Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What To Give For A Grumbling Appendix

It was once ... can

eine schöne weiche Lederleine, die bis zu diesem Tag einen fröhlichen Hund an Orte brachte, wo es diesem Hund gefiel und er seinen Spass hatte.

Until that day the unsuspecting innocent leash dangled as a guest on other lines.

So it happened that the guard had to leave the leash for a short time this site to provide draft. When that after less than half an hour returned, he found a cruel crime.

oppression he was looking for remains of the poor victim, but how hard he tried, with some pieces were gone forever.

And the moral of this story: Even a harmless box of mineral water can be dangerous. :)))

The last picture of the victim:

Eligible Perpetrators:


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