Puppies Agencies in Guadalajara Spain, Cachorros de Guadalajara Guadalajara, 16 August 2008
In the organization AAA Sol we have several puppies for imparting, the dogs in the photos together, yet have no names, but if you want to know more about any puppies, please write the number that belongs to each photo. INDIA has been in the dog pound. Can they be saved from death? We hope so! Then we have PANCHO and PACHI, za. 4 Months, beautiful puppies. They were found in a box near the dog pound. For more information because of these two dogs, writes to us or call us! Phone number: 0034 649,943,674th All puppies can be put on MRW in all provinces of Spain.
DIE ...
more The Cubs and Cub
Puppy Y2p
Puppy Y3p
Puppy Y4p
Puppy Y5P
Puppy Y6p
Puppy Y7P
Puppy Y8p
Puppy Y9p
Puppy Y10p
Y11p Puppy
Puppy Y12p
INDIA FEMALE 1p Weibliche
Pachi 1p male male = männlich
male Pachi 1p
male 1p Fred
male Pacho 2p
3p male Pacho
4p male Pacho
Guadalajara, August 16, 2008. In AAA SOL
have several puppies to offer for adoption. Those who come out in the accompanying photos do not have names yet, but if you want to know more about some at them / as please write, stating the number of the photo. INDIA
is already in the doghouse "is saved from death? hope so ... Thanks.
Then we PANCHO and PACHI, about 4 months, precious puppies that were abandoned in a cardboard box near the kennel.
For more information about these two dogs, please write or call by phone at 649 943 674 Thanks. Greetings. All puppies can be sent to provinces with MRW.
Guadalajara 16th August 2008
In AAA SOL we have several puppies to offer for adoption. Those which are in the enclosed photos still haven't been given names, but if you are interested in any of them, please write to us mentioning the number of the photo. INDIA is in the dog pound... will she be saved from death? we hope so... Thank you.
We also have PANCHO and PACHI, about 4 months old, who were left in a cardboard box, near the dog pound. For more information about these two dogs, you can write to us or phone 649 943 674. thank you.
All the dogs can be sent to other provinces with MRW.
¡NUEVO! habla con nosotras GRATIS por medio de SKYPE. Descarga el programa, y añádenos como contacto (Protectorasol)
Association AAA SOL (SOL Help for Abandoned Animals ... Guadalajara, Spain) Phone
AAA SUN: 09.30 - 16.30 to 1:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m.
649 943 674 0034 website: www .galeon.com / protectorasol
www.galeon.com / protectorasoldos
bank account for donations: La Caixa
2100 5647 87 0100052224 IBAN ES59 2100 5647 8701 0005 2224
Thank you, Thank you, Merci beaucoup, Danke Schön! Contacts
deutsch: admin@sos4animales.de
und Inglés English: Penny: protectorasol@yahoo.es
7 new puppies from Pioz, Guadalajara, 7 nuevos cachorros de Pioz, Guadalajara Guadalajara, 07/08/2008
I have a friend who lives in the neighborhood of Pioz-prov. Guadalajara and gave the police a few days ago her 7 puppies - Pastor races-the mother of one has not been found. they are about 2 to 3 months old. they can not keep them, since they themselves have many pedigree dogs and the puppies are not vaccinated and they cry at night, which in turn harassed the neighbors. they will not release in the dog pound but the shelters are all congested. Can you help me accommodate these puppies.
I just got the photos I keep end-to-request
Thanks and greetings
Pilar Garcia Robles
lg monitor
Kontakt: juanamiedel@yahoo.com deutsch
wrote PROTECTIVE SOL : Forward this message ... Contact: PILAR GARCIA ROBLES xira04@yahoo.es
"I have a friend who lives near Pioz (province of Guadalajara) and Pokos days ago Civil Guard has been a litter of 7 puppies crossing pastor with something and the mother has not appeared. They will have about two or three months. She can not stay with them porke already have many dogs bred and they are not vaccinated and also cry at night disturbing the neighbors. Do not want to take to the pound but the protests are full. You can help me put? just send me photos that you forwarding. Thanks and regards,
Following We forward the message, pero please contact: Pilar García Robles xira04@yahoo.es
"I have a friend Who lives near Pioz (Province of Guadalajara), and A Few days ago the Civil Guard Took her a litter of seven puppies (Cross German Shepherd dog), and There is no sign of the mother. They Must Be two or three months old. She cannot keep them because she has many dogs already and these puppies have had no vaccinations, and besides, at night they cry and bother the neighbours. She doesn't want to take them to the perrera but the animal shelters are full. Can you help to find them homes? She has just sent me photos, which I forward to you. Thanks and greetings.
Asociación AAA SOL (Ayuda a Animales Abandonados SOL... Guadalajara, España)
Teléfono de AAA SOL: de 09.30 - 13.00h ó de 16.30 a 20.00h
649 943 674
páginas web: www.galeon.com/protectorasol
Cuenta bancara para donativos: La Caixa 2100 5647 87 0100052224 IBAN ES59 2100 5647
8701 0005 2224
Gracias, Thank you, Merci beaucoup, thank you!
New dogs were in the killing station near Guadalajara recorded Guadalajara, August 2, 2008
There were new dogs will be included in this horrible killing station in the province of Guadalajara. The puppies India and Africa had a sister who sadly died in the arms of an assistant, before we could go with her to the vet. We see now that the pair not at all well. You are now in the hospital for examination and for drugs Administration. If you want to know about these dogs and those poor who are now new to the killing station ...
Please get in touch with us! Contact AAA SOL PENNY ..
CASAR, LANA AND Tayson come from private owners. The former owners want to give these dogs to new owners.
The new dogs from the killing and the photos of CESAR, AND LANA Tayson:
PIN FEMALE 1p = weiblich
PON MALE = männlich
RUDI MALE = männlich
----- -------------------------
Deutsche & Spanische Kontakte:
Monica: juanamiedel@yahoo.com
Sylvia "sos4animales" admin@sos4animales.de
Guadalajara August 2, 2008
new dogs have entered in that horrible kennel in a village in the province of Guadalajara.
AFRICA and INDIA Cubs had a sister like them, but upon entering, died in the arms of a volunteer of ours, before he could go to the vet. Now they are unwell are at two veterinary clinic for diagnosis and treatment.
Find out more about these dogs or the poor who have been long in the kennel, please contact AAA SOL. Thanks (Phone and e below)
* CESAR LANA and Tayson are individuals who, by circumstances, have to offer their dogs for adoption. ---------------------
2nd August 2008 Guadalajara
New dogs Have Entered the horrible dog pound in a village in the province of Guadalajara . The puppies
AFRICA and INDIA Had a sister, the Same as Them, But Had she not sooner Than Arrived She Died in the arms of a volunteer, Before Could get a vet to see her. Now the Other Two look ill, So They Have Been taken to the veterinary clinic for diagnosis and Treatment.
If You Would like to know more about These poor dogs or The Other Things That Have Been in the dog pound for Some Time, please contact AAA SOL Thank you. (Phone number and e mail address below)
* CESAR, LANA and Tayson belong to people to give away Who Have Their Reasons for personal dogs. ------------------------
NEW! talk to us FREE via Skype. Download the program and add us as a contact (protectorasol)
Association AAA SOL (SOL Help for Abandoned Animals ... Guadalajara, Spain)
Phone AAA SUN: 09.30 - 16.30 to 1:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. 649 943 674
websites: www.galeon.com / protectorasol
www.galeon.com / protectorasoldos
bank account for donations: La Caixa 2100 5647 87 0100052224 IBAN ES59
2100 5647 8701 0005 2224
Thank you, Thank you, Merci beaucoup, Danke Schön!
Contact Penny AAA SOL: protectorasol@yahoo.es
about sending Please
The shelter in Caceres is again hopelessly overcrowded, every day, new dogs.
So now you have decided reluctantly to euthanasia.
is high on the list also Viejeto:
Viejeto is a small, quiet dog. It weighs about 8-10 kg. With female dogs he gets along well.
With males have not tried. Definitely not with cats. And also to children, he should come no better.
Viejetos owner died about 1 year. Viejeto was sent to the street where he was seen only at night, searching for food. Finally, one could catch him. However, he limps now, maybe he was hit on his nightly excursions. This is now clarified by the TA.
Viejeto is suspicious because of his experience and shy. However, it was previously used to living in the house we would certainly be glad to get back a warm, soft cookies.
Who are the sweet for a few good years?
contact with
or 01717128912
Trusky lose his home! Poor Trusky, he has to deal away from home. The farmer gave him one more week ... would not think of what will happen to him! PLEASE SAVE TRUSKY!
28th July 2008: Today Marc was a very sad phone call. Trusky MUST IMMEDIATELY WAY. It gives him enough time before the end of the week. A farmer has an interest in him, but there he will eke out the rest of his life on a chain. It gives him the owner but no further delay. It is rather as if Trusky lives with her. We suchen für Husky Trusky dringend Hilfe. Der junge Siberian Husky Rüde TRUSKY verliert sein Zuhause und es eilt sehr. Er ist am 24.06.2007 geboren und ein freundlicher, lieber, verspielter Junghund. Seine Besitzerin, eine junge Frau in Santpedor bei Sallent hatte Trusky einst für ihre zehnjährige Tochter "angeschafft", die sich aber nicht um ihn kümmert, wie sie es versprochen hatte. Die Besitzerin aber ist gelähmt und sitzt im Rollstuhl und kann Trusky nicht ausführen. Trusky ist völlig unterfordert und so hat sie sich entschieden Trusky abzugeben. Kontakt in Deutschland: Ute Arns Phone: (0049) 0 62 32-85 01 00 email: ute.arns @ web.de www.streunerhilfe katalonien.de-
Tana is za. 12 years old and lives are 10 years in a Spanish Th kennel Jul 31, 2008
Poor Tana is now za. 12 years old and lived almost 10 years ago are dying in a English shelter Twinger, please let's not there, they did not deserve
Such sad things Wuffi pain in my heart!
Good evening folks
Who knew a suitable location for this lovely dog? Please log in
Elfie Ratz, thank you Thanks!!
Please let it not die there!
The shelter in which we help is in Villena, Alicante near where there is an airport. Approximately three and a half hours away from Almeria.
Mar, where the soul from place to Tana writes:
Tana is about 12 years old, for 10 years, she sits in a kennel. It is about 60 cm. She is very calm, social and gets along with all dogs, cats and humans. Never in the 10 years she has prepared a single problem. By a hormonal imbalance, it has a terribly swollen udder, it is still sore from the hard ground and put it to the flies in the wounds and torture the dog.
added at the top, they often Wounds, because they steal it ladies kennel.
Please do not let them die.
If Tana since wegkönnte - that would be a dream. She needs something at ground level, something soft zm beds and much, much love. No Rumoperiererei but a companion on their way, no matter how long it will take time.
Contact: Heike Schmidt info@pointerseelen.de or
Elfie Ratz ratz.elfie @ wanadoo.fr
Super news, hard to believe but true, Tana has found a home! 10 years she sat in the English kennel, but now she was allowed out and coming soon to their new home, I AM SO HAPPY! July 31, 2008
emergencies, Ringo and Pacho from Madrid Ringo and Pacho
Endplätze We are looking urgently for these two dogs. Of course werdensie given separately. Please have a listen and spread this emergency!
These two dogs have kept all her life in a Madrid school
Because they do not love dogs and guard dogs, they would be replaced by a
alarm system. The means for these two killing
station from September.
He is the younger of the two, almost three years old, very sweet, cuddly
full of vitality, Joy and very playful. It comes with people of all ages
, with males, with female dogs and cats with wonderful.
Two years ago, he takes a seizure, and since then every day
3 / 4 tablet and from time to time he makes an inspection visit to the vet.
DerAnfall has not been repeated, bursting with health and a
out completely normal life. He is a really nice guy!
is for nine years, the favorite here, everyone likes him and cuddle with him.
Despite his nine years he has fully know joy and pleasure to play,
very well behaved and is just like his buddy, with large
and little people, very well with other males and females and also with cats from
. www.salvarunavida.de
Chris Brink Schroeder Heller