to police this afternoon announced that her partner has it yesterday, Tuesday reported as missing. She was last at 05.11. seen. The 25-year-olds who did the weekend go to her partner to the protests in the district Lüchow-Dannenberg, is not there yet.
The Lüneburg Police used dog teams on this day several of the Red Cross in a wooded area in the search for the good Wienebüttel measures, including a so-called "man-Trail-dog". The search so far, however, remained unsuccessful
The Lüneburg Erin is probably traveling with her red mountain bike (with
anti-nuclear sticker "Brunsbüttel"). It is described as follows :
about 165 cm tall slender
small baby bump (due to pregnancy)
dark, shoulder-length hair with so-called Rasta braids
The search activities and investigations are ongoing still. Information, the police Lüneburg, Tel 04131-29-2215 contrary.
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Polizeiinspektion Lüneburg Pressestelle
Kai Richter Telefon: 04131/29-2324 o. Mobil 0160 4705111
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