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PLEASED Miedl Attorney
Pleased Miedl
from "scandal judge", the free knowledge base)
Pleased Miedl, OSTA (Attorney General)
business hours: VZ / s 3145/2004 16.11.2004
criminal charge of Mrs. F. from 06/27/2004 against Mr. P. embezzlement etc., trespass ...
many people is not known to the CSU in 1949 with the Communist Party voted against the constitution and that conclusion never revised.
Mrs. F. had against Mr. P., a police officer, multiple ads from the local resident Prosecutor eingereicht, die dort alle abgewiesen wurden. Der Polizist Herr P. hatte sich eine Hausverwaltertaetigkeit in der Altbauvilla erschlichen,in der Frau F. eine Eigentumswohnung besass. Durch Angabe des falschen Berufes kam er in den Besitz der Gemeinschaftsgelder von ueber 120 000,-- DM, die er als Kontoinhaber auf seine Hausbank transferierte. Er verweigerte seit 2001 den Eigentuemern das Einsichtsrecht in saemtliche Bankbelege und Rechnungen, vergab masslos ueberteuerte Auftraege an Handwerker und lackierte in Schwarzarbeit Balkone der Villa. Dreimal stellte Frau F. fest,dass jemand in ihre Wohnung eingebrochen war.Ohrringe fehlten und in die Toiletten war uriniert worden. Am 05.09.2004 stellte Frau F. erneut einen Einbruch fest,die Balkontuere aus Holz war von innen demoliert been confirmed what the called in detectives. The official refused to carry out the crime scene, the name of the woman suspected of F. pseudo manager he did not write in his report. Already on 01/03/2003 and had a burglary occurred on the night of 09/09/2003 to 09/10/2003. Mrs. F. agreed in writing to the chief administrator of the pseudo, a police superintendent, who did not respond.
on 29.10.2004 wrote the prosecutor: "The trial was stopped because the perpetrators are not yet determined konnte.Sollte the perpetrator during the course of further investigations are known, then you will notice." Ms. F. then told the prosecutor the name of the suspect from their police with. On 12.27.2004 the prosecutor the investigation: one (case number 230 Js 39041/04) with disposal of 23.12.2004 according to § 170 subsection 2 of Code of Criminal Procedure: "Sufficient evidence for the fact that the suspect entered the apartment of the person filing the unlawful and the displayed corruption is caused, do not exist. "Oddly, the prosecutor argued that the complaint is dated 9:11:04, although the CID officers had visited the crime scene on 05/09/2004. As the time of the crime to the prosecutor gave the period from 11:08:04 to 04:09:04.
woman F.legte a complaint with the Prosecutor General's Office at the Higher Regional Court of Munich. Mr. Attorney PLEASED Miedl you wrote on 16:11:04 under above reference number as follows:
"As for the renewed charges of trespass committed by repeatedly entering the apartment of the complainant is missing, again any claim of a specific point in time is also a breach of the peace is only to a criminal complaint lodged submitted within three months have been. would be, criminal court proceedings. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the suspect may have in their agreement, and thus acted with authority as agents of the housekeeper is expected. In that regard, it was contrary to what the complainant did not sovereign as a police officer doing business. " It should be noted would be more that the wife of the policeman acted as so-called straw woman. They operated under their name Hausverwalterin.Den proprietors as she was not aware of all the property managers work led by her husband. The Stewardship is not transferable to a third person. Mrs. F. phoned nor Attorney General Pleased Miedl and told him they would reserve to inform the media.
was then in 2005 she sent a letter of the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice: "The Attorney General at the Higher Regional Court of Munich presented its top further disciplinary complaint referred to its decision of 16 November 2004 the State Ministry of Justice for consideration and decision I have the relevant transactions. I checked on the basis of documents submitted. It has no reason to a service supervisory Complaints arise. In the case of your certificates granted has therefore be content. "The fact is that trespassing in Bavaria is not punishable as a crime if a police officer is the accused. A police officer may with impunity as a private person or in his capacity as a police officer, according to OSTA Pleased Miedl trespass (Penal Code commit § 123). In the United States may at any intruder in self-defense to be shot, no one s going to prison. In Bavaria, the offense was approved trespassing or burglary of prosecutors and the attorney general quasi and justified! OSTA Pleased Miedl denied at all to say that Mr P . had been several times at the home of Mrs. F., as evidenced by his letter. The policeman, the state court untersagt wurde, sich als Hausverwalter zu betaetigen, beging fortgesetzten Hausfriedensbruch. Er betrat naemlich die Villa viereinhalb Jahre lang nach Belieben. Noch dazu war der Polizeibeamte von Herrn F. in einem Schluesselgeschaeft gesehen worden. In der Hand hielt dieser eine Liste. Die Tatsache, dass der Polizist über die 120 000,-- DM ohne Legitimation verfuegte, Provisionsschinderei betrieb, ignorierte OSTA Freutsmiedl. Frau F. erhielt am 21.1.04 einen Titel vom Landgericht Traunstein gegen die vorgebliche Hausverwalterin.Ihre Anwaelte drohten der sog. Strohfrau im April 2004 Zwangsvollstreckung an. Der Polizeibeamte entnahm der Gemeinschaftskasse noch im Mai 2005 die Gerichtskosten seiner Frau!
OSTA Freutsmiedl schrieb ausserdem am 16.11.2004: "What is the charge of embezzlement, committed by the transfer of the 120 000, - DM to the accounts of the 'Bank X' and the 'Bank Y' is concerned, the investment of funds was identified on the tax certificates of the 'Bank X' taking the name of the accused, but with the addition WAY 'XY'. a self-serving use of the money by the accused or a Vermoegensschaden the way to go under these circumstances is not close enough. " It should be noted that the officer-that even the District Court Running confirmed in the civil action against the alleged caretaker and the District Court of Traunstein, by order, 21.1.2005, was steward at any time and therefore the money at all from the bank received should not have also would have to a property manager to create a trust account for the Wohnungseigentuemergemeinschaft, this conceals OSTA PLEASED Miedl. Likewise, the owner is a huge Vermoegensschaden has arisen, for not even the interest rates of 80 000, - DM they got to be refunded, they had a special assessment for roof renovation saved up for years, and according to the decision must be had invested zinsguenstig. OSTA Pleased Miedl has euphemize also FRAUD (s.StGB § 263) the police officers. BREACH OF TRUST (s.StGB § 266) may be not at all because the man was illegally in possession of the money! Was entitled to see the owner at no time the bills and bank statements of joint accounts, although a legally guaranteed right to inspect is (§ had applied for 259 BGB), the woman at the Bank of F. policemen. OSTA Pleased Miedl ignored this important evidence. The bank wrote in January 2002 a letter following content to Mrs. F.: "If you require information about an account do you have to first contact the account holder of this we must give opposite in writing the agreement then you can use everything.. information obtained. In a letter to Mr. P., we will demand that consent. "That was the OSTA Pleased Miedl known! The state court Traunstein required accounts of the years 2001 to 2004 are not available today on 05/03/2006 still! Because of the title of the district court, the lawyers threatened to initiate enforcement (§ 887 ZPO). Mrs. F. be desired for evidence that the common fund more than 120 000, - DM were. The officer has therefore stolen money and the owners in 2001 indicated a false takeover sum, in December 2003 still had the cop from 612.56 € brave woman surreptitiously reason, when he threatened to initiate the payment procedure as well as coercive measures. OSTA Pleased Miedl was known. Conclusion: A Bavarian in Bavaria POLICEMAN gets away with almost anything if determined OSTA Pleased Miedl, which in turn the support of the Bay. Justice Department ist.Ueber certainly the other participating state attorney will be reported separately, as well as about Seichter judge of the district court running, which is known to the police as a couple and biased judges awarded the decision by officials of the foreign funds in November 2004, although the Verwaltertaetigkeit the straw woman was terminated on 31.12.2004. The pseudo administrator has driven Mr. and Mrs. F. from her apartment, she fled from Bavaria, the Caritas advised them to immediately emigrate. It was too dangerous to face in this country against a police officer, was the terse comment. What does it mean for a country in which the secret police sneak through the houses of innocent people and spying on? We had that once! Not a single lawyer wanted to represent Ms. F., two lawyers, clients committing treason and refused to take action against the policemen. The Bay. Government claims that the policeman Nebentaetigkeitsgenehmigung.Der have a man did not even have a business license, and the Hausverwaltertaetigkeit not part of the canon of approved other jobs. The three judges at the district court were outraged because a police officer in the. Rule of law works as a caretaker. If this police officer from the Bay. Government used as a spy? Mr. P. asked Mrs. F. and her husband to leave home and country. This is clearly expulsion, has been involved in the OSTA Pleased Miedl. Expulsion is a human rights violation! The Bay. Premier Dr.Stoiber and Bay.Innenminister Dr.Beckstein were by two of Ms F. supervision complaints informed about the case and did nothing.
Pleased Miedl
from "scandal judge", the free knowledge base)
Pleased Miedl, OSTA (Attorney General)
business hours: VZ / s 3145/2004 16.11.2004
criminal charge of Mrs. F. from 06/27/2004 against Mr. P. embezzlement etc., trespass ...
many people is not known to the CSU in 1949 with the Communist Party voted against the constitution and that conclusion never revised.
Mrs. F. had against Mr. P., a police officer, multiple ads from the local resident Prosecutor eingereicht, die dort alle abgewiesen wurden. Der Polizist Herr P. hatte sich eine Hausverwaltertaetigkeit in der Altbauvilla erschlichen,in der Frau F. eine Eigentumswohnung besass. Durch Angabe des falschen Berufes kam er in den Besitz der Gemeinschaftsgelder von ueber 120 000,-- DM, die er als Kontoinhaber auf seine Hausbank transferierte. Er verweigerte seit 2001 den Eigentuemern das Einsichtsrecht in saemtliche Bankbelege und Rechnungen, vergab masslos ueberteuerte Auftraege an Handwerker und lackierte in Schwarzarbeit Balkone der Villa. Dreimal stellte Frau F. fest,dass jemand in ihre Wohnung eingebrochen war.Ohrringe fehlten und in die Toiletten war uriniert worden. Am 05.09.2004 stellte Frau F. erneut einen Einbruch fest,die Balkontuere aus Holz war von innen demoliert been confirmed what the called in detectives. The official refused to carry out the crime scene, the name of the woman suspected of F. pseudo manager he did not write in his report. Already on 01/03/2003 and had a burglary occurred on the night of 09/09/2003 to 09/10/2003. Mrs. F. agreed in writing to the chief administrator of the pseudo, a police superintendent, who did not respond.
on 29.10.2004 wrote the prosecutor: "The trial was stopped because the perpetrators are not yet determined konnte.Sollte the perpetrator during the course of further investigations are known, then you will notice." Ms. F. then told the prosecutor the name of the suspect from their police with. On 12.27.2004 the prosecutor the investigation: one (case number 230 Js 39041/04) with disposal of 23.12.2004 according to § 170 subsection 2 of Code of Criminal Procedure: "Sufficient evidence for the fact that the suspect entered the apartment of the person filing the unlawful and the displayed corruption is caused, do not exist. "Oddly, the prosecutor argued that the complaint is dated 9:11:04, although the CID officers had visited the crime scene on 05/09/2004. As the time of the crime to the prosecutor gave the period from 11:08:04 to 04:09:04.
woman F.legte a complaint with the Prosecutor General's Office at the Higher Regional Court of Munich. Mr. Attorney PLEASED Miedl you wrote on 16:11:04 under above reference number as follows:
"As for the renewed charges of trespass committed by repeatedly entering the apartment of the complainant is missing, again any claim of a specific point in time is also a breach of the peace is only to a criminal complaint lodged submitted within three months have been. would be, criminal court proceedings. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the suspect may have in their agreement, and thus acted with authority as agents of the housekeeper is expected. In that regard, it was contrary to what the complainant did not sovereign as a police officer doing business. " It should be noted would be more that the wife of the policeman acted as so-called straw woman. They operated under their name Hausverwalterin.Den proprietors as she was not aware of all the property managers work led by her husband. The Stewardship is not transferable to a third person. Mrs. F. phoned nor Attorney General Pleased Miedl and told him they would reserve to inform the media.
was then in 2005 she sent a letter of the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice: "The Attorney General at the Higher Regional Court of Munich presented its top further disciplinary complaint referred to its decision of 16 November 2004 the State Ministry of Justice for consideration and decision I have the relevant transactions. I checked on the basis of documents submitted. It has no reason to a service supervisory Complaints arise. In the case of your certificates granted has therefore be content. "The fact is that trespassing in Bavaria is not punishable as a crime if a police officer is the accused. A police officer may with impunity as a private person or in his capacity as a police officer, according to OSTA Pleased Miedl trespass (Penal Code commit § 123). In the United States may at any intruder in self-defense to be shot, no one s going to prison. In Bavaria, the offense was approved trespassing or burglary of prosecutors and the attorney general quasi and justified! OSTA Pleased Miedl denied at all to say that Mr P . had been several times at the home of Mrs. F., as evidenced by his letter. The policeman, the state court untersagt wurde, sich als Hausverwalter zu betaetigen, beging fortgesetzten Hausfriedensbruch. Er betrat naemlich die Villa viereinhalb Jahre lang nach Belieben. Noch dazu war der Polizeibeamte von Herrn F. in einem Schluesselgeschaeft gesehen worden. In der Hand hielt dieser eine Liste. Die Tatsache, dass der Polizist über die 120 000,-- DM ohne Legitimation verfuegte, Provisionsschinderei betrieb, ignorierte OSTA Freutsmiedl. Frau F. erhielt am 21.1.04 einen Titel vom Landgericht Traunstein gegen die vorgebliche Hausverwalterin.Ihre Anwaelte drohten der sog. Strohfrau im April 2004 Zwangsvollstreckung an. Der Polizeibeamte entnahm der Gemeinschaftskasse noch im Mai 2005 die Gerichtskosten seiner Frau!
OSTA Freutsmiedl schrieb ausserdem am 16.11.2004: "What is the charge of embezzlement, committed by the transfer of the 120 000, - DM to the accounts of the 'Bank X' and the 'Bank Y' is concerned, the investment of funds was identified on the tax certificates of the 'Bank X' taking the name of the accused, but with the addition WAY 'XY'. a self-serving use of the money by the accused or a Vermoegensschaden the way to go under these circumstances is not close enough. " It should be noted that the officer-that even the District Court Running confirmed in the civil action against the alleged caretaker and the District Court of Traunstein, by order, 21.1.2005, was steward at any time and therefore the money at all from the bank received should not have also would have to a property manager to create a trust account for the Wohnungseigentuemergemeinschaft, this conceals OSTA PLEASED Miedl. Likewise, the owner is a huge Vermoegensschaden has arisen, for not even the interest rates of 80 000, - DM they got to be refunded, they had a special assessment for roof renovation saved up for years, and according to the decision must be had invested zinsguenstig. OSTA Pleased Miedl has euphemize also FRAUD (s.StGB § 263) the police officers. BREACH OF TRUST (s.StGB § 266) may be not at all because the man was illegally in possession of the money! Was entitled to see the owner at no time the bills and bank statements of joint accounts, although a legally guaranteed right to inspect is (§ had applied for 259 BGB), the woman at the Bank of F. policemen. OSTA Pleased Miedl ignored this important evidence. The bank wrote in January 2002 a letter following content to Mrs. F.: "If you require information about an account do you have to first contact the account holder of this we must give opposite in writing the agreement then you can use everything.. information obtained. In a letter to Mr. P., we will demand that consent. "That was the OSTA Pleased Miedl known! The state court Traunstein required accounts of the years 2001 to 2004 are not available today on 05/03/2006 still! Because of the title of the district court, the lawyers threatened to initiate enforcement (§ 887 ZPO). Mrs. F. be desired for evidence that the common fund more than 120 000, - DM were. The officer has therefore stolen money and the owners in 2001 indicated a false takeover sum, in December 2003 still had the cop from 612.56 € brave woman surreptitiously reason, when he threatened to initiate the payment procedure as well as coercive measures. OSTA Pleased Miedl was known. Conclusion: A Bavarian in Bavaria POLICEMAN gets away with almost anything if determined OSTA Pleased Miedl, which in turn the support of the Bay. Justice Department ist.Ueber certainly the other participating state attorney will be reported separately, as well as about Seichter judge of the district court running, which is known to the police as a couple and biased judges awarded the decision by officials of the foreign funds in November 2004, although the Verwaltertaetigkeit the straw woman was terminated on 31.12.2004. The pseudo administrator has driven Mr. and Mrs. F. from her apartment, she fled from Bavaria, the Caritas advised them to immediately emigrate. It was too dangerous to face in this country against a police officer, was the terse comment. What does it mean for a country in which the secret police sneak through the houses of innocent people and spying on? We had that once! Not a single lawyer wanted to represent Ms. F., two lawyers, clients committing treason and refused to take action against the policemen. The Bay. Government claims that the policeman Nebentaetigkeitsgenehmigung.Der have a man did not even have a business license, and the Hausverwaltertaetigkeit not part of the canon of approved other jobs. The three judges at the district court were outraged because a police officer in the. Rule of law works as a caretaker. If this police officer from the Bay. Government used as a spy? Mr. P. asked Mrs. F. and her husband to leave home and country. This is clearly expulsion, has been involved in the OSTA Pleased Miedl. Expulsion is a human rights violation! The Bay. Premier Dr.Stoiber and Bay.Innenminister Dr.Beckstein were by two of Ms F. supervision complaints informed about the case and did nothing.
Monday, February 19, 2007
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