasites inoculated.
Gussy, un Anito de edad ... ..
Gussy, hembra de un poco de edad y Anito, es muy Timida, necesita a alguien que le de mucho cariño para que sea menos temerosa, es muy buena a pesar de su Guardiana Tamaño pequeño. Pesa 9 Kgs. Esta Vacunada, desparasitada (0
Marzo y esterilizada. [/]
[I] Gussy, female, slightly more than a year old, she is very shy. They need someone who gives her lots of love, so they are not as many fears has. It is a great attendant at their small size. Gussy weighs za. 9 kg, She is vaccinated, steralisiert und gegen Parasieten geimpft.
Tony, small mestizo 8 months old approx. It is a very active dog, playful, and loving, likes to play with all dogs no matter how great, will not grow much more as they age only weighs 7 kg This vaccinated against hepatitis, distemper and also heptopirosis this suppressed the March 5, 2008 with zypiran.
Tony, klein, Mischling, za. 8 Monate jung, jetzt etwas mehr. Er ist ein Aktiv verspielter verschmuster und Hund. Is mit ihm gefällt allen Hunden zu spielen, ob klein oder gross. Tony wiegt 7 Kg, er ist gegen Hepatitis geimpft, Heptopirosis und? Distemper?, außerdem ist er mit gegen worden Parasieten geimpft Zypiran.
Crusader Rex is a dog that arrived in August 2007, was abandoned near the road and rescued by a member of the protector, is very cute and shy, loves to play with other dogs and has never fought with anyone, not had any disease and is vaccinated against hepatitis, leptospirosis and distemper and Veterinarian with Zypiran in March 1908. It has 8 or 9 months old and weighs about 7 kilos. And this gelding.
ist ein Mischling Rex. He arrived in August 2007 to Th He was found scattered around nernd on the highway and he was captured by a helper. He is very shy and nice. He likes it to romp with other dogs around, he never had been armed with other dogs. He had no disease, respectively. He is a healthy dog. Rex has been vaccinated against hepatitis, and Leptosipirosis? Moquillo?. Vaccinated against parasites with Zypiran. He is za. 8 or 9 months old and weighs za. 7 Kg Rex has been neutered.
Jack, macho joven de edad de 2 añitos, desde esta con nosotros cachorro, it Obedient Cariñoso y muy noble Ademas de, looking for a family that adopted him and love him very much. It weighs about 10 kg, and is neutered. Also was suppressed on March 08 with Zypiran Plus.
Jack, jung, männlich, za. 2 Jahre alt, ein Welp seiddem er war, ist er bei uns. Er ist sehr lieb und nobel. Wir suchen eine Familie, die ihn sehr liebt. Jack wiegt za. 10 kg kastriert wurde und er wurde er mit gegen Parasiten geimpft Zypiran Plus.
Fity, cross Pekingese of 8.5 kilos
Picture 247.jpg
Fity, small cross Pekingese male, 2 to 3 years old (looks older because of the bad life that has had) is muy cariñoso y afectivo, suele llevarse bien con la mayoria de los perros (hay excepciones con otros machos), pero para una familia es perfecto. Pesa 8,5 Kilos , esta castrado, vacunado y desparasitado con Zypiran Plus
Fity, klein männlich, eine Kreuzung mit Pikinese, 2-3 Jahre alt, er sieht älter aus (wegen seinem schlechten Leben). Er ist sehr lieb. Fity kommt mit fast allen Hunden gut klar. Er hat einige Probleme mit einigen Rüden. Aber für eine Familie ist er perfekt. Er wiegt 8.5 Kg, ist kastriert, geimpft und gegen Parasiten geimpft mit Zypiran Plus
Jacky, 1 año de edad….
Jacky, precious little mestizo male, 1 añito old, very playful and affectionate loves to play with other dogs, not aggressive with other dogs, usually marked on sites already marked by other dogs. This neutered, vaccinated and were treated in March 2008 with Zypiran Plus. Weighs 10 Kilos. (Although it is very much like Jack, is not the same)
Jacky, toller Rude, kleiner Mischling, za. 1 Jahr alt, und er ist sehr verspielt tobt gerne herum mit den anderen Hunden. Er war gegenüber aggressive nochnie anderer Hunde. Geimpft Er worden ist und kastriert, außerdem mit gegen Parasieten geimpft wiegt za Zypiran Plus Er. 10 kg Wenn auch, ewr almost looks like Jack, laughing ... he is Jacky
Tana, pequeña hembra de tan solo 1 año de edad aprox. It super cariñosa, le gusta correr por el campo, y seguir a sus amos Suel, it perfecta para quien busque un perro muy pequeño. Vacunada y con esta desparasitada Zypiran Plus [I]
[I] Tana, little girl, only za. 1 year. She is super sweet. She loves to run in the fields. It is perfect for someone who wants a small dog. TANA has been vaccinated and treated against Parasieten with Zypiran Plus
Beto, de solo 8 meses de edad aprox. Y es muy Cariñoso Jugueton le encanta correr y se bien con todos los perros Lleva it perfecto para niños ya que es muy pequeño y manejable. Pesa 4.5 kilos (ya no mas crecera) Esta castrado y con desparasitado Zypiran
Beto, za. 8 months young. He is very loving and playful, the sweetheart he is raging around with the other dogs. In addition, he runs like. He is the perfect dog for children. He is very small and handy. Beto weighs 5.4 Kg He is neutered and treated against parasites with Zypiran
Rody, macho pequeño de 1 año de edad (o menos) , es tranquilo y cariñoso, fue abandonado por su antiguo dueño sin motivo alguno, se lleva bien con todos los demás perros, no es agresivo. Pesa 8 kilos esta castrado, vacunado y se desparasito
Rody, kleiner Rüde, za. 1 Jahr alt (oder weniger). Er ist ruhig und lieb. Er lief seinem alten Herrchen davon, ohne Motiv. Er kommt gut mit den anderen Hunden klar und ist nicht agressiv. Er wiegt 8 Kg, ist kastriert, geimpft und wurde gegen Parasiten behandelt.
Borja, precioso macho 7 meses de edad….
Borja, beautiful male 7 months old and 10 kilos approx. It was abandoned at the door of the headquarters of a refuge, at first I was very scared and almost did not let touch, after more than a month in our lodge and is related to both people and with their classmates, is very funny and obedient This vaccinated dewormed and is not yet neutered. We are looking for a family since he was injured by a dog bigger than him and we do not want to hurt it again to be noble and somewhat submissive. []
[I] Borja Welp sehr schöner und von 7 Monaten za. 10 kg schwer. Man fand ihn an der Rückseite vom Refugium. Hatte er im Allgemeinen sehr viel Angst und ihn keiner durfte anfassen. Liess er einen Monat nach sich dann auch von uns anfassen. Er ist gut für eine Familie, die einen Hund größere suchen, wurde er kastriert, geimpft behandelt und gegen Parasiten
Puka, 18 months old ...
Puka, with only 16 months of age is a very shy and affectionate dog, not aggressive like being with people, has a damaged leg lead and can not operate but not stop him from playing or running and does not require a family tratamiento.Busca give much love. It weighs only 11 kg is immunized and wormed
Puka is only 16 months old, she is a very shy girl, but also nice. They are not aggressive, and like with people. She has a sick foot, you can not operate unfortunately. But it bothers her at all. She gets down, runs and plays and takes no medications. We are looking for a family to give her lots of love. It weighs only 11 kg She has been vaccinated and treated against parasites.
NIEBLA, 3 añitos de edad, de peso 11kgs ..
Niebla, macho de 3 años de edad y 11 Kgs. aproximadamente, llego ya hare un año al albergue, y aun no encuentra familia, es muy Cariñoso, y bueno solo suele estar con machos de su mismo tamaño. Pero se adapta a otros perros mas grandes , no suele ser agresivo pero si suele marcar su territorio.Tambien esta castrado.
Niebla, 3 Jahre alt, männlich, wiegt za. 11 Kg. Sie kam vor etwa einen Jahr zu uns, bisjetzt fand sie noch keine Familie. Sie ist sehr lieb, sie hat nur Probleme mit Rüden, ihrer Grösse. Sie ist nicht agressiv, aber sie zeigt, wo ihr Gebiet ist. Sie ist eenfalls kastriert.
SHIBA, cachorra de 8 meses y 8Kg de peso..(ADOPTADA)
bereits Adoptiert
Lina, a female about 11 months old, abandoned at the shelter, is very playful, likes to be with other dogs, very affectionate and likes to be held, has a beautiful gray coat and weighs approx. approximately 10 Kg. [I]
[I] Lina, weiblich, za. 11 Monate jung. Obstfeldern streunerte Sie in den herum. Lina ist sehr verspielt. Ihr zusammen mit anderen gefällt is Hunden zu sein, sie ist sehr gefällt ihr lieb.Und is, wenn man ihr schönes Fell bürstet wiegt Sie um die .. 10 Kg
The small LUCAS, 8 kilos, loving ...
Lucas, abandonado en la calle, a los pocos días se dio en adopción, pero el adoptante fue negligente y se le escapo, se busco por alrededores y lo regresamos al albergue, aun no encuentra una familia que le quiera . Aun le teme a la gente pero cuando toma confianza es muy cariñoso, le gusta jugar, y que lo cojan en brazos.
Pesa 8kg. Lleva 8 meses en el albergue, no es agresivo y se lleva bien con otros perros. Y esta castrado.
Lucas irrte vor einigen Tagen auf den Strassen herum. Vor einigen Tagen sollte er adoptiert werden, aber der Jenige hatte plötzlich keine Interesse mehr.
Bisher fand er noch keine Familie, die ihn wollte. Augenblicklich hat er noch little afraid of the many people, but if he has to trust that he is a sweet guy. He loves to play and like it when you take him on the arm .. Lucas weighs 8 kg And now he is 8 months at the shelter, he is not aggressive with other dogs and is clearly y is neutered english
in contact to: ALICE DRAVEN
contact in German at: MO Swatek